Carty's Collective

Beautiful gals there hun!!!:blush:


Thank You Zannie… Hey, you taught me. lol.

My order of Espoma arrived and I added a Teasp to each small plant as a top dressing and used a plastic fork to get it into the soil. I then topped if off with a
few scoops of fresh soil and watered with half strength foods.

I also did my Auto Flowering trick to these and removed the round cotyledon leaf’s and the single bladed leaf just above it… you could see a growth spurt ater 24hrs.

Urkle x White Runtz

Oldsogs D’Grape Fire… Draig your gonna love this stuff…

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The babies after removing the cotyledon leaf and single bladed leaf…


Some nice fat buds in the making . Going to have some nice smoke when there done.


Thanks Shiska…
I find myself again with so many seeds the choices of what to start next is mind blowing. I’m trying to honor Matt of Goat & Monkey with growing his genetics… but I also have another sponsor in Oldsog who just sent me a bunch of his old gear to try out. Never heard of a strain called “The Taco” … hmmm?

My favorite name: Dude, Where’s my Taco. hahaha.
Amnesia Haze x The Taco #2

So, I let Ladybug choose her an Anniversary Grow… Feb 14 we celebrate 35yrs
All feminized Seeds from 4 different sources.

2 - Soul Mate by Bodhi Seeds via Draig and Zandra
2 - Holy Grail x Underdawg/Tres Dawg by Mr H
2 - Stone Temple by Goat & Monkey Seeds (RIP Matt)
2 - Deep Fried Gelato by Oldsogcoc (GMO x Taco Gelato).

My wife’s choices because, we are Soul Mates, she’s my holy grail, married in a Stone Temple and she loved fried ice cream…


I’m there wearing that same t shirt so many strains I want to try but they only grow so fast way slower than the collection is happening.


I think why I gift so many out… seeds keep coming in and if I didn’t share I’d probably have 500 strains by now. sure, bragging rights… but that’s not me, I want to see stuff enjoyed. taken me all these years to start getting serious though about keeping the best… hehe.


Wishing you early congrats . Been close-to 45 years now.

I’ve got some copa testers I need to get going been holding off till harvest . Veg rooms a bit tight at the moment every one should of been finished and traded places .


Congrats @Carty and Mrs. Carty. Very impressive 35 years.


Aww!!! That’s so kewl!!
35 years is quite a milestone- especially now days!
We’ll hit that mark NEXT September!!!
Hard to believe sometimes that you’ve been with someone for nearly half your life… and both of ya lived to talk about it! LMAO!!
(EDITED: My math didn’t match our ages!! LOL!)


Looking great buddy! :+1:
Nice trick! Can tell how she’s grown!
Loved using Espoma that’s the first fertilizers we used outdoors and it worked great! No bugs or deficiencies problems at all.

Can’t wait to try this one. Those buds are looking fat! and the Taco!! You’re too generous my brother!!

Yeah man that Molokai #5 is a big one!

I know what you mean bro! I don’t know what we should grow next, any suggestions from what you’d like to see from what you’ve sent? We’ve got the green light for the CS PR! We already popped and all of them are now above ground, they’ll have there own living quarters. I’d like to do a fem this time to save space. D’Grape Fire looks like fire. Lol :fire:


That looks like a party.

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I like the long skinny leaves.

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Oh hey congrats on 35 years with your Ladybug! We’re not too far behind ya. Valentines Day you’re a romantic I see. Nice! When you find that special one you can’t let em go eh? I know you two have a lot in common, like Lady Z and I do. It sure helps huh?

love the theme and great picks Ladybug!


Some great responses, thanks so much on the congrats. and remember, the big difference between watching football in Sundays with your buddies vs your wife.
MOST of your buddies won’t play with your hooha at halftime. Most. LMAO.
Ladybug loves that joke…

Let’s take a peek at what’s going on. Most impressive to me is the stacking going on with Goat & Monkey’s Urkle x White Runtz

Size, gotta go with the big lady, Molokai #5 x White Runtz

The plant on the right is on a booster chair from Denny’s, as I call them… lol just to attempt to keep up with MK5 and her height… lol.

Oldsogs D’Grape Fire looks incredible… I love this strain, 2nd time running her and very happy to get loaded up with a fresh batch from this sponsor…

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and then, there is the ones I just up potted the past 2 nights…
So, wondering who made the final cut… ?

Back left, my tester of STOMP
Front right, Runtz x White Runtz a week behind the others.
the rest are the ECSD x White Runtz by Goat & Monkey. All are feminized cept my STOMP plant… just goofing off with it.
STOMP= Gabagoo x Sour Stomper
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Runtz x WR… not bad for a week behind the others

The big MK5 does NOT like it inside the tent. put her inside and she wilts… outside and rotate few times a day and she thrives… weird plant and why I tend to avoid heavy leaning Sativa strains… I just cannot do them justice.

thanks for stopping in, means a lot to me…


BEAUTIFUL grow going there hun!! Those D’Grape Fire and Urkle x White Runts are FROSTED!! :blush: :green_heart:


Thanks Zandy
I’m looking forward to starting something from you 2 friends next. And it wasn’t EZ with all you’ve sent…
So, sending you more so your decision is just as hard…lol…
The DGF is really bulking up.
Out of good PK additive for this stage of game…


Uh oh!
See if you can find Espoma, Buddha’s terpine tea or Papa’s Perfect Poop-- they are organic-- the last 2 you just water-in, Espoma you top dress…either that, or some ChaChing or Kool Bloom?
Amazon may not be the best- but when you are in a bind- can usually find a half way decent P-K at a lower price an get it within a week or less!


Flower Fuel works. It’s Cheap.

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