Capitan Sour D.(Sour Diesel BX3 F2) and the hunt for the one piece!

Hello folks,

hope you are all well!?
Francos Lemon Cheese has slowly reached the end of flowering. New weddingcake cuttings are as good as rooted. and will most likely go into the big tent next.

Meanwhile I let Sour Diesel germinate and in small rockwool cubes they are growing now. Before i put them in bigger cubes, i’m trying to build them a proper rooting system.

I’m totally looking forward to what all will be there. Hopefully we’ll find something nice ! but I’m pretty sure we will !!! Collecting pollen is definitely in my agenda :slight_smile:

Out of 11 seeds, all 11 have germinated. Which after the whole GHS, let’s call it failure is really great I think. All 10 are absolutely ok only one straggler we have, that does not really want to grow. But maybe he still comes after. We will see!


Off to a fantastic start! I’ll keep keeping my eye on this one! Good luck!

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thank you ! hope you´`ll like it :slight_smile:

Looking forward to this, love all the sour D grows lately, definitely fire in those beans there’s no question there. Awesome

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i`m also totaly keen about this one! last time i smoked sour dee was in the 90s.
so just faint memorys remain… but it was great smoke so much is clear :_)


If these are anything like the FLC, your going to have a very successful run.

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Hello @ tejas,

yes I think there will be something with the 11 colleagues. :slight_smile: I am very sure about that!

What is also great, is that the OG Family can help to select a winner! )


the roots seem to fill th smal cubes in the next couple of days!

and number 10 the small one is now called Chopper and I`m gald he made it

have a nice day :innocent:


Hello Overgrowers,

here is update pic after transplanting to 7.5 cm rockwool cubes :slight_smile:



i know that it looks a little out of control!! but i should get back on track now that they are under led.
as soon as the 7.5er cubes are rooted probably iĺl update more often :slight_smile:

so here is crew of merry merry Green:)

hope you like it! :slight_smile:


Hello OG ,

as you can see they show some deficiency symptoms. not really sure why . i probably was late on uping nutrients. but it`s ok, i think i get them back to healthy green. the roots seem to grow nicely.
i bended and topped some plants. the plan is to get at least 4 clones from every plant. and than starting with the clones anew. so will will know how good and how fast they will root. and how the growth habbits are

hope you like it!


Thank you for the link :metal:

Those are definitely some beautiful roots !

They will come back to their true green with time.
You are an awesome grower, so I have no doubt about that.

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np you welcome! yeah but unfortunately not all have those winderful roots. but maybe with a little time everything falls in to place.

thank you for you kind words!!! :slight_smile:

i`ll post an update the next days:)

enjoy your day

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Hello everyone,

finally there is some progress with the Sour D. I`m still fighting with a few plants, they just wont grow roots properly. i won´t give them up yet and try everthing to safe them!! but im already prepaired to lose the fight. but anyway ´, we have a couple of nice growing shots. so in the next few weeks i’ll be able to take the first cuts. from this point everything else should be releaxed but you never know :slight_smile:

hope you`ll like it! stay safe and have a nice day!!!


I have been using dynomyco for a year or so now and as far as root growth etc. I will not grow without it again. It absolutely is like crack for roots, they explode and fishbone like crazy! Always beautiful bright white roots , strong, thick abundant. Last time I did some side by side comparisons for my own personal research and found the 2 given dynomyco outperformed the other two in every single facet of growth and by the time I flipped it was unmistakable.


thanks alot @TopShelfTrees1 ! Iĺl ook ito that product. i already thought about mycos. so i`ll sure give it a try!! thanks alot for your advice!!! by all that stuff i have for the plants what differnce does it make with one bottle more :smiley:

ps: these days you can´t pay for my favorite rhizotonic anymore


here is the product i was putting my eye on


Looks great to me. Numbers are great too! Definitely worth a try. You can add them directly to your root ball, i paint them on with an old soft paintbrush, and 2-3 days after watch them start to explode and not stop again until rootbound it’s like magic dust lol.


My pleasure @m0sirys anytime my friend. ANYTIME :facepunch:t2:

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hello guys I hope you are all well?!

So after ages of back and forth I seem to get the plants slowly back under control. and they are slowly turning green again. but needed a little more attention than the others.

but anyway we are getting back on track on the greenline. and i hope i can do the first cuttings in the next few days. didn’t go as well as it could have. but at least i was able to get all of them so far.

here is how it looks at the moment

stay safe and enjoy