Canuck Pinboard


Wait, what? You guys have racial profiling in Canada. Do those cops think they’re Americans? I thought Canada was years AHEAD of us (the U.S.) in sociological policies. This saddens me a bit

Salutations Cobra50,

Another chicken & egg enigma: does racial profiling contribute in making bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionism even worse or is it the other way around?..

Only Victorian-age bigots could believe that, since at least 1890 in my province.

In Alberta this “Famous-5” bitch acted as a juge of the juvenile court while having elitist beliefs justifying eugenism ideology

The spiral seems to never end:

SRC: La Ville de MontrĂ©al poursuivie pour l’utilisation d’une « force dĂ©mesurĂ©e » lors d’une intervention policiĂšre (2018-Feb-7)

« Le document vidĂ©o d’un peu plus de quatre minutes a Ă©tĂ© remis par le tĂ©moin de la scĂšne Ă  Will Prosper, ancien agent de la GRC et militant des droits de la personne

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves who’s behind reporting the news, how and why. In this present case the journalist failed to “educate” us by highlighting what context brings Will Propser around. For example:

Amir Khadir et Will Prosper dĂ©noncent l’opacitĂ© de la consultation sur la discrimination systĂ©mique

SRC: Amir Khadir et Will Prosper dĂ©noncent l’opacitĂ© de la consultation sur la discrimination systĂ©mique (2017-Sep-13)

« Will Prosper a Ă©tĂ© parmi les premiers Ă  rĂ©clamer la tenue d’une commission sur le racisme et la discrimination systĂ©mique. »

Which says that mister Prosper has been demanding for a commission on systemic discrimination quite of early, that he’s well informed on police brutality cases targetting a same group (see Villanueva/Bony cases), etc.

The news we get are deliberately disconnected from their context and each other, TrudeauMania is in control: Divide & Conquer

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

Or Americans hoping that there is an actual enlightened country out there. Americans that see Canada’s steps to legalizing cannabis and Canada’s willingness to take on immigrants, while their neighbors to the south are trying eliminate immigrants, unless, of course, the immigrants are white, speak English, and are people of means. Now you tell me that can’t even hold that hope.

Now I’m much sadder. :disappointed:

But, at least you don’t have trump running your country, so for that, I’ll remain a little optimistic. :neutral_face:

Good and good grow to you as well.

14 posts were merged into an existing topic: President Trump needs to get Stoned!


About the qualifications of our Canuck “snowboard instructor”:

  • Actually managed being hired to play as an actor (e.g. he’s got a natural LIAR talent and that’s proof!)

  • Would seek a path of armed confrontation if not engaged into politics, presently doing both

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


Trump’s declared bankruptcy 6 times, ripping off his investors and creditors, that would be like a snowboard instructor that leads his students off a cliff! :smile:

Also Trump looks like an orangutan’s bare ass
why couldn’t the oligarchs have picked someone better?

1 Like

Salutation everybody,

About judging actions in the Orwellian world of planet Itnoc:

In The Name Of Children

Now may be just the right time to highlight the most basic reference below:

We will legalize, regulate, and RESTRICT ACCESS to marijuana.

Canada’s current system of marijuana prohibition does not work. It does not prevent young people from using marijuana and too many Canadians end up with criminal records for possessing small amounts of the drug.

Arresting and prosecuting these offenses is expensive for our criminal justice system. It traps too many Canadians in the criminal justice system for minor, non-violent offenses. At the same time, the proceeds from the illegal drug trade support organized crime and greater threats to public safety, like human trafficking and hard drugs.

To ensure that we keep marijuana out of the hands of children, and the profits out of the hands of criminals, we will legalize, regulate, and restrict access to marijuana.

We will remove marijuana consumption and incidental possession from the Criminal Code, and create new, stronger laws to punish more severely those who provide it to minors, those who operate a motor vehicle while under its influence, and those who sell it outside of the new regulatory framework.

We will create a federal/provincial/territorial task force, and with input from experts in public health, substance abuse, and law enforcement, will design a new system of strict marijuana sales and distribution, with appropriate federal and provincial excise taxes applied.​

Remember: « RESTRICT ACCESS ».

