Carty's Collective

That’s an awesome response from an awesome OGer on a gift from two other awesome OGers. This place is…what’s the word I’m looking for…awesome!


It’s all cool, my brother! I’m glad you appreciate the thought! We can’t make changes at the factory, but I believe there’s an after market modification solution, so you might not have to hang it in the shed. Hahaha

1L my friend! :green_heart:


Hey, I have a nice shed… but I see it hanging right over my 2 tents.

Bad Joke, get ready: I told my psychiatrist that on some days I feel caught between a Teepee and a Wigwam… says my problem is I’m 2 tents. (tense)

I warned ya it was bad.

Draig and Lady Zandra, you 2 rock. So looking forward to this gift…


Could of been worse… you could of put this one in the center…


Next Grow… It’s never easy to choose what to grow next when your collection is 200+ strong.

I changed my mind so many times and here is what I’ve wound up with to start next…

UBC Chemo #2 x M39 by H.A.T.T. Seeds (GMO)
Peaches & Lilac Diesel by Ethos Seeds
PePe Le Blue
Cap Junky F2
Trashberry by G&M fem

2 of each… Going into water soon


I can send you some straight UBC Chemo

if you want



Hahaha, that was bad! But still made me laugh!

I think the sticker would be a bit more attractive. and I doubt your hands are really that big bro. Hahaha

How can a guy say no..  With all the crosses out there I'm liking the idea of grabbing up some untouched gear..  Strains without this in the name..  X  haha

And you know I’m gonna send you something back crusher…

Should send you a few fem seeds of this ECSD x White Runtz because this girl did this flipped to flower from seed.. Imagine if veg' for 2mos and topped what this girl would look like..

she just keeps stacking and frosting up…


Hola Carty

No worries mate

I just put a moose on the Barbie

and in the mean time got your

letter ready



Ho-Lee-moley rock en-rolley! good one. :innocent:


that is a very impressive Collective! WOW!

1 Like

Hey Dude, thanks… Yeah, I’m very blessed with many friends… taken me over 25yrs to make them all on different sites. The good bro’s you keep in touch with or follow from site to site… But it’s all about Karma. I’ve gifted my entire collection away twice, 1 put this one to shame… almost 3 shoe boxes. I gifted them all away down to 1pk of seeds… 3mos later you’d of never known …

Few years later, did it again… and here I am now… cept now I’ve decided to keep at least of few of each strain and build my own collection for a change. Keeping plenty aside for trades and gifts though…

Up potting party past few days… said, what I used to do in one night takes me 3 to complete with my back real bad atm…


Planted some seeds tonight to get things a rolling… I double potted everything as most are non fems and will lose some to males.

2 of each in 1gal orchid pots. Females will get up potted to 3gal felt.

So, anyone up for some step by step to see how the mind of Carty works…
Choose strains, drop into good water and float the seeds… after this I went old school and did the damp paper towel, into baggie, dark and warm place…

2 days late, the winner of 8 strains was… Cap Junky F2’s had longest tails.

I watered in the pots 2 days ago, gives the organics a jump start. I’m still using up the Miracle Grow soil, but since it has a tendency to harden up I’ve add perlite to the soil mix 2cups to 8.
To this I added 1tsp of Espoma plant starter plus for all it’s Mycho values. plus NPK of 4-3-3 is perfect for veg… Water and feed at half strength …

Cap Junky F2
LBL Lemon Tree F2 by Carty F1 direct from Loran
PePe Le Blue
GOJI x Internet Cookies
Trashberry Fems
UBC Chemo x M39
Miracle Cookies

At planting time tonight, I fluff the soil with a fork so after planting the seed the tap root can move around much easier. plant seed half inch deep and water lights using eye dropper to avoid splashing and sinking seed deeper… big no no.

Tomorrow they go into their tent under lights to keep the ball a rolling…


Nice! Do you always multi plant a pot for veg until shows sex?


no… I don’t. Usually I’ll choose 1 strain of photo regs, put down 8 single potted all in hopes of getting half females and, hoping all are worth keeping… I need 4 each run and why I like using Fem’s usually… but 200+ strains of photo regs, you tend to change things a wee bit…

I plant them on each side of the pot trying to give them room… and, many times you can choose between the 2 around week 2 and cull the other just due to growth characteristics… try to wait until sex shows but not always.

Plan is to keep the 2 Trashberry Fems and 4 or 5 of the others if possible.

but, it’ll be a fun ