Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout



Looking great in here bro :facepunch:t2:

Thanks a lot, having a bit of fun over here



Hey, I’m here too, lol.
Just a lurker!

Im cool with that, since I lurk on like 40 peoples threads :wink:


@Carty @ShiskaberrySavior the hermified sour bubbles do look good. I’ve had multiple plants show intersex traits in the past, so I usually just chop them. But this weed is so potent, I keep trying.

The only reason I am taking these home is I exposed their sister clone to major stress, like full spring daylight for over 4 weeks. She stayed tight and was super frosty, so I am playing the game;)

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We all loved multiple choice, no one can deny it. A, c, d, a, b, you know the drill, easy tests😍

Here’s an easy one. Three pack multiple choice- chime in pick one of the three. Only one pack of each available, so ya know

A. Rotten pineapple f4
B. Blue moon rocks x lsd f2
C. Bog bubble f2


May I pick C?

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Yours my friend


Awesome, DM incoming, sir! :heart_eyes:

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Throwing that heat around as always I c @Cartwright hope your doing well life’s been hectic haven’t been able to spend as much time on og lately but trying to play catch up :sweat_smile: much love friend :sunny::seedling::v::heart:


Rotten pineapple


Right back at you dhg! Always great to see you around these parts🤙

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Smoovvv, atta baby🤌

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Bmr x lsd f2 up for grabs

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Did you f2 these? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes. I made the cross a few years back, and popped a bunch this winter. 50/50 male female on this germ, only used one male, maybe two, I have to check.

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Awesome bro…
I’m tempted to ask but unsure when I’ll grow them out…🥹

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That’s cool, Letem float, and see who grabs them. If you ever want to grow it in the future just reach out. I will put up a pic of my outdoor bmr x lsd f2 tomorrow :eyes:🤌🪨


Why is it called Rotten Pineapple? :thinking:

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Sure bro…
Thank you always for your generosity. :green_heart::slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:

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Pineapple female from ogs, and rotten, cuz it reeks like rotted fruit🤠


I like it! :rofl:

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Yummmm yummmmm. Thats what Im talking bout.

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