Personally i believe this text is a formal pre-electoral engagement defining the bare minimum acceptable (depending heavily on what part!), unfortunately we’ll progressively have to regret these most ambivalent manners as 2019 gets closer

So it’s no wonder Dana Larsen repeated his plead asking for apologies from this present Canadian government - and i happen to share such opinion myself: there can NOT be an end to this war (“on Drugs”
) until those who failed their duty, to Canuck youth and our nation, finally agree to repair an error of the past which legally belongs to federal Liberals anyway, starting with Henri-SĂ©vĂ©rin BĂ©land in 1923, actually. But the thing is they’d need to recognize their own political heritage 1st and i noticed Justin much prefers rejecting the blame and put it on USA’s Nixon era instead!

Screen of smoke, ZERO courage where it counts

In any case, This is the Canuck PinBoard indeed and there was supposed to be content also addressed to a French-speaking audience, or at least members who don’t mind about that language barrier.

Maybe it would also help ease the climate by refocussing our attention away from Ottawa, if that’s possible
 For example the quality of mass-media press degraded seriously in my province over the years and i’ve found a nearly-perfect illustration of that, with a pair of international “expert$”/“speçiali$ts” providing some “scientific” background (low-profile style, in the generic)

It’s a TV “vulgarization” show seen on QuĂ©bec’s collective TV recently that appears to seek some “intellectual” audience, as one might comment:

The title announces that teenagers at risk of experiencing psychosis got a different brain and it shows up using magnetic resonance - no mention of cannabis so far, but it will come! Euh

It turns out Tomas Paus and Marie-HĂ©lĂšne GrosBras (who both registered on ResearchGate) have a negative bias against “marijuana”. Juge by yourselves:

[ How cannabis use affects brains of male teenagers with high genetic risk for schizophrenia ]
How cannabis use affects brains of male teenagers with high genetic risk for schizophrenia (2015-Aug-27)

« Given the solid epidemiologic evidence supporting a link between cannabis exposure during adolescence and schizophrenia, we investigated
 » (Tomas Paus)

[ ]
Animation scolaire sur le thĂšme “LES SAVANTURIERS DU CERVEAU” (Marie-HĂ©lĂšne GrosBras)

E.G. speaking of cannabis triggering “addictions” and even schizophrenia, no mentions of the consumption tool nor of any multi-intoxication context

So, lets consider how it deviates, initially asking « Comment savoir si un adolescent est à risque de psychose? », or how do we know when a teenager is at risk of psychosis?..

Which i gathered to simply mean the “scientifics” still don’t really know, yet. But that detail won’t matter after all!..

« La psychose: c’est une perte de contact temporaire avec la rĂ©alitĂ©, ça survient gĂ©nĂ©ralement au dĂ©but d’l’ñge adulte et il y AURAIT des signes prĂ©curseurs dĂšs l’adolescence. » (Pierre Chastenay @ 7:58)

 My dreams can feel exactly like his description at times, does it render people mental-sick to dream as i do? Now how about dreaming like this while never consuming cannabis?? Etc
 Perhaps mister Chastenay got a bit too vague, which i find understandable - but still sloppy.

Fine, the error is human. Too bad it’s kind of contagious as we’ll observe next.

The editorial presents us a psychiatry “doctorate” who works at the Sainte-Justine (CHU) Mother & Child University Hospital Center. This is a statement from the journalist who interviewed her:

« Les premiers Ă©pisodes apparaissent gĂ©nĂ©ralement entre 18 et 25 ans, mais il EXISTERAIT des signes avant-coureur qui peuvent apparaĂźtre dĂšs l’adolescence. » (Marianne Desautels-Marissal @ 8:30)

It translates as a declaration about preliminary episodes occuring between 18 ~ 25 years old, completed with a mitigating conditional provision

The interviewed doctorate later comments:

« La psychose, ou la forme chronique d’la psychose qui est la schyzophrĂ©nie, c’est une maladie trĂšs invalidante, y’a beaucoup d’symptĂŽmes, euh

C’est tellement invalidant que la pluspart des gens ont d’la misĂšre Ă  s’trouver un emploi. Y’a beaucoup d’dĂ©crochage scolaire
 » (Josiane Bourque @ 8:40)

« Notre objectif c’est d’itentifier le plus tĂŽt possible si y’a des marqueurs, si y’a des indicateurs chez les adolescents qui peuvent nous aider Ă  prĂ©dire ou Ă  indiquer qu’y a un
ces gens-lĂ  vont ĂȘtre vulnĂ©rables, ou y’a un risque de psychose. »(Josiane Bourque @ 9:07)

In other words:

Psychosis, or schizophrenia if it’s chronic, is a desease which handicaps greatly, with multiple symptoms
 So badly most guys can hardly find a job. There are many school drops
 Our goal is to determine if there are bio-markers, if there are hints in teenagers that would help to foresee/predict vulnerabilities, if/when at risk of psychosis.

Then the journalist takes over:

« On peut parler d’expĂ©rience psychotique attĂ©nuĂ©e, c’est-Ă -dire qu’elles sont de faible intensitĂ©, de courte durĂ©e, et qu’elles pourraient indiquer des psychoses Ă  venir - mais j’ai bien dit “POURRAIENT”, parce que des expĂ©riences de c’type-lĂ  y’a 15 % des adolescents qui en vivent et ça veut pas nĂ©cessairement dire qu’y vont dĂ©velopper des psychoses
 » (Marianne Desautels-Marissal @ 9:28)

We can discuss attenuated psychotic experiences, e.g. light ones of short duration that might announce more to come, though take note it’s only a conditional formulation because 15 % of teenagers go through such experiences and this still doesn’t necessarily imply they’ll develop psychosis.

Followed by:

le groupe qui rapportait plus d’expĂ©riences psychotiques prĂ©sentait une sur-activitĂ© d’une rĂ©gion de notre systĂšme limbique, dans notre cerveau: l’amygdale. » (Josiane Bourque @ 11:30)

Apparently the good doctorate found that the study group reporting the most numerous psychotic experiences showed over-activity in a location of the brain’s limbic system: the amygdale.

And boom:

« Quand on Ă©tudie la psychose y’a un facteur qui r’vient souvent: c’est la consommation d’cannabis.

On sait par exemple que l’cannabis peut dĂ©clencher une premiĂšre psychose chez les adultes qui souffrent de schyzophrĂ©nie
 » (Marianne Desautels-Marissal @ 11:31)

When we study psychosis there’s a factor which keeps popping up often: that’s cannabis consumption, she said. Etc., etc.

Refering to more “science” for support:

« Les jeunes, prĂšs d’ 7 ~ 8 % des jeunes qui rapportaient de plus en plus d’expĂ©riences psychotiques attĂ©nuĂ©es au secondaire, Ă  l’adolescence, on voit que leur consommation est vraiment parallĂšle Ă  ces expĂ©riences-lĂ . Fait qu’les 2 phĂ©nomĂšnes vont Ă©voluer pis, vont, euh
 croĂźtre, finallement, de façon parallĂšle. » (Josiane Bourque @ 13:43)

That’s the crunchy part because an average viewer might easily fall for it and never criticize such dishonest juxtapositions. For example, one of the questions supposed to detect psychosis signs read like this:

« As-tu déjà pensé que tu étais suivi(e) ou épié(e)? »

Meaning: ever felt followed or observed?..

Which sounds particularily vague IMO (once more)!


Eventually auditors who were suitably prepared will be ready to receive the “piĂšce de rĂ©sistance”:

« Pour l’instant c’est presqu’impossible de savoir si ces jeunes-lĂ  consomment parce qu’y ont des symptĂŽmes, ou si y ont des symptĂŽmes parce qu’y ont consommĂ© d’la drogue.

C’est vraiment un cas d’loeuf ou la poule
 » (Marianne Desautels-Marissal @ 14:02)

Reading it i had to retry again and again but the simple truth is that the young journalist just defused a wet bomb, pre-emptively
 Either they consume as a result of their symptoms, either the symptoms result from intoxication she comments - go figure!

