Caps 90s Mexican Brick weed Deep dive

Very cool. Fascinating shit and it sounds like you’re almost there. Where can I find those Red GSC? Persist with your project. I am very curious about the outcome.



Stay in touch F3 is about 15 days to pollination. If I make it to F5 it should be just like the clone.


And I can finally say “She” decided to show some of her lady bits the other one is still being stubborn and nothing yet.These things have a wierd cherry NIBS candy smell to them and a very light feed of instant compost tea will finish things with these guys.


Glad to see they are taking off.

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It’s coming along just took a little time.I wish yours didn’t herm that grow was getting really good.I’m already prepared if I get one but man if I do it’s going to sting lol.Lot of time put into these


Well ladies and gents I’m not going to call it 100 percent but I’m seeing hairs on one and conical shaped female bits but no hairs yet going to have to watch that one but it looks like I have 2 ladies.If so it gives me time to clone and that gives me time to select my Oaxacan male when he pops out cause that’s going to be a bit lol Upstate told me those guys are 12 to 14 week flower times I believe.


Sounds like your rocking it!

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Kind of lol

Quick peek outside and they are soon to get a repot to maybe a ten gallon I’ll have to see what I have in fabric.Taking to full sun now time to give them a feed of some dr earth gold at one third dose and see where we’re at.Been spraying with Jacks garden products LABS at 4 mil per gallon and they love it


Been awhile and I’ve been watching this guy fill with pollen sacs in nice little bunches.He is going to finish indoors and stay inside as to not pollenate anything he looks like he is going to throw racehorse units I watched one pop and when it broke the sac the pollen exploded in a nice 360 degree arc.Scent is a very citrus tropical fruit with pine uplifting scent that lingers.Will be collecting ASAP this one would have never finished out here very Thin leaved drug variety I’m suspecting was supposed to finish more twords the equator.


Wow, such great stuff and nice work man. Looks like a few different leaf shapes which is rad and all pretty unique. I just got some Mexican Red Hair F2 that were made from Classic Seeds work that I’m popping along with some brick a friend sent me. I was also deciding what Snowhigh Mexican I wanted to include in the party, and then tonight I find this thread. Super curious to hear how they smoked and it’d be fun to include them in this OP I’m going to do with these Red Hair and share with OG.

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They smoked ok the progeny i got but wasnt what i was looking for there was definitely something that got dutched down the line and i think it lost something down the line.I have a deep love for Classics work ive been on a mission to find and preserve as many of his crosses as i can they are hard to find these days I an proud to say have Classics Jacalyn given to the person who gave them to me right from classics hand came in this very pack he was given and it to this day is as close to the Northern Lights i smoked back in 1998 as i can remember no other cultivar has come as close as that smoke it brings back good times with my buddy Eddie i will always have this in my garden always really good soul medicine .

i have a strong feeling Classic and Indian Jim were very close buddies and im almost positive they traded work back in the day that Jacalyn has the same Hashy earthy juniper pine sweet taste and smell as that Northern lights (The one Neville never got his hands on)i was getting as soon as i cracked the jar for the first time i went into a time machine back to 1998 even the high is ungodly uncannily familiar almost the same head space if not even better And lasted me around 3 and a half hours .Even the buds came out in those thick ping pong balls that stacked into little Logs with those curly reddish hairs super greasy sticky.It was always called northern lights never number 2 or 5 or any of the other 11 numbers just plain northern lights it never had a number.i would like to collect other Classic gear if i can.Im making my own version of Jacarom right now with a romulan cut i was gifted going to sift a good male when this cutting takes off.Will be taking some UBC chemo to her as well will pop them side by side and i want to also do a Romulan Chemo cross around the same time i will do a feminized and regular one once pollen is collected at an undisclosed location


Wow, I’m glad we crossed paths! That Jacalyn sounds amazing, I’m looking high and low for piney, minty, Eucalyptus type stuff we used to get in the 80s and 90s. The greasiness is another quality I called out in another thread talking about skunky herb from back then, so you’ve got me very interested. Very cool to see you working with the Chemo too, haven’t had that since I lived in Seattle 20 years ago but made your eyes water it was so good and strong.

Did you ever find anything that came close to the old brick high in any other lines? The closest I’ve come so far is actually the Dwarf Oaxacan x BOEL from AKBB. It had that heaviness with the sparkly, happy and sunny thing.

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Believe it or not i came across a skunk#1 given to me by @Enjoi802 that had the old 90s brickweed high very Shimmery bebop around the block all day smoke very Mexican leaning that has the most wonderful Burnt rubber smell with a almost blueberry sweet exhale. @Upstate has a nice Oaxacan Gold from Cryptic labs that was very special just takes time getting used to the bud structure on that one its like little popcorn balls for buds like Dr Grinspoon that rip your ass pretty good resin all over the stalks to the point they turn silver weed smells like catholic church incense .if your ever in the mood for a good trade i can set aside a couple beans of that Jacalyn for some of that Classic Mexican Red hair if you have any to spare?We both could have some extra Classic seeds and walk away winners with 2 sets of classic genetics in our Bean Vaults


Perfect, I’ll send a dm. Teamwork makes the dream work!

download (17)

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