Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

You are very welcome amigo, nice to have you in the zonešŸ˜Ž

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Stoked to be making some seeds this year going to do a outdoor pollination of bodhis white lotus to make some f2s this winter instead of a flower run if all goes according to plan if I find a extra female might pollinate a grandmas dog(Irene x dog patch ) to make my first cross too og has me inspired to make some seed :joy: that bmr x lsd sounds like a fun cross still want to get to the sweet Cindy x lsd from you sometime sooner then later!


Ya, itā€™s just gross. But it has cured to a sarsaparilla/ rootbeerish thing to after like 6 months from one run. Mostly just rank fruitšŸ‘


Itā€™s all fun and games, until someone has more seeds than they could run in 5 lifetimesšŸ¤£


Mmm that sounds like an amazing I hear mean genes jaro and his rootbeer lines have that sort of terpene sounds killer canā€™t say Iā€™ve crossed a strain that has that smell in my time of smoking

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Well Iā€™ve been hucking these out there, hopefully someone chimes in with a grow at some point.

Iā€™ve got a couple f3 hangin around somewhere maybe photo shoot manana

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Thanks for the giveaways @Cartwright .

That rotten pineapple is an interesting one.

Iā€™ll be watching from distanceā€¦

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Hi @Piter , nice to see youšŸ–

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Thanks man.
I follow this thread, but Iā€™m not very talky.
May I have a question for you, did you feed the seeded plants diferent than sindemilla?

That is because Iā€™m currently with some seeded on purpose) plants, and notice that seeds are very slow developing. They are four weeks since golden rain, and I see them very green. So perhaps Iā€™m notfeedi g it well. (Have some pH fluctuations and using cocoa)

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Yes, I feed entirely different for sinsemilla and seeds respectively.

When Iā€™m running sinse, I make sure not to overfeed. I want to see fading leaves.

When Iā€™m runnings seeds, I feed the shit out of them right up til harvest. Not looking for fade, just fat ripe seeds.

I use immense amounts of calcium in both cases. Hope this helps.


Many thanks!!! Will try to feed them more

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Has no one dibsed the BMR x LSD?

If notā€¦ Iā€™d be interested, saw it 17 minutes after you posted but decided to wait and see if someone else jumped on it.


Cant believe people slept on it. @yardgrazer


Anything left or is it over now?

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All yours 'grazer, have a great night.


I can pack one up for you :slight_smile:


Thanks @Cartwright for sharing the fire :fire:.

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That rotten pineapple would be excellent definitely appreciate it.


My thoughts exzachary.

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Oh hell yes.