Clever self-serving bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist making a dime on it:

Meanwhile doctorate Josiane Bourque can’t/won’t garanty her “biomarker” will “save” 100 % of those alledged 8 % vulnerable teenager populations (2000 and 4000 samples respectively, as i recall) she considers “at risk” of experiencing psychosis and/or even schizophrenia. Alternately, i garanty such obvious propaganda does/will fuel additional stigma, right now and everytime it’s broadcasted again.

So who’s speaking on OUR behalf, hey??


No problemo, the host feels compelled to conclude in these terms:

« Ça va dev’nir un problĂšme de plus en plus important parce que si l’cannabis devient lĂ©gal, comme c’est prĂ©vu bientĂŽt, bin
ça va ĂȘtre plus facilement accessible, y risque d’y avoir plus de problĂšmes associĂ©s Ă  ça, donc faut Ă©tudier la question! » (Pierre Chastenay @ 14:50)

That means he thinks it will become an ever-growing problem because if cannabis is made legal as planned then it shall be easier to access soon and hence there will be more associated problems, so this must be studied further, he says

Which brings me back to my referal about the Liberal’s 2015 political platform:

We will legalize, regulate, and RESTRICT ACCESS to marijuana.

In other words the TV gurus pretending to “inform” the populace should be more careful abusing such mass-media visibility. The “lĂ©galeezation” of Trudeau is NOT planned to ease access for vulnerable kids and i trust him on that. So what’s the fear mongering for? If not make an easy dime on it, In The Name Of Children


This, my friends, is the nightmarish reality of QuĂ©bec’s typical “educative” approach these days. Distortions multiply without ever raising true significant challenge: bigots rule much the same as under Harper before

Sorry but i bet the only way out of this is a REFERENDUM, euh
 M’well, on the decriminalization AND legalization of cannabis this time, but not before we get a fair commission with room for ALL Canuck opinions.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


this “psychosis” stuff is awful! What a complete load of horse manure!!

I’ve been surprised in the last 2 years at what’s happening in Maine and Quebec. Both places were big weed areas, with some of the most support for legalization and also tons of commercial and home growing. But as we got close to legalization, the establishment has suddenly turned extremely hostile.

It would be outrageous, and unrealistic, to ban home growing in Quebec. Montreal is one of the biggest weed cities in the world, in my experience. It’s practically Amsterdam.

@Egzoset, I hope I haven’t offended you as well. If I’d have known my one-liner about snowboard instructor vs. reality tv star was going to end up insulting anyone here, I’d’ve kept it to myself.

After reading what I could of your posts (my high school French is so rusty I could only understand about 20-25% of the news articles), I see the expression “the grass is always greener on the other side” once again rings true for me. It apparently, while our nations gov’ts. have different problems, each one’s problems are still larger than life.

I am looking forward to visiting you beautiful country again while I am still above ground. I’ve been there about a half dozen times and have found fewer examples of really nice people anywhere. This is probably another very big reason I thought you guys had it better there, everyone is so nice there. The only places you find that in America is small towns.

Have a good tomorrow

Salutations Cobra50,

Nope, actually i don’t know why the apprehension. The film is a fact of life, it exists. Just like the sequence of events i keep refering to since Harper, starting with UNGASS 2016 where it would have been most appropriate to announce that cannabis needs to be simply removed from the schedule, inherited from QuĂ©bec’s “CĂ©dule” in the “Loi de Pharmacie” of 1885: the raw model of Canada’s national ban and even the 1925 Geneva Opium Convention i’d argue. We may disagree but there’s nothing there that should sound shocking, much less offensive.

Anyway a single member as myself doesn’t have the resources nor the time & energy to expose in full details what we get a glimpse at once in a while, while zapping around, between a handful local airborne (ATSC) channels as far as i’m personally concerned, because TV propaganda turned so twisted and sickening i couldn’t but cancelled cable TV as a result. Somehow it spares my serenity to think at least i’m not paying for institutionalized hate speech.

Greener neighbour grass doesn’t apply this time, Boni Jean-Pierre is still dead and the court case of SPVM-GTi agent Christian Gilbert still made no echoes after last August
 From now on, on the land of cap’tain Itnoc, we can assume it’s OKay to KILL for 8 oz not even our own, since no repercussions emerged from this HOMICIDE by POLICE.

I can accept that bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists are quick to bury it but the thing is i don’t know what political party i can vote next time, provincially nor federally. Jack Layton is no more and the rest of Canada rejected Thomas Mulcair for motives which plain elude me, considering we’re on the opposite sides of a fence. I certainly can’t vote Conservative after hoping for Harper to be struck by a comet or something. Liberals are the other side of a same dime and it seems Elizabeth May is clueless
 At QuĂ©bec’s level the loi #44 of Lucie Charlebois revealed a most hostile landscape and whatever the news add up it all makes me feel like a jew in Hitler’s Germany
 Oh, i don’t mean they’ll gas us, but i don’t want to be tagged and catalogued as if i were a dangerous wild animal.

After a while there are heavy silences which are made as significant as the noise around, observe the paths politicians won’t walk and then a pattern shall emerge that shows what’s not to be expected and hence where the lies reside.

The perpetuated “lĂ©galeezed” gang bashing on cannabis consumers has to stop, it’s not good enough to get a legal “fix”; the price of what’s on the table these days is beyond reson and it’s absolutely wrong expecting that cost to continue being paid by many generations to come, In The Name Of Children!

I can’t stand it. Constitutionally my right to self-grow CBD cannabis outranks any bigot right to bad-mouth us, persecute us as an option, and soon over-tax us after poisoning us with mari-caca financed by a company declaring its revenues in the Caïman island.

The Liberals of Justin MiniHarper Trudeau wrote it in clear: “incidental possession”. And the way it’s evolving i’d say it’s going to be incidental indeed, depending on social status and cash
 No joy there.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


Salutations MuleSkinner,

I don’t know about Maine but i wish more people could see something ain’t right in QuĂ©bec, like cracks in TrudeauMania paint

Yes, and the oppositions too. That’s why i’m hoping for a referendum now, to by-pass bigot anti-cannabic lobbies which have taken our institutions over.

It’s very real for me nonetheless. A few years ago i was denied proper medical attention for mentioning cannabis after an asthma attack: i was sent to waste time with people in distress, locked in the hospital’s coo-coo nest
 Yet the operation did cost real money i’m sure. Not to mention the denial was erroneously based on “anxiety”, a close relative of “psychosis” and “schizophrenia” i guess.

It made the news a long while ago. Scare TV loves it, CORPIQ members want their turn targeting “stoner$”/“droÿé$”, employers talk about testing and i’m ready to bet the piss industry awaits in a corner. Shame! Shame

What’s void gets filled, eventually, while we’re systematically kept away. A “lĂ©galeezation” performed only to please non-consumers is unrealistic indeed but still on it’s way in both parliaments - otherwise Canada would repel UN’s socio-toxic treaties and that should be fine. Instead the rights of our family core gets more and more subjected to the rights of total strangers who make a dime on it. Maybe the Emery couple are having fun in the Vancouver climate, good for them. Here: vilification promisses every corner. Quite frankly i fail to see any incentives to party when QuĂ©bekers can’t even grow on their own private/inaccessible balconies. Then to think the abuses of the past will repeat indefinitely happens to upset me seriously, time to toke!..

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


none of it makes any sense, people in Montreal already grow cannabis on their balconies. That sucks about the hospital, I have asthma as well. I usually don’t mention cannabis to the doctors, I’m afraid it distracts them from whatever problem I want them focusing on. Most US doctors seems like sociopaths to me anyway, I tell them as little as possible.

If the authorities are so worried about the people how come they let them drink those 10% beers like “Fin du Monde” without any objections??? that is the real danger in Quebec :smile:


Hi again MuleSkinner,

Absolutely correct, it doesn’t, and more non-sense keeps pouring in i’m afraid. For example:

Global News: Canadian government aims to flush out marijuana usage stats with wastewater study (2018-Feb-12)

wastewater in “perhaps 15 or 20” municipalities across the country will be tested on a monthly basis for “cannabis metabolites” and unnamed “other drugs.” »

« “It’s really important to start with good baseline data,” said former Toronto police chief Bill Blair, who is now parliamentary secretary to the minister of justice. »

detect short-term trends and geographic patterns. »

 Got to wonder what did TrudeauManiacs thought drones were for!

