Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Hmm do you have the exhaust on a timer ?
With the plant close is thee any noticeable transpiration on the leafs ?
Deff need to invest in electric oscillating fans …battery powered is getting to be a PITA
Deff going to be fun watching the flip bro I’m all eyes !!

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It is on a timer, and seedling mats timed to go on at night. So, like 20 timers, lol. There is no transpiration, as that fan whips the leaves up pretty good, and blows 24/7.

I will take a pic showing it all better tomorrow, as lights are out. It’s an ‘open concept’ grow, vegetation just hanging wildly all over the place :open_mouth:


The ladies deff look happy I must say
Oh I’m ready !
Have a good night bro

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Good night to you too. And if you want some of those f4’s to grow, pop in on the rotten pineapple thread, and i will get them out to you.


Couple quick shots for @Rabeats2093 before I get to feeding

Looking good today

New crew


Thanks bro deff gonna be a jungle in there real quick !
I bet they r gonna flourish after that feeding !


Those in the 4x4 under the metal halide have not been sexed yet, bog lsd and bog sour bubble among others;)



Here are Middleman’s Berry Freak. The standing plants are officially 4/5 dudes. The lone female looks great.


They are funky

The lady got the royal treatment today, fresh 1 gal pot :slight_smile:

DC x Auto, #2 male- more full, and just plain more vigorous than male #1. Duly noted.
Will collect this, and use both pollens on different plants
I may also do a dc x auto girl wiith the original 100% auto pollen just to see how the different generations play out.


Ugh, sorry to hear that. I was lucky to get one male when making that increase. I wanted more. And here you got 80% male when you no doubt wanted female. Just how it goes, I guess…


It all good, for sure, I get dudes all over the place, doesnt mean shit to me. I did shag’s dog patch cross, and went 7/7 dudes, wattaya gonna do? Thanks for the condolences, but really, no biggie, as the girl is tight, and I’m going to love growing her out :+1:


Hola, Ciao, and Aloha from the red planet. Sorry for the gross pics, but it’s all i got today.

Rotten Pineapple crew


P1180019 P1180018

Everybody back in place, dc x auto is the most robust, lbl’s are hangin tuff, some cap junky, and a WMBK in there somewhere.

DC x auto are out of hand

here is one in normal light, just so i can see the color of the leaves and know how to feed.

Pollen should start flying soon. :wave:


Last two packs for now👍


I’d love to take you up on that but I have too much planned already and would be quite a while before I could do anything with them. Winter wipeout is looking good too!


Good morning @Cartwright,
If no one else wants these, please send my way.
I’ll pop a bunch right away.
Thank You.


If it’s okay to be grown later and also if you wouldn’t mind sending it couple of continents over to Asia, I’ll take you up on that, I’ll understand if otherwise :grin:

I’ve always wanted to try something with pineapple in it :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:


@Jpaul , hi a pack is already going out to you :wink:
@sunra108 , same, pack on its way
@alwaysnoob , send me deets, so i can see what we are dealing with :slight_smile: I’ve had hit or miss on int’l

So, let’s call it for now, and I will entertain noob’s cross world hail mary :slight_smile:

I will put up more packs soon. Just checking germ rates, and plant health before i start with anything new.

Seems like @iceman found robust plants, from the OGKB(@gpaw) x Lifesaver F2 or 3(@cartwright) Check out his thread, he’s full of goodies over there.

Gonna have to revisit the timeline and seed stock of the ogkbls. I may have been mislabelling my f2 and f3. Regardless, the Lifesaver males used were pick of the litter for sure. And the ogkb female(s) was great smoke. All can be seen somewhere up the thread. Perhaps I will search out the pics, and drag them down here to see before i start offering packs.

May be back with a veg update. Spoiler, I found two awesome looking BOG LSD males from an old pack. At least one excellent female so far, and the Sour bubbles are slower showing and less branchy.


I want to send a big thank you out to @sunra108
Sent me two books, wow🤌
Your generosity is much appreciated!:ok_hand:


Herm search day. Bout 2.5 weeks into flower, perfect time for confused idiot plant to fuck up my rpf5 run.

Not this year my friends. I spotted balls on many plants. I will not list them unless requested. No open sacs👍

Bye bye, tear😂

No balls on the rotten pineapples. Not a surprise, have not had that issue with them at all. And now they have room to breathe, pistils ready to receive


Ugh… Plenty of herms… What a bad luck.
A thing that a decade or two was not very common… at least for me, and nowadays they jump everywhere. I would like to know if all the hermiing issues are related to plant dna or induced by too high/low light, too much/little feeding, or ambiental stresses…


Ya, not good, but my pistils are still pristine, so I just chop the shit out of it. Some growers pick off the first balls, and maybe I would if there wasn’t a serious seed run going on

Almost everything is gone, except rpf4 and dc x auto. Oh, and one Hong Kong bluey, no balls yet.

On the other hand, two bog lsd nice males hanging around.