Caps Hoodoo Skunk Timewarp Hoedown 2.0

Got Some I’m going to try and work up something with the F2s to try and get a lock on next run I will have a nice coin flip full of seeds for you.I’m going to work this one for bit.I think the Texada paired well so far so good.The leaves are those nice thick rigid Hoodoo profile.The branches are like bamboo armor.Outside it is.The Reek on this girl yikes

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No totally cool brochaco I love thunderstorm rainwater.It’s like liquid electricity for the plants.Tomorrow they will be rocking it out for the next 3 days at 45s.I love storm water.This girl can take it out here thick branches

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Between me and you The miracle grow gold organics soil isn’t to shabby can be a little hot still but it’s so minute I don’t even worry pretty gentle still.I like to use Dr Earth products I have to penny pinch and Dr Earth products have taken very good care of me.Haven’t added any yet but have some always in the background if I need it I want to see how long this soil feeds and if it’s really a 3 month feed .The Guy has a solid rep and a real good story Milo Shammas .A bag of his mix both flower girl and organic gold anytime mix last me almost a year a bag.You can cut his mix in half and still have a good feed.Those bags will last you forever and you can get both for 24 bucks for both of them.Can’t beat 24 bucks a year.The alfalfa in those mix is phenomenal makes really good teas let them soak in the sun and they start to bubble

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I use Dr Earth

and it’s only during flower and I like the array of products they have I use the liquid gold during transplant sometimes being a 1-1-1 it’s kinda like a reset button lol but I always have some of the flower girl so here’s my first auto grow in it Skywalker auto fem Mephisto 84 days nothing added


That was not a bad introduction though. At least it’s an experience grower. And yes welcome to OG.

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I used doctor Earth. Are used it for years with FoxFarm and blood meal. The fox farm cavern something sorry. The reason why I quit using Dr. earth was because of bugs. It is a great product. I’m not sure what kind of bug it was look like some kind of meal bug.

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Phototron very nice.I always wanted to get one when I was younger but in the high times magazines they were so expensive back then.Phil loves his.

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Never had a bug yet knock on wood With Dr earth .But then again I regularly use Soap nut boiled teas to do regular root drench IPM treatments to kill dirt gnats only bummer about Dr earth they love it I have so far for me.I suspect it’s the compost mix they use in it.They love the compost in Miracle grow organic too.if I ever had worms then they were wiped out and I never saw them.Coots turned me on to Saponins and I don’t even have so much as an aphid yet.I do quarterly root drenches and they Get misted with soapnut soak RO weekly.That with the labs I haven’t even found a bug bite on this one.

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@CapnCannabis I’m just trying to get a tent assembled and I just have to get a inline fan and carbon filter and then I’ll be using my trusty old reliable Phototron for Auto’s and photo fems but I was invited to come check out the OG community by @PhilCuisine aka “The Tron Guru” and he’s the reason I’m now a member of the best community out there and I had more negative replies saying that I couldn’t grow a plant in the phototron except for the seedling and veg phase and I wouldn’t be able to get it to flower under T12 ushaped Fluorescent tubes and I also have a LED light in the top of my phototron but I just love seeing what you are able to grow in something that has been around for 25+ years and if it ain’t broke y fix it modify for better end results but I don’t cut or hack my Tron up it’s still all original from the company and it’s just a great little grow space


I follow his Black Vietnamese 15 yr old pollen chuck very closely.Shit like that gives me hope.15 years man.


Im. Flowering Vietnam Thunderfuck now he sent me. Really nice plant in every way a keeper. Great Oger for sure.


It’s a great topper. Like I said I used it for a few years. The stores do carry all the lines. Like bloom and other stuff. I seen it on YouTube years ago. It goes a long ways.

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She has almost got as tall now as the mother she was seeded from that’s been in veg for months.I’m loving the taller column structure and it kept the hoodoos thick frame just put some legs on her.She is at least 8 inch taller that the plant that came from seed and the side branches are starting to fill out and up now.The wide leaf structure is coming out for phenotyical expression but a tad shorter but very very thick leaves and waxy outer texture.Water tonight with organic Calmag ,probiotics epsom salt (very tiny pinch)Ph down 2 drops and Protekt Sillica less that 1 mil This one is loving the Miracle grow Performance Organics bag soil I mean loving it.All I’ve them are loving it now I think about it.The Smell o meter is up there now like carbon filter up there now.I hate to say it my plants like That dogshit soil but it’s hard to not watch.I’m not even mad I’m impressed.What the hell is wrong with me?


I’ve got one as well that’s just about to start flowering and the VTF is definitely a keeper


That VTF is going to be nice I seen the one he gave to his Farmer friend filled the whole back of a pick up bed long boy too it did.I am in the process of collecting from one of the Chem 91/GG#4 crosses I got from the vet giveaway.He stinks to high hell and popped balls weeks before anything I had out side very fast.Not concentrateing on wood production he wants to make pollen and the flowers dump tons of yellow pollen when you collect in vials.I have a Oaxacan gold male that is quite the looker picked for reek as well.


I’m just newer to pollen and I almost wish I had male lol but those look great and I had to reach out on the seed thread to try and get pollen looks like you’re set and I think that a male plant can be even more beautiful looking sometimes but wow nice @CapnCannabis damn chem91n GG 4 that’s gonna be some great :+1:t2: pollen happy pollen collecting and Happy Growing The Doc


Branching and dumping more.Use a silicone spatula to collect the pollen off a porcelain plate much easier now.


With any of the pollen chucking you have done have you ever seen like light cream colored pollen in any of your males?I have a Mexican Cartel weed male I’ve had for months and he’s been dumping pollen per sac that’s throwing racing horse units out of each pollen sack.The amount per sac is ridiculous.His pollen is a very light light cream brown not the fake Mac and cheese powder bright yellow.I’ve been saving the sacs as I go.Do they have to be bright yellow to be fertile?The pollen is very fine and flows like fine chalk dust no mold whatsoever stored in a Tupperware with desiccant packs in it on a paper towel in pollen sack them dry sifted into vials


Never seen Mac and cheese color pollen just the normal bland manila color or yellowish. Sounds like a unique specimen. Looking forward to that care package and save me some of that pollen please!


Will do indeedy

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