As for cultivating on balconies in Montreal that’s eluding the most fundamental issues completely. The fact remains that doing so will be an invitation for nuisible neighbours to provide anonymous hints to police so you get caught red-handed, doing mandatory prison for a handful plants supposed to last a full year

With 12 CDSA moddifications performed under Trudeau, so far (
), there’s reason to expect that “Civil Asset Forfeiture” was perfected, that new powers have been given to police, doctors, therapists, nurses
 Or just to talk money i’d expect nearly Ÿ of a billion dollars got voted to fund this so-called “lĂ©galeezation” while a simple removal of cannabic substances from the “schedule” putting it at the same level as tobacco and/or alcohol should have worked just fine without the astronomical expense. But self-serving bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist job$ would have been put to risk and Justin made himself clear at UNGASS 2016 after all:

The fact is that cannabis should be treated commercially like a dietary supplement, which means it should be open for inter-provincial trade, bidirectionally/reciprocally as much as possible.

I don’t care what i can walk away with and hope not being effectively prejudiced for, re-testing my luck indefinitely. The fact is that there is a predatory economy which once belonged to “organized crime” that is being transfered to a government elected by a minority of the Canadian population - at the hands of an old CORRUPT party worn off by power over time
 What i want is our dignity back plus the termination of all governmental TV propaganda paid by public money - which pisses me off genuinely.

But their sick cynical irony really becomes obvious only when we start questioning those very same bases that were used to justify the present “lĂ©galeezation” masquerade: protecting children while weakening criminals. Because it’s the other way around in a house of distortion mirrors, on planet Itnoc: THEY ARE the CRIMINALS, made legal eventually.

I’m ready to bet that one of those CDSA changes which everyone seems to meticulously avoid mentioning actually opened the door to many more permanent forms of prejudice, blindly inflicted with next to zero accountability, including to vulnerable minors submited to damaging trauma, from irresponsible/immature 3rd-party sorcerer apprentice interventions (in panic) when it comes to cannabis. My fear is that families will be destroyed and hence children as well, to “protect” them from the “harm” of Trudeau’s mari-caca. Now consider the news that never attract our attention for a failure of mass-media to correctly inform the population
 One more example:

[ ]
WS: Media Release: Canada Government Funding Narconon Incorporated (2018-Jan-21)

« One of David Miscavige’s Scientology entities in Canada, Narconon Incorporated, filed their 2016 income tax statement as receiving $54,953 from the federal government. It appears they have utilized a funding program delivered by Health Canada that supports non-governmental organizations and key stakeholders to strengthen responses to drug and substance use issues. »

So you see it’s just not enough for me that i might escape the heavy armed-hand of justice over a windowsil home-culture when i know for a fact that government uses public money to support a religious sect which caused durable prejudice to its “re-hab” client$

By the way, lets refresh this other puzzling sequence of events while public-funded Scientology is on the menu:
This is senator Jean Lapointe, founder of “La Maison Jean Lapointe”, making the news in QuĂ©bec last year.

Keeping this in mind have a look at this:

[ ]
Anonymous Montréal: Les politiciens canadiens se font aussi berner par la scientologie. (2e partie) [2009-Oct-4]


Canadian politicians also get tricked by scientology - part 2
 Though personally i’d be more worried that they tricked us!

Didn’t english Canada ever hear of Narconon vs Scientology or is it a language barrier issue considering this event occured in Trois-Riviùres/Qc?..

[ ]
SRC: Narconon a floué et maltraité des patients, selon la Commission des droits de la personne (2014-Apr-14)

How come Trudeau’s “expert$”/“speçiali$ts” ignore these proven facts if not to VILIFY all things cannabis-related, including “stoner$”/“droÿé$” who constitute the true harvest in this despicable plot designed to keep it out of the hands of children (and a lot of decent adults as well) while undermining “criminal” parallel economies threatening a monopoly which simply can’t exist should cannabis ever fall under laws which apply to dietary supplements instead!!

