Capitan Sour D.(Sour Diesel BX3 F2) and the hunt for the one piece!

Hello folks,

when I looked inside the tent today, my mouth almost stopped open!

Somehow some plants show their sex… and I’m not really sure why. They have 18 hours light and 6 hours night. actually as always during the Vegi phase. and they are no autos. crazy crazy. totaly unexpected!

so now i need to adjust my strategy and clone the hell out of it tommorow. light is set to 24 hours of light. so far we have two females and 2 males. i feel a little sad because the plan was for sure a different one. i wanted to collect some pollen to get my first crosses startred. but now i`m not sure how to handel the males beecause of space issues. ahaahhhhhhh… but yeah life is life nanana.enough crying !!! here are a few pics.

stay safe and have a nice 4th July!!!


Everywhere I look :eyes: in your Tent @m0sirys, there is an Improv of some Kind: love it. Especially the Wire-Ties and gangly seedlings. Too simple lol

Thanks and good Luck all the way!


I’ve used the DynoMyco a few times @TopShelfTrees1 and been impressed each time.
No side-by-sides, but $ dictates this season.


thank you glad you like it ! but atm when i look in the tent i see chaos :rofl: nothing turned out like it should! but i`m not giving up yet :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:


You’ve got this @m0sirys , just a wrench in the gears


I love that stuff personally

Isn’t that part of a famous quote/truth:
Chaos Rules. Your there !


i hope so too ! we will see it soon ! cloner is already running his last cleaning run :smiley:

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Hello my friends,

I have done it and there is no way back!
Except for number 3, I was able to take cuttings from all of them.
at least that makes me feel better! hopefully they will all root.
from here on i can only wait and cross my fingers.

the side effect is that i can hang the lamp lower which gives me more even light distribution. the wedding cakes were a little too far away so im sure shell like it :slight_smile:

stay safe and healthy


just a try to collect a few micro grains of pollen. not sure if it will be enough to polinate a branch later on.
but worth a try i guess it doesn´t hurt. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

all cuttings survived so far! hopefuly they`ll root in the next couple of days.


Hello my Grow friends,

I hope you are all well!?
It’s tough when you are away for a short time and then have to catch up with all the posts again! But I think you all know that ? :smiley:

So the first root tips appeared after 6 days and today the whole thing looks like this. For the next week, the cuttings will remain in the cloner to form more root mass and inoculate them with trichoderma. And let’s see! I am glad that all are so far rooted. That means I can soon start to grow mothers. at least already times of 5 and 6 already outed as female.

I was even able to collect a little pollen. But I’m not really sure if that will be enough for pollination of a plant,
But as soon as the small tent is empty I will try that. And cross my FLC with the Sour D. Somehow I feel like a little kid and can hardly wait, my son is already laughing at me because of it. kids… :smiley:



Hey brother @m0sirys
Glad you gave a link to this thread regarding your sour.d adventures.
It’s heartening to see that you’re facing such issues with roots this run after running the flc.
I’ve read earlier that anything bacteria realted i.e subtilis, licheniformis, amyloliquefaciens, etc perform better in rockwool-dwc setup and fungi related like trichoderma, viridie, etc are better in coco-coir. Anything michorrizal is better to use in soil as hydro setups don’t contain organic compounds other than sugars on the roots to feed the microbes.
Nevertheless, I feel the trichoderma should power your roots within the next few days.
Wishing you the best always brother! :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face::green_heart:


Hey bro, thanks for the sympathy and i`m glad to have you here!!

I think the problem started when I used new fertilizer!!! So the same fertilizer but in production something seems to have been wrong with the micronutrients.
Pretty annoying the whole thing because it took a long time to find out. Which ultimately also explains the whole series of problems. Or at least that’s what I think laughs. Almost all plants apart from the “flc” didn’t really do well with the missing micronutrients. FLC is in no way a bitch!!! After I got everything halfway back up I took clones from the sour D. and threw away all 20 wc because they looked like crap. but they helped uncover the error. So I am grateful to the wc s for that.
And so soon everything should be back to normal.


Awesome bro!
Glad u nailed the problem down to the micro nutrients.
You’re a great grower no doubt about that.
Hopefully things should green up in your garden…:green_heart::wink::v:t3:


thanks bro!

i hope so too! weĺl sure will find out in the next weeks ! :slight_smile: :innocent: :innocent:

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Ah i’m super late on this, it’s been two weeks since this post so this info is likely moot now but I’ve definitely seen some males do this. Some males will flower nonstop no matter what you do and I try not to use those myself unless you want to pass that trait along. Could be root bound or a nute issue causing it like you said. Someother males that do that though, you can pick the balls off as they show up for a good week or two and then the plant will stop producing them and revert to male preflowers instead. Until you actually go to flower him :slight_smile:


Hello @ Holyangel,

better late than never! :slight_smile: and your info will still help for the future!! I’m very sure! I just should not have worked the last few years only with clones ! but later one is always smarter! On the other hand, it is of course a completely new area to explore! Which in any case offers a lot of fun and certainly a headache!

But that with the fertilizer was already very striking.
I would never have come without all the trouble that something went wrong in the production.

according to your experience, the little bit of pollen will be enough for a plant to polinate?


Its not clumpy or anything right? Should be like a fine dust or flour. You only need one single pollen grain to make a seed so it should be enough to at least make a few :wink:


no not clumpy or wet!!! just like fine dry dust! ok that sounds nice and im looking forward to that!

thanks for the info this is great to hear! so ijust have to wait till the small tent is finished. the new plant is nearly ready for that


i`m sure things are getting better . but on a slow pace that is not from this world.

and i have to admit all i can do is wait take care of them and hope the best. the two plants that showed there female side, are in big cubes as you can see. push thumbs that they will start to grow in the next weeks! no expirience with reveg. so maybe i`m lucky and it woks out some how.
so iḿ sorry that i can´t show you more or something better looking :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

btw mycos are ordered and shloud arrive next week . i`m really looking forward to that

till then stay safe and healthy!!!