Carty's Collective

Why do I keep missing your updates.:confused: Oh, that Sour Diesel is one my favorite too bro. I thought you might like it.

That guy you speak of feels he’s trailing behind, hahaha. Wishes he had more than a few of each to share.

Are you using the organic MG or the Original with Osmocote?

Yeah buddy!! the Runtz x White Runtz is frosty as hell!!

That Flower Stacker is looking good :laughing: I know it’s an additive.

I think it’s a good idea that you don’t give away all your seeds, except for a single pack. you’ve already done that twice before bro! I know it’s good Karma, but you can still gift trade and collect!

You’re always welcome to what we have my brother! in fact you should have another package with some peanut butter cookies. But you have to share with Ladybug and Mongo!

That Black Catpiss sounds pretty awesome they all do really.

@Kabuddha nice!! Glad to see you helping our brother Carty out! I believe that’s going to be one hell of an Auto!
Love the Gobstomper Name!

Damn love the colors on that Stomp!
Looking great!


It popped into my head, after all bro, we are from the generation of :…
" The Everlasting Gobstopper " … I want an oompa loompa nowwwww… hehe.
Really hope Kabuddha finds a purple pheno to work with… so help me out here.
Gabagoo created STOMP by leaking pollen onto Sour Stomper from Gabagoo male… and now we are crossing STOMP back to Gabagoo is it a BX1… LOL.
I doubt it without using the original male right?

I am hanging onto 15 Original Gabagoo “Magoo” pheno from 2005… and 15
of my Miss Piggy also… last time Miss Piggy was grown it was up in Mass outdoors 5yrs ago… He had to trim her because the neighbors could see her driving in front of his house… his 2 story house. he lost 3lbs when a pouring rain broke a few bottom branches into the mud one night… he calls me up having an issue with morning dew up there late in flower… I convinced him to hit it with a leaf blower every morning… worked great.

He later on sent me an OZ of it and wowza… why I don’t keep working my own creations is beyond me buddy… dummy


I can’t stop taking pictures of her… removed a lower bud to see if the pollen took and I don’t see anything so far. bummer. so, counting on some luck.

Keep in mind that this Auto was grown under 12/12 and would be 30% larger at least running the longer auto light cycle. she’s plumping up.


Yeah I know that purple is beautiful! 2/2 of the Stomp 1 have been planted, and 4/5 on the beast mode… still waiting on the last beast mode…had to crack it manually.

It’s a pleasure to help … Lotsa fun.

Edit: looks like the last beast mode is sprouting a tail, should be in soil soon. :smiley:



Let’s look at some babies. The Auto Bubblegum was a bit of a let down… so far out of 8… I’ve kept 2. so of course, ya gotta replace them.

Decided to replace them with Feminized Autos to make life a bit easier…
2 - Humboldt OG x Fire OG by CSI Humboldt feminized Auto
1 - Crazy 8 x Monkey Fruit Fem Auto

Just dropped into water to float for a few days, I no longer stir them after watching a video on floating seeds… so much easier then the paper towel method…

night all


I just checked out the vid…looks like a simple but effective way…thanks @Carty!


Seems totally logical, zero stress @CanuckistanPete, awesome that you dug it up CP
Thanks for sharing @Carty

Here we are 3 days later… 100%
2 Red Thai from @SativaKid
Pools Open



Anything to make things less stressful on the plant makes for happy healthy girls


Imagine if I’d of kept all the seeds I’ve had gifted to me just the past few years beginning with the 2 shoe boxes from the Vault of a closed up site.

Finally I decided to begin my serious seed collection called:
" Carty’s Collective Crosses "

This is my keep list… I still have a bunch for trades/gifts and some already put away for a box going to a guy called Draig… hehehe


Hell of a collection! :open_mouth:

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LST being done to the ECSD x White Runtz to increase yield. Remember, these plants were all flipped directly into flowering from the get go, robbing them of vegging to size… impressive to say the least.


What are you doing with the Azad x Starfighter?


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Like I said… seed wh------Barons!!


You’re to good to me my brother!!

Those girls are looking amazing!
Just look at that purple! :purple_heart:
All from 12/12 that’s impressive as hell bro!

Hey check this out partner

266 enjoy my friend!!


Cool man, just not sure I want a photo of my Dad on it… yeah, that’s my pop when KSC (Kennedy Space Center) flew him down to Houston to do repairs to the Astronauts head sets. My dad in Astronaut gear. he worked thru most of the space shuttle missions, even the bad one. He and I were standing in his front yard when it blew up… he said, well that’s not supposed to happen, got dressed and went to work…

if you want a cool photo to put in the center I can make it happen… hehe.
Gabagoo F2
My Gabagoo… lol


Tell ya what dude… I’ll put those aside along with some others you might be interested in and hang onto them as a reward for making the seeds I need…
I sure hope this works for you bro… everybody happy then… hehe.


When I saw that photo I assumed it was you and was wondering wtf you were doing. :thinking:
Now it all makes sense!


Wow, sorry dude! I saw you post that pic and remembered you saying that’s the one you wanted to enter for the OG poster, but were too late. I’m not sure it can be changed now. I should have just picked a different photo. maybe if you contact @Heliosphear it might not be too late to have it changed, IDK. No more surprises for you! hahaha

Oh, BTW, I know what’s been going on. but it’s already been paid for bro, if it can’t be changed and you don’t want it, just let me know.


@Carty working on a plan for your poster. Please speak to @Lady.Zandra63 and @Draig we will get it worked out.

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I want to accept my gift as is… I apologize for all the hassle, looks like I’ve been Gonzo’d yet again as he was a major part of this confusion, nuff said.

I love my pop, he knows what I do, kinda. So, I am going to call this poster…
" I’m not a Spaceman No No" a song lyric by Journey and what a journey this has been. It’s my Dad telling the UNIVERSE that Overgrow has THE BEST growers, period. No, this is a unique poster I guarantee nobody else will ever have… Unless Draig orders one for himself.

I don’t want this gift from to great friends to be tainted anymore… It was gifted with extreme love and will be accepted the same way… and Peanut Butter cookies will go along way too… muwahahaha.

Poster As Is please… and Thank you again for even thinking of me… I will proudly hang it in my shed. hahaha. jk. I got a spot.