Sorry but the « Divide to Conquer » strategy of Ottawa is successful distracting us from the true problems. If i had happened to belong with TrudeauManiacs i might be able to dream of a sunny Canuck land, for many generations to come. Too bad it’s pure dirty politics in a country where even the political structures proved in need for a major reform.

Honestly it hurts bad to think that those holier-than-you gurus with actual access to knowledge and power are the worse socio-toxic elements of all. Their futile agendas inspire me a profound despise considering that this should equally come with superior responsabilities that cannot be expect of ordinary citizens. Yet the fact that the bigots won’t walk the path and learn from their very own vile mistakes (as tragic as murder in disguise) repeatedly confirms they don’t know when to stop, as they’re not even aware their rights do not include hurting others in a durable fashion + make a dime on it (!), using FAKE justifications to top it all.

Which once briefly put concatenates as additional/improved VILIFICATION. In The Name Of Children!

Nothing in common with playing cat & mouse while deadly para-military police is the opponent, really. The attack is not only personal, it’s becoming global more and more, in preparation of a CULTURAL GENOCIDE justifying stigmatization and so much more! Anyway i seriously doubt it’s any comfort for elders who never enjoyed those games for teenagers legally non responsible - so far
 But it’s OKay to sacrifice fragments of society on planet Itnoc i guess

Making sense now?

Sorry if i sound a bit upset, it’s not personal. These topics make me boil inside, that’s all.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


Hi again everybody!

A moment of good humour is most welcome once in a while, so here’s some rare gem i just couldn’t ignore any further:

CTV: Officers wrongly told teens that pot causes ‘enhanced mammary growth in men’ (2018-Feb-18)

« We’re no health experts, but we’re pretty sure getting high does not cause enhanced mammary growth in men. » (York Regional Police Service spokeswoman Const. Laura Nicolle)

erroneous information was included in a presentation by officers for high school students last week. »

M’yep! And i got a fair hint where it came from exactly. Anyone speaking French who remembers Richard BĂ©langer speaking as “expert”/“specialist” on a pseudo-science TV show in Harper days??

SRC: Quels sont les effets du cannabis sur le cerveau des adolescents? (2014-Nov-10)

That’s the same guy who resurfaced in January, complaining about THC % while ignoring THC/CBD ratio:

(see previous post in same mega-thread)

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


Aujourd’hui y’avait une sĂ©ance de commission sur la loi sur le cannabis aux Quebec. Si tu est entrain d’avoir une bonne journee, j’imagine que tu la pas vue haha.
Voir jusqu’à qu’elle point nos Ă©lus son dans le champ, assez dĂ©primant merci.


Salutations BongleMagne,

Il y a tout plein d’évĂ©nement cruciaux qui m’échappent, merci d’avoir fourni l’opportunitĂ© d’enrichir notre enfilade de nouvelles et ce d’autant plus que Lucie “Nez Rouge” Charlebois s’avĂšre ĂȘtre l’antithĂšse d’une Bonne JournĂ©e, carrĂ©ment!

En tout cas il fut un temps oĂč ça pouvait devenir autrement plus stimulant, c’est-Ă -dire lorsqu’il y avait encore un semblant de chances qu’on assiste un jour Ă  de vĂ©ritables consultations (
), idĂ©alement basĂ©es sur une science ne craignant pas l’examen par des pairs
 Or on n’a maintenant droit qu’à du grand n’importe quoi imaginĂ© par des â€œĂ©lites” politiques s’appuyant sans rĂ©serve sur une horde d’opportunistes prĂ©dateurs non moins socio-toxiques, Ă  commencer par les travailleurs de l’information qui relaient des niaiseries hĂ©ritĂ©es en particulier du collĂšge des mĂ©decins ainsi que diffĂ©rents corps de police.

TrĂšs franchement aucun de ces groupements profe$$ionnels ne donne l’impression d’ĂȘtre des modĂšles de vertue au QuĂ©bec.

Absolument et je trouve le terme “dĂ©primant” fort charitable si on considĂšre qu’il s’agit en fait d’abus dignes d’une mauvaise piĂšce de thĂ©Ăątre burlesque exĂ©cutĂ©e par des acteurs ternes ou mĂ©diocres, dans un contexte dĂ©nuĂ© d’intelligence car Ă©crite par une Ă©crivain Ă  ce point “poche” et Ă  court d’inspiration qu’il lui aura fallu puiser des idĂ©es au COP6/FCTC Russe de 2014.

