Carty's Collective

Nothing going in the small tent yet… surgery has slowed me down a wee bit.

Up next though will be a preservation run on my very own Gabagoo I created years ago… she has been taken to F3 by friends like Argo who still runs her today… but, seeds are low low so I’m wanting to keep it available even more so. plus I’ll be adding some Mephisto 24kt x Man Bear Alien Pig… grown both, love them both…

stay tuned… Carty


Hola Carty

That’s good news cause I do like Sour60

Will do a run of gabagoo next summer

Have a Great day



Gabagoo has a pheno that smells very lemony… here she is in preflower…
Lemon Gabagoo #4

And the more Sour60 side of Gabagoo, a little shorter as you can see, but like I
said, one wicked sticky icky girl…
Male lemon Gabagoo

some nug shots or Gabagoo
Gabagoo F2
The Lemon pheno does get bigger as the buds show ya…


Blue Vangoo was my 3rd attempt at breeding, aka; slinging pollen… I’m no breeder really. Just having some fun…
Blue Vangoo is a cross between Kush Van Stitch by breeder Stitch, google that strain… it’s offered in reg autos and why I used it for breeding this…

Ok… I had hit my Hubbabubbamelowscope with the Sour60 making Sour Bubble and she was a beast… using a male of it I hit the KVS and created
Blue Vangoo…

Let’s see who the players are
Sour Bubble grown out
Sour Bubble.

Kush Van Stitch grown out… I’d recommend this to anyone wanting a breeder
kush Van Stitch


My very 1st Gabagoo plant that got me so interested in breeding more…
Gabagoo S1


Nice looking plant the Gabagoo, those buds look very dense. Most autos I’ve grown usually have larfy buds.

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Yeah, it can be genetics sometimes… plenty of great autos out there now tho…

for a small setup, seed to weed in 75 days, no worries of light leaks… etc etc…

thanks for the compliment… I do my best to teach others how to be successful when trying autos…


Well I’m all for learning so I’ll grab a seat and keep watching :slight_smile:


I’d be more then happy to add some tutorial guides to my next grow…

Autos are such a different beast for sure. Rule #1… never start autos in small cups, it stunts them 99% of the time. photo periods can recover from this and do fine because you can keep them in veg longer…

My method. I start mine in 1gal plastic orchid pots, has more drain holes for air. I leave them in these until the plant shows sex, usually week 3.

I up pot the pick of the litter, I usually start a few more then I need, even fem’s…
and, if not fem’s… it’s easier to do a bunch of 1gal pots …

The 1gal pots allow larger roots to form establishing the plant into the soil…

When you up pot, go to a 3gal felt pot… as the roots hit the sides, they get air trimmed and start causing small feeder roots to form… this is what you want… so now it’s best of both worlds… by end of growth it will fill the pot.

When you up pot, be sure to use something like Bigfoot enzymes to get that plant to really take off… must contact the root zone, goes directly into transplant hole… this is one of the things that makes me successful… Mykos is the next, silica right behind that and you cannot forget Calmag… 1/2tsp in veg, 1tsp per gallon in flower per week… this will make your buds better bro…

more to come


I do have some autos going at the moment but I purposely kept them in small pots (500ml) because their for seed production. Only had 6 seeds.

Once I have more seeds I’ll do a run for bud, and just like you do, I can afford to plant in excess to select the best ones.

Usually grow in Coco but I’ll have to try a comparison with soil once I grow for bud.


See if you can find a soil called Roots Organics… coir based organic medium.
My 2nd choice, Foxfarms
Strawberry Fields mushroom
Compost med… worth the $25


Peace All. @Carty I have some autos that are going rn and they are going on about 27 days.

What have I not done correctly that they are not as robust as Urs? These are called Respun Gelato and I got them from @Bobgrows abit back. They were above ground on the 30th of September

So what’s wrong with mine?? Or what do U think is the reason they aren’t as big as Urs at this stage?? Thanks for Ur input… Be safe :+1:t5::call_me_hand:t5::v:t5:

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The #1 thing I teach when growing Autos is to never use Solo Cups… it tends to stunt them for some reason, I think it has to do with restricting the tap root…

I know you’ve seen people do this successfully with photo periods… why, because they can control the vegging and allow the plants to veg longer until they get beyond the stress of the small pot and take off eventually…

Autos don’t have this luxery. they show sex usually at 2=3wks. and then convert to flowering…

I Always start mine in 1gal plastic Orchid pots… I keep them in those pots until they show sex, usually week 3 or 21 days… I then up pot them to 3gal felt pots to flower out in.

I veg under 3 HLUX strip led lights… 2ft are only $28pr. after seeing what they can do I bought 2more. Replaced my Spider Farmer SF1000 with them…

So many variables can cause your problems… lighting, fans making plants flutter… very important… Good soil can make ya or break ya. I use Roots Organics or Strawberry Fields only… but the Roots Organics basic is my #1 choice always… I drive an hour south of me to get it…


41 Days from seed I cannot be happier with these plants and light…

Marathon OG f2

Sour Cream Ladies

Black Cream showing some color


Nice plants and good to see you up and about.


im here for all the autos knowledge :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:


I’m out of :heart: already today!
Those are some beautiful, healthy looking plants.
:clap: :clap: :clap:


Peace All. @Carty good to see U up and about it seems. Thank U for the knowledge. I am not an auto grower and have had no practice since when I first started 15+ yrs ago.
I am not questioning your knowledge or results (which are clear, great job btw), but I do have a question about the cup thing. I did use the cups as U can see, but they weren’t at the bottom of the cup when I tp’d them. They did hit sides a bit. So truly it doesnt matter bottom or side they are gonna get stunted? Mine are clearly nowhere near yours and haven’t even really shot alot of pistils as of yet.
What about lighting schedule? Is 24/0 too much? I have them in a tent with some regular photos and I usually just leave lights on when germinating. Thank you for Ur invaluable advice. Be safe :call_me_hand:t5::v:t5:


Hey Canuck P what’s up my friend… yeah, this 2nd hip is a little more painful and rehabbing both now is the challenge. 2 full hips in 2mos, nurses couldn’t believe it… walking with a cane already too. Been almost 10yrs so I want my life back bad enough to go thru it… grrrrrrrr… lol

Appreciate the love

Hey 7OD… Do you use any kind of rooting enhancer like Mykos… Talk about root development… just ran out and I seen the difference, guess who bought more… lol.
Brother, I can’t explain it, BUT, every single person I know who started Autos in them small cups wound up with stunted plants… Starting them in 3gal pots is very hard for a beginner grower or even myself with 20yrs experience.
I use 1gal Orchid pots and it’s taken me years to develop a system that works so well… Orchid plants need lots of air so the pots have lots of drain holes…
plus I can start 8 plants in attempt to find 4 perfect ones to run… like this next run I have to sex 2 strains… in 3wks I up pot to 3gal felt pots…

So, your talking about the plant showing sex right… the hairs.

Most autos show sex around 15 to 21 days… males first of course. I don’t up pot until after they show sex because by this time my plants are a foot tall and have been trimmed up in a method I use to promote upward growth, works to…

I’m getting ready to start a new grow, I suggest you follow along…
Already in water for 8hrs, seeds sank… into damp paper towels, baggies and oven mit… room temp…
6 of my own creation… Gabagoo

4 of my own creation… Blue Vangoo

2 Mephisto Genetics 24kt x Man Bear Alien Pig

Stay Tuned


Sounds like a tough go…also sounds like you’re up for it! I think a positive outlook is always the better way. Here’s hoping you rehab quickly. All good here…take care mate!