Carty's Collective

Hey Mr W
Sorry bro. Those were part of a 2 shoe boxes full of genetics, gave away 70% of them. Don’t believe in hording seeds, all I know is

The site rocked for quite a while. Less then 40 members, all super growers with years experience , invite only place… we all donated beans to a vault… site folded.
I wound up gifted all these wicked beans…
500 Northern Lightryder by HGH was one of many in bulk…
Enjoy and best of luck…


Starting over was certainly the thing to do, glad I still have 4 fem Arachnid Pie left for later on…
4 born yesterday and 4 popping up tonight for a successful start… went back to my proven method and how I will do things from now on…

and the flowering Cheese Off
Mephisto Canna Cheese x CDLC… left was not topped, right plant was…

2 Widow Berry Cheesecake by Repins12



Babies everywhere…

All have popped up and looking great… very happy to return to my own proven methods…


I had germinated 5 of the Black Cream and only found 4 pots, so #2 has 2…

Started in roots organics soil and for foods switching to a different food this time…
I want to see if I can push these autos a little harder. And, upping my flowering pots to 3gal vs 2gal in hopes of larger flowers.

The root ball is so hard I can barely put the name tag back in if I remove it, not good and a 1st for me. and 1st time I’ve started them in 2gal felt pots from the get go showing they outgrow the pot then…

Out of the 8 going in the veg tent, the top 4 will go into the 3gal pots and into the Mars Hydro tent…

The #1 Mephisto cross of: Canna Cheese x Creme de la Creme (CDLC) that was
not topped finished 2wks ahead of her sister, at least. showing what the stress of topping at wk3 does to a plant, although many more budsites were created too…

Her sister with a ways to go yet…


Made it thru another Hurricane


Glad to hear you’re ok…Fiona was a bitch…Ian was a bastard.


Update time I reckon
Only double potted plants
Double Cream


Repins : Widow Berry Cheesecake almost done.
Now on 2 days of darkness…



Home from hip surgery same day. I now have 2 new hips in 2mos. So, let’s get back to the grow…


1 month old and in preflower.


Amazing looking girls, that widows berry looks yummmmy…:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

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Congrats on the newer hip and also on those sweet looking plants.


Glad you are doing well. The plants look awesome.

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Thanks guys…
This hip hurts much less then the right… think I’ll be a walking in a month…
Taking bets on how many staples… last time was 33.
35, 32, 28 r taken…lmao

Just a quick peek

Yack at ya"s soon


The Returnof Gabagoo

Years ago I created an Auto called Gabagoo… shared over 1000 seeds with many growers… Colorado even has a small gathering of smokers who ask for it by name… I think that’s cool

Growing her out recently I realized she’s better then most, finishes in 65 days or sooner…

This run next up I’ll be remaking her and also will add some Mephisto gear
[24kt x Man Bear Alien Pig]
[24kt x CDLC] to the mix of pollen slinging…lol


Nice to see you back…heal well and take care Carty!


Hola Carty

I did not realize it was auto
I am thinking about some
outdoor auto for next yr

I will plant some since you
were generous enough to
gifted me some awhile ago

Thanks man



Hey Bare… was just talking to someone about your Azad
The Gabagoo will show you 2 phenos. Don’t give up on the shorter one. It leans towards the Sour60 and is down right gooey helping to create the name… Then there is the bigger fatter girl, one I intend to knock up soon…

65 days usually, enjoy… not many have her now cept Argo… see if I sent you Blue Vangoo also… that Auto gets big… cheers


These Autos were born between Sept 16 - 18… so around day 38.
Sour Crack 1 and 2


Same DOB on these, 9/18

Marathon OG F2, Duplicated by Berserker… good friend, great breeder…

Her shorter sister is directly in front of her… M2

5 / 3gal felt pots, 6 plants total with the Black Cream double potted…

Black Cream double potted…