Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Awesome thanks

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Ocean front Striped Bass and Bluefish :wink:

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Definitely not necessary but thank you very much .

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Least I can do, there was a very nice extra in the note you sent me.

Scores game tying, game winning, and empty net
If i had any hair it would be standing on end right now. what a ride – truely one of the greatest times of my life.

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I’m here bro just got of work !
Thanks for thinking of me lol

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Gary Yamamoto :crazy_face:

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There is no limit to how many packs you can win in here right now. i will not send you doubles if you win twice, and the strain will be a mystery. But, if it is your first win, LSF2 coming your way.

Four packs still up for grabs.

Hmm, a query, but where and what?


Ok, great, now we can get this thing going :wink: :slight_smile:

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What you mean ?
Does it count if I have the same backyard homestead book lmao

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Next question, that is :open_mouth:

  1. There is an animal(species) currently being exploited in disgusting ways.

One way, is to use the animal, to destroy an historic industry.
The other, is to ignore this same animal to bolster a new fangled industry.

Name this animal for a pack of LSF2.


Love that book. You should grab the seed to seed too, lots to know :wink: gives you all techniques, stats, etc… for most all seed making

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Tbh we have two. Three books for homesteading same series diff authors and they almost repeat themselves word for word …

Imma guess and say feral pigs ?


Babe Ruth, he pointed to the wall right?

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That’s funny, now get on that animal question :wink:

Horshoe crab :+1:


Not pigs, but I think I know your 20, so you should be in touch with what’s going on :wink:

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The whale perhaps

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None left to exploit, unfortunately.

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While we are waiting for an answer, i will give you an anecdote on the horseshoe crab.

The calendar had just turned to 1980, and it was Spring. My pal and i convinced our parents to drive us to rent a skiff, to fish for fluke near Jones Beach Inlet.

15 minutes into the trip, the motor craps out. The wind blew us up on a huge sandbar. As we approached the sandbar it was a funny color, real dark. As we landed, we saw nothing but horseshoe crabs, could not get out of the boat without stepping on them.

We gently landed the skiff, dismounted, and cleared an area to sit down for a bit lololololololol!

Some kind sole saw us and towed us in.

Moral: 1980 horseshoe crabs everywhere. 2020, none to be found virtually anywhere. Poop treatment plants, are lined up everywhere to destroy our waterways. We are at the tipping point.


Yes, the whales are being used to shut down the lobster industry.
And, the whales are dying basically everyday due to offshore wind energy farms. WTF?

@middleman, nice job - got your addy on file :slight_smile: