Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Awesome brother, good luck with the RP!

Meanwhile, 100% germination on all 3 OG Kush x Life-saver. :boom::herb:

Happy Sunday! :v:t3::blush:


Oh good, nice to see I’m not messing up the seed cure at this point. Thanks for giving those a shot and space in your garden.


Always and anytime brother! :facepunch:t3:


The Cap Junky S1s are photo fems.


Jalapeños, there were poblanos and cayennes nearby, so crosses are imminent, and should get some jalapeños too.

24 hrs later something is peeking

And it’s parm nite


What is it!?!

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Sprouts of rotten pineapple f4


It’s the C-WT II abbreviation that confused me, lol.

Hey, if you want to try some other pepper seed varieties, lmk. I got tons of seeds dried from all my peppers. :wink:


Love the idea of new peppers, let’s set up a trade over the winter.

…I was checking thru my notes before I start the new phase. Found something fun.
@SHSC-1 @Calix and @LedZeppelin got on the short list for my BOGBubble repros. Claim your pack here or via dm. Sorry it took forever, just the way it goes sometimes.

Bonus pack for the first og to ask.

BOGBubble f2


Dibs pleaseee
I ask for them :sweat_smile:


You got it, keep an eye out for them :eye:


Many thanks !.
And sorry to send also a DM… but it feels strange that nobody asked…


No problem at all, glad you want these in your stash. Peeps just being respectful about the beans, which is much appreciated here in the zone. No need to knock each other over for some seeds :wink: I’ve also sent these out to people, so there’s that.

Stay tuned, i’ve got some tricks up my sleeve for the coming days and weeks leading up to the holidaze.

I plan to run some of these again soon :slight_smile:


Wow !

Thank-you for including me In this post !

Will be sure to take you up on this gift ☆

Hope your summer was good to you!

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No problem at all, message me anytime to claim some new stash.

Things were wet, but good- hope things are good with you too



Ahh yes , things are good thank you :blush:

we had a pretty good summer weather wise. Very humid and hot half way into July until end of August .

I prefer the cooler Temps/fall for all around general .

We really didn’t get any rain this summer. 2 actual rainfall maybe . Then one day this fall we got more in one day then all of summer.

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Hello again :cold_face:hard frost, hard fall. Oops, that hurt.

Warm in here though.

Rotten pineapple f4

Dream catcher mixed auto experiment
Kinda short mostly

Mystery auto and a couple lblf2

Hong Kong bluey 10/10
One runt

Cap junky 5/5 two wonky looking

Lblf2 looking good

And a few over flow rotten pineapple

Slowest 10 sprouts. Took extra day of soak to crack, but coming along
6 auto mystery
4 lblf2

Thanks for looking, have a great day
And keep it frosty


That is a good germination ratio… :100:

Did you veg in the interior and take later to outdoor?

I read you have a 4x4 and for all that it feels short :rofl: , or did I miss something?


Yes, germ rates are excellent, thankfully. For this run, I’m just gonna overplant, and pick the best plants to go with. Going into winter now, so only indoor. I have a variety of spaces and lighting options to choose from. The more lights I turn on, the less I need the furnace;)

Right now, I am running 24/0, and the veg room will go down to 20/4, and some autos will live in there. I got two 2 x 4 trays, and a 4 x 4 tray in the seedling/veg room. Then the original 4 x 4 tent. And lastly, there is the 4 x 9 flower area, cold as hell in there.

Let’s see how much of it I can fill up :open_mouth:


Oh, that’s plenty of space.
Anyway… when having more space that means more plants and finally out of space again :rofl:

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