Carty's Collective


That big girl is gonna make a nice bag of buds when done.


Right… Funny how the small plant on the left is almost done at same age…

Gabagoo Beast Mode seeds be available to test real soon… 2 pks of 10 seeds.

Especially if anyone would like to get involved with my Gabagoo creation… sure could use some help testing and making more seeds… busy busy… lol


Tester #1 will be my friend Ness, a girl who loves my Autos and grows a nice plant. Thanks Ness.

Updates soon.

Coming up
Goat&Monkey plants and 2 of my newest member on test mode, “STOMP”
Gabagoo x Sour Stomper
Pheno 2.
So 8 plants in 1gal pots on 12/12 from birth. A method I’ve used many times and these will be lollipopped into single cola SOG style, a 1st attempt for me…


I’m on board but am pretty busy ATM. Closer to summer…I could test some gear for you. :grin:


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Damn! that FS is just getting bigger! Definitely looks like she’s going to be a great yielding girl!

Best of luck with testing! I’m sure your friend Ness and others will find your gear solid my brother! The Gabagoo x Sour Stomper, man what a treat!

Hope you’re doing wel my brother!!

What’s an FS? LOL… You mean this big girl here…

hehehe… bro, this is my Auto Gabagoo. the one I seeded up with male Gabagoo who also slightly dusted the Sour Stomper girls… the one you were watching that was really bulking up I took down at 63 days… incredible stuff.
So far about 10 seeds off her buds… big suckers too.

Guess what I did. I put 2 into the dirt about half hour ago after a water soak.
along with 6 fems of Goat & Monkey seeds ECSD x White Runtz. Turns out they are all fems. sweet. the ones your getting are F2 stock so do what you will. wanna make seeds go ahead, but at this point in the game not necessary.
few legal battles may take place first unfortunately. Until then, we grow Matt’s gear and keep it alive.

Like this one… CTG over in Hawaii sent Matt his Molokai Frost, 2 cuts #3 and #5 and I kept the #5 after finding out it was the better of the two according to Matt.
I just topped her a week ago and flipped her.

Urkle x White Runtz should also be feminized and she is about a week behind the other

6 - Goat & Monkey Seeds: ECSD x White Runtz
2 - STOMP. Gabagoo “Beast Mode Pheno” x Sour Stomper by Mephisto

D’Grape Fire by my sponsor Oldsog who I’m doing a big trade with ATM… he is currently test growing the Chocoloso I sent him and just flipped them… nice.
![a week behind (3)|408x345](upload://1iEXuebqsbfjK6E9jZ8OwZqEQdc.jpeI

I see just a few Gabagoo seeds sneaking into your pkg… sneaky little buggars.

Feeling better, can’t freaken shake this feeling though, may need to go see my Dr. Plus under my left arm I feel something like vericose veins and hurts all the time… yeah, got 2 new hips but still have the 4 back surgeries and related pain… not nearly, nearly as bad as the hip pain was though… now if I can start sleeping at night… lol.


Could that be Lymph Nodes?


Holy sheet bro! I know I’m a little slower these days for some reason I thought your Gabagoo was an a Photo and it was called Flower Stacker not the product haha man she’s a Bute! Glad to know you knocked her up! As well as the Sour Stomper girls! It’s very cool that you have them fems!

Yeah I understand bro I’ll definitely run whatever you want to preserve in honor of Matt.

The Molokai Frost #5 clone looks great love the Urkle x White Runtz is looking great too! I’m excited for your upcoming projects that stomp should be some awesome stuff for sure!

I’m sure Oldsog is going to love your Chocoloso! Can’t see the pic but I’m
a believe. Uh oh, those sneaky Gabagoos I’m won’t complain s bit!! Haha

Shoot me an email!
and do me a favor and get to a doctor and make sure everything is OK. I’m sure Tina agrees!

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Would love to see some photos of this @Carty


I’ll have to download some from his Instagram… anyone can follow him btw.
Like Matt of Goat&Monkey Seeds he has sponsored me for, actually longer then Matt. Oldsog is a great guy and is known for his wicked genetics…

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Hey, it’s the pothead in us brother… I write stuff and read it a few days later and I’m like, when did I write that. HA.