MalgrĂ© tout voici l’unique passage auquel j’ai portĂ© une rĂ©elle attention (@ 1h29m04):

il est clair que y’aura un code d’identification
faque Ă  un certain moment tout est enregistrĂ© là

Ce qui ne fait rien de plus que confirmer ce qu’on pouvait dĂ©jĂ  comprendre des intentions de Trudeau avant mĂȘme qu’il soit Ă©lu

Bref nos politiciens vĂ©reux continuent d’envoyer les mĂȘmes signaux, Ă  nous de savoir les dĂ©coder. Par exemple dans ce cas-ci je suis d’avis que nos 2 niveaux de gouvernement se gardent des portes ouvertes sur une probable exploitation ultĂ©rieure des donnĂ©es, lorsqu’il sera temps de rivaliser avec la CAQ aux prochaines Ă©lections provinciales, sur le dos des pauvres sans voix, entre autres choses

Je songe en particulier qu’il serait sans doute vendeur pour une moitiĂ© de la population que soient proposĂ©es des coupures dans l’assurance-chĂŽmage et l’aide sociale, assorties d’une obligation de se soumettre Ă  un dĂ©pistage pouvant servir Ă  justifier la cure en “rĂ©habilitation” forcĂ©e dĂšs qu’on jugera que la prĂ©sence de mĂ©tabolites sanguins empĂȘche l’embauche
 Etc., etc.

Pire encore, n’oublions pas non plus que cette sorciĂšre au nez luisant et aux oreilles poilues a Ă©galement la responsabilitĂ© d’ados Ă  la DPJ!

Sur ce, bonne journée et au plaisir!! :peace:

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Still displaying with a blushing nose once in a while

In the meantime:

Québec loosens Prohibition-era liquor laws; makes it easier to get alcohol permits (2018-Feb-21)

« Bill 170 allows parents with kids to remain on a patio until 11 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. 

[–674756253.html ]
NW - Le projet de loi 170: « Une capitulation devant le lobby des restaurateurs au détriment de la sécurité routiÚre et de la sécurité publique » (2018-Feb-21)

« Le gouvernement a cĂ©dĂ© sur toute la ligne au lobby des restaurateurs. C’est totalement irresponsable et absolument inacceptable » (Hubert Sacy, D.G. Éduc’alcool)

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[ ]
How the Hippocratic Oath Drove This Doctor to Speak Up About Medical Cannabis (2018-Feb-20)

« In psychiatry you learn about cannabis use disorder and how it can affect people’s mental health negatively. »

what we call a ‘hidden curriculum

« Traditionally, medical students have to take the Hippocratic oath when they begin their studies, which vows to do no harm. Verbora feels the oath allows if not compels him to discuss the potential of cannabis, especially CBD oil, which the World Health Organization recently declared as posing no risk. »

« As a physician, my oath isn’t to ‘do best evidence,’ it’s to do no harm first. »

« Every year Canadian doctors are required to accumulate 50 credits by attending informational presentations at conferences. Verbora’s presentations have been denied academic credit by organizations in the medical community. »

« They wanted me to change my slides to only focus on the harms, not the benefits, which in my opinion is not balanced

« It is evidence—not the best evidence, but we also have to be cognizant on why we don’t have that. It’s hard to say there’s no evidence or research, because it’s impossible to do and there’s no incentive to do it. »

« pharmaceuticalization »

(Michael Verbora)

Finally a read i can understand, find coherent and even believe

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


Ce matin:

JdM: Une personne tuĂ©e et neuf autres blessĂ©es sur l’autoroute 20: l’alcool est en cause (2018-Feb-24)

un automobiliste de 38 ans en Ă©tat d’ébriĂ©té  »
fera face notamment Ă  une accusation de conduite avec les facultĂ©s affaiblies causant la mort

Qu’on me pardonne mais franchement je trouvais judicieux de rappeler le vrai visage de la conduite automobile en Ă©tat d’intoxication.

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