Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Ya, that guy can do it all. Pretty cool that he may be doing it across town from the Bronx next year. All things being equal, he lands in Queens, just gotta get him out of his ‘comfort’ zone, and realize what would happen if he image ever won it all in NYC.


Here’s another one. Regardless, of whether the game is won or lost today, opening day is a mighty good day, if you are into that kind of thing.

So, with that in mind, let’s give kudos to the ‘fazzy the bear’ of the Yankees – Gerritt Cole, 6 outs so far. 6 strikeouts. That’s pretty funky, so let’s get a funky cross.

One pack of – Tripping Walrus x BOG Lifesaver F1

to the first, ‘Cole ain’t no troll’


I shook his hand at the Rogers Centre, I’m 6’2” and appx 2 bills, I felt small and his handshake was ridiculous, mitts were like 1&1/2 mine. I only wish he could have understood I word I was saying and I had something for him to sign. I just couldn’t do it on my jays jersey or hat. Probably never happen again, cool experience still. I still pray he comes to Toronto but it’ll never happen despite what they say

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Cole ain’t no troll

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yabba dabba doo, send me an addy bro :slight_smile:

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Ha! And a pack of beans! Epic day! 6 strikeouts :man_facepalming:t2: that’s insane


looking for #7 as I type

Beans Beans Beans. beans beans
yup 7 to start the year.

on more pack of TW X LSF1
to the first ‘name your kid 7’ :wink:


C’mon, anyone?

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Number 7 what else do I need to post
Name your kid 7


Yup, that’s the one. Off they go :wink:


There we go! Glad someone else gets some beans too :v::peace_symbol:


Ya, no worries here, they always go to a good home, well ‘mostly’


“Name your kid seven”



Bog bubble f1 :+1:

Shapely gal she is

Blue moon rocks x lsd f1’s
Males just started dropping

Happy 4/1!!!


Real update at some point, busy busy, some root porn of seed plants. show some clones tomorrow. good roots.
P4060006 P4060005
Stay rooted!


Nuther little update
Dream catcher mystery cross stacking the nodes

My name is casino tripout :sunglasses:
Don’t feed me, just admire from afar. This cross is a seriously light feeder, at least this pheno​:eyes::popcorn:

Keep on growin’


Hola ciao and aloha to all✌️

Plugging away. Sore back, no rest for weary. Let’s look around the red planet.

First a drink, bonemeal and slf

Pollenated sweet and sour Cindy
Combo my f1 and fresh bog pollen ssc

Sweet Cindy x lsd f2
Hit with original sc x lsd pollen from freezer. Hoping for a few seeds. Used old pollen cuz the two males I found this round were less than amazing. But the original male was the tits.

Looks like some dying pistols, but not like on the fresh pollen plants.
Still got some sinse in there too, pics later.
Have a great day!


Still got some sinse gpaw critical kush and jps mystery

Vegging out, kinda. Flipped 7 days ago.

Bog repros and personal crosses

Definitely some juice in those gwk x jlo genetics @ReikoX


Bmr x lsd pollen. Did 4 tiny ones, so I can defrost a tiny bit at a time if need be👀

After leaving the ampules open for 3 days in the sealed jar, I close them and freeze in place sealed tight.
Bog original ssc goods going down to freeze

Ssc f1

Into long term parking