Capitan Sour D.(Sour Diesel BX3 F2) and the hunt for the one piece!

hello overgrowers!!

we have a little movement at the reveggis at least at plant number 6. she is shy but the first root tip comes out of the cube. it looks like she starts to drink and starts to look healthier! it`s a ray of hope on the horizion! i thought i completly messed up! the plants from seeds still looking like a mess… so i cut a few of them back. and still hopef or the best!! :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

the plants on the nutricultre also starts to show some new growth. but i don´t want to transplant them to the cubes. i’ll wait till the reach the point where i can take a few more cuttings. just to be at the safe side!!

enjoy and stay safe


whoop whoop fellower overgrowers! hope you are all doing good!

it seems that the hard times finally cames to an end. looking in the vegi tent everything looks greener than before. also now root growth was discoverd . so my hopes are high that they will start to grow normaly in the next week or two. stalling sucks so much. i hope that i get that kind of problem not so fast again.

Sour D. #6 shows new growth at the top .so the revegi should be a succses. number 5 still doesn´t want to grow. maybe she needs a little extra time.

the only plant i really have to worry about is my wc… she seems not to get back to normal growth :cry: :cry: but she is not dead yet so i hope for the best.

stay safe and enjoy


Hello my friends,

I hope you are all well so far??!!

Where should I start? It was a long way to here… But instead of repeating myself, just see for yourself. :slight_smile: Some plants have proven to be quite robust and have digested all the crap well. Reveg #5 is also slowly starting to show new growth again. So with reveg #6 together we definitely have 2 females so far. My favorites so far are #1 , #7 sex unknown! The assessment so far is mainly on root mass and resistance. I think it makes sense to evaluate further, when all of them have grown up to reasonable mothers and also the last little things of the deficiency story have grown out. Then clone everything again and determine the remaining sexes ect. I will keep you up to date!

stay safe and enjoy!


So small update! Every cube was tested for ph and ec. Nothing is out of the range.
the water i feed them is EC= 1.00 and pH= 5.5.
drain is between 5.5 - 6.0 ph and EC= 0.94 - 1.01
par is 560 - 625.

#1 and #7 still my favorits when it comes to growh habbits.

#1 #3, #4, #10 seem to have a similar structure. same or similar pheno? maybe!!!

enjoy and have nice sunday!


It’s nice to see your garden looking green once again! :grin::v:t3::herb:

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thank you bro! what a load of work and waiting this was ! :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

still much work selecting left. taking in a new strain in always cames with 6-9 month work i would say.
to do this faster i would require much more space.


so its done ! i was able take 25 cuttings from Sour D. #1 ! From FLC i took 15 cuttings (right side) for saftey!


hello overgrowers ! cuttings starting to root! and

hope you are all doing well! here are just some pics! my phone is broken and the camera on the replacement is a :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

hope you can cope with it.!! im doing another update on friday with a bit more informations an better pics!

stay safe and maybe enjoy!! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Nice roots …:eyes::v:t3:

thank you !! :smiley:

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Late to the show, but I have to follow along with this grow log! :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2: Awesome work!

Pz :v:t2:

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Sours dont like to be too wet at the roots. Lightly water for best results from my exp.

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no probelm bro ! this selection started out good. than those fucking weeks of recover from the missing micronutrients.

so i would say you are right on time! and iḿ glad you found it :slight_smile:

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yeah you are absolutly right ! humidity was to high!! thanks for your advice.
the meristems are not damaged so it shouldn`t be a probl! they will recover pretty fast from that. :slight_smile:
only 7 cuttings from the Dee are not rooted yet. And a couple of FLCs


Hello Overgrowers,

hope you and your gardens are doing well!

after just posting some pics, now we`ll have some more pics! :stuck_out_tongue:
And suprise suprise, a little bit of information, about the remaining Sour D.s

Till now i could identify #1, #5, #6, #7 as females.

#1 was also the first to recover from the shock of the missing micronuts. and i already able to take 25 cutting from her.
nearly all have roots now(maybe 4 -5 not ).I will let them grow awhile in the aerocloner, to get alittle more biomass, so it will be easier to transplant them to the 7.5 cm cubes.

#2 couldnt handle the micronuts probs! So R.I.P my friend!!

#3 did not recover as #1 but i was pretty amazed, that the clone, i took rooted fast and after short time i, was able to tranfer him/her
to a cube and it pretty good now! sex is still unknown, but i think it should be a girl. just a guess, the clone will go to the small flowering tent to find out the sex soon.

#4 is the same as #3 i cant really find a big difference(maybe vitaily seems alittle different for each) between them, so i would say #1,#3,#4 are in the same pheno class.
sex is still unknown. so we need to wait and see.

#5 and #6 entered flowering due to the micro nuts probs. and so, i marked them as reveg. and they are growing slow, even after all this time … so judging them now, would not really be fair, i think. so i am happy that,
they are alive and keep my patiences! but even for those 2, rootgrowth seems to speed up the last couple of days.

#7 the bigest suprise for me ! recoverd from the shock as the seceond one after #1 . She has strong root growth, produced alot of biomass in a short time and i needed to trim her already a couple of times to keep her in check(or better to get a even canopy). but im̀ well aware, that not everything that vegis great, also is great while flowering. the differneces to the sisters, is a differnt growth pattern. she is alot more strechy than the rest. first i thought i was a male, but i was wrong… So we will see later, what we can get from her!#

#8 not on the pics, its alive and i took around 4 cuttings. i cant say more atm

#9 yeah well, was like #2 and now R.I.P, but unlike #2, i was able to take a clone. and that one has lost its vigor and is doing nothing at all so #9 R.I.P ( male)

#10 aka Chopper was the last to sprout, and not really great in any way till now. i couldnt bring myself to throw him or her away. i took a cutting, but that one failed. probably another sign, to not keep it!
but i love tanukis :wink: so i give it a chance to develop, to show me what it is made off!

#11 probably one of the two males, that i could identify till now. but due to the micronuts problems, i was only able to clone it once when it already showed it his sex. and i was able to collect a small amount of pollen. but the last clone is in the small i might have enough pollen to do a Sour D. 3 and maybe an FLC cross . I hope so, that was the plan, but time will tell.

Enjoy and stay safe!


so i was able to collect a little bit of pollen from the last Sour D, male…
its in a cabinet with a sack rice next to it to dry for a day . handling pollen is not an easy task.
need a lot more practice with everything around this matter. i was to early with the male … 10- 11 till the date of the pollination. hopefully i get it stored and it stays viable


Getting slowly ready ready for the first Sour D. run . Need to make a lillte more space!

stay safe & enjoy


After being a way a few days, i had quite some work to do… So i moved all my motherplants to my bathroom, space is getting a little tight.
So next time, iḿ going to pop half the amount of seeds, to spare some space !

Next, i cleaned the big tent and prepared everything for my first Sour D. run, now everything looks like this. They still need to recover a bit from transition, but i think the will bounce back in the next days.
Estimated time of the switch to 12/12 will be 1. of November.



So 7 days have passed they seem to adaped slowly! another 7 days till the switch. hopefully do the trick :slight_smile:

stay safe and enjoy


Had a lot of auto males and hermies on this seeds

Better luck to you in your hunt
