Carty's Collective

I understand about getting that life back. The pain of rehab is temporary. Nothing can compare to walking trails with my Granddaughter.


Peace All. @Carty I am not currently using anything as a root inducer. I have never used anything lile that and wouldn’t know what to start with. I am watching tho on the new grow. U got any autos U wanna part with? I got the Spotted Limes that came in the last Box. Dont have any others. Lemme know. Be safe :call_me_hand:t5::v:t5:


Hey Everyone and thanks for popping in… check out my thread, Auto’s Done Carty’s way…

7ANJA bro, I have those same Spotted Lime, you run any yet? I was saving them for a non fem run… and I might have a few autos I can spare… just a bit slow these days on sending things… pm me and we’ll see what we can do…

Just to show ya’ll wuz up with these, here’s a peek.
Here you see the Blue Vangoo from 2015 germinated just fine in 3 days

All ready, some already pushing thru the dirt…

Gabagoo for seed production to preserve my strain…

My Bamboo frame… hey, when your broke you use what you have…

Blue Vangoo up front is killing it…


1 week old
Blue Vangoo




Sour Stomper by Mephisto
Few days old


Very nice grow @carty just got caught up on this grow show, will be pulling up a chair

1 Like

Welcome to my thread brother. Just sharing my method of Madness

Today is feeding day #1 for these babies… and to flush the big girls and carb load them to keep them stacking

Another 2wks min… I want these to be crusty…lol



Hey, forgot all about the ladies huh? well here.
These shots are a week old so bear with me…


How much longer you think on her… this is day 59 and she is known to be a fast finisher… her sister a little slower and less color, so for sure a different pheno.

looking all Milky to me atm. I’m known to take mine shortly after this to get more of an up high… but I need to start running them a little longer I think…


About… Now. :smirk:

I don’t see much in the way of new pistils and she looks cloudy.
I’d schedule her in …as soon as…



Nice looking flowers throughout ur journal! Making great use of small space for sure, impressive!

Hahaha… hmmmm. Chop chop eh


You’ve got some ‘wiggle room’…
My preferences are ‘middle of the road’, but if you want it more body sedative, another week or so for more amber will do that.



Yeah, I used to do a 2 harvest on plants… I’d take either the head bud and then leave the others to mature, or vice versa taking the side branches… getting two highs off of one plant.

I had the 2 Black Cream plants in the 1 pot. the purple one was done but her sister still had white pistols and 10 days or so to go.

I had 2 Sour Cream x Blackstrap and 1 was the plant I asked about and the other is still maturing. so took the 1 down.

Black Cream

The 2 in a drying bin for now.

2 more to come down in another week or so…

SC x BS #2


As many of you know I test a light for Mars Hydro… TSW-2000. Talking with a
Rep and mentioned I could use a new fan/filter setup. On Mon and get a message and signed a contract… and here, Saturday while watching football…
you can hear the FedEx truck pull up and stop… oh yeah.

My new inline fan/filter combo is here… let’s see what they sent.

I plan on moving some tents around before installing this awesome setup… see ya’ll soon…

P.S. Ya gotta love it when someone says… I’m sending you something and 5 days later it’s in your hands… Thanks Yassin…


You’ve got the good insulated duct… :+1:
It’s a little annoying to work with (compared to the uninsulated) but you will love how quiet it will be.



Thanks man, be my 1st time working with it. maybe it won’t glow like a white worm too huh? haha.

Looking forward to making some changes… waiting for Thursday am to see if I’ll be keeping my Spider Farmer light or gifting it to a “friend” of mine… know soon.

I’ve narrowed things down on my breeding project of preserving my Gabagoo and Blue Vangoo… I had chosen a male already, but recently a different male Gabagoo showed and because he showed sex at day 18 and not 12… he’s my boy… that extra week will allow an auto to fill in better… my goal is to have my females show sex at week 3.

The 2 Mephisto Sour Stompers are on the left side and a week behind the others at just 2wks old… so they get up potted next week.

The Gabagoo female chosen

Blue Vangoo breeders… one sexed, one still not.

The Mephisto Sour Stomper is looking great, very uniform… feminized ladies I’ll be up potting and pulling a girl out to not get seeded during the few days I allow pollen to be flung… she might wind up with a few by contact, but not many…


I up potted the 2 Sour Stomper plants today, they look nice… sturdy with big stems. nice root system at up potting and direct contact to the Big Foot Mycho when up potted into 3gal felt pots from 1gal plastic Orchid pots… my secret… lol

Gabagoo F3 project is going great… these 2 plants fit the bill of exactly what I was looking for in breeders… An auto male who showed sex close to 3wks @ day 18. A female who showed sex right at 3wks at day 22.

These 2 characteristics make for an Auto that is allowed to veg for a full 3wks before sexing and going into transition. which of course makes for a bigger plant… My goal is 3-4ft with large main cola and 4-6 side branches…

his pollen sacs just started to open and others are leaning and plumping up…
in their own tent now for some lovers privacy as I didn’t want the Sour Stomper fully seeded. I expect a few and that’s ok…