HAHAHA… Yup, Flower Stacker is a product by Humboldt Nutrients and I swear by it. Use it in conjunction with your regular bloom foods at the first sight of preflower and you’ll never NOT use it again. Between that and Big Bud I really don’t use any others. Trying to eliminate as much product as I can and still get the results I want. Deadvet taught me that… he grew using Miracle Grow soil, some calmag and a bloom booster (PK13/14) at week 4 and 6. And that was all he did and his results did not lie.

The Molokai Frost #5 x White Runtz is from seed like all my gear… I’m good at cloning, just not setup for it atm. Oldsog wanted to send me cuts of 4 different strains and it was hard to say, can I have seeds instead… doh. Matt shared a lot of gear with CTG over in Hawaii… who wishes he’d never of moved there he says… poor dude. paradise is $$… and getting worse.

Matt did a big test grow of White Runtz crosses… so any I send you with WR in it should be feminized ok… thought I’d add a few bruddha.

them Sneaky Gabagoo’s. and since your so happy I hit Sour Stomper, add a few of dem too… mailing things out Tuesday after Dr Appt.
Her flowers are increasing daily in size finally… hoping she’s done in 3wks.

Beast Mode b (4)


Talk about Pot head I swear I already written a reply to you haha

Yep, always KISS! I remember Deadvet using Miracle Grow, Cal/Mag and PK 13/14 damn funny how I can remember things from way back but can’t remember if or what I ate for the day heh.

In fact Lady Z and I used MG in our first Indoor grow almost 20 years ago. I recall people giving us crap about it. Because of the osmokote we never had any nute burns and the plants seem to love it and tasted so good! DV told us not to listen if you’re getting good results. Kind of how we first met. We moved on to hydro mostly DWC. Now organic promix and Fox Farms nutes.

I bet that was really hard to say no to those clones! I’ve seen that CTG has some nice Hawiian Gear. We were anonymously gifted some MF from a very generous grower for its medicinal value. We can’t wait to try it.

Hey I’d love me some White Runtz Fem Crosses a Gabagoo her Sour Stomper cross hell yeah! Thanks my brother!! Won’t be too long and the 2 branches of AOG F3 x AOG F3 and the AOG x NIB

Also we hit up a Turkish with a Chocolate Thai. I sampled the Turkish #1 pheno and she’s ready to be harvested. It has a lime peel aroma and a good relaxing focused high to her. Should really come out in the cure. The branch was hit with a Chocolate Thai. If that would be something you might be interested in I’ll send it out in your next care package.

I’m glad to hear you’re getting into see the Doc. Is it a check up on your hips or your leg? Either way don’t hesitate on that!


I emailed you about the Dr stuff buddy… not so good.

Are you ready for an update from He**. I am now starting to get excited about
this plant… here she is at day #74… " Beast Mode " of my Gabagoo

Photo from the 11th before I did LST to both the Gabagoo and the Molokai #5

I did LST to her yesterday and tied her down using baking string for meat… lol

Up front you can see the Molokai #5 x WR right after some LST work was done tying the two tops down as she was topped 10 days ago… another beast.


Damn that Gabagoo Beast Mode just gets bigger and and fuller brother! I’ve been wondering what to grow next.
She looks like she’d make a great SCROG plant! I May have to try her that way alone in my little 2x4 unfortunately I’m not sure I can do a proper LST anymore. Nice job as always brother!


That’s looking great buddy!


Urkle x White Runtz


Ok… this Gabagoo has officially pissed me off… Day 75 wispy buds, and a lot of seeds experiencing false pregnancy and I wonder if that is what’s screwing her up, you know, emotionally… haha. I’ve used this technique with great success on Autos, but not sure photo periods respond to preflower pollen dropping… seems to screw with the rest of the plant so bud it’s in a constant state of confusion… do I make buds or seeds… dang women.

Tonight I removed half of her by removing all her bottom larf and hopefully what remains will tighten up. The hairs are beginning to change colors showing she’s at least trying to finish up…


D’Grape Fire by Oldsogcoc

Topping her worked out quite well as her two tips are not reaching for the light

Urkle x White Runtz fem’d.
Topped and bushed her out a lot more

Molokai Frost #5 x White Runtz

Topping she responded so well to, on the 10th she was supercropped


Gorgeous!!! :partying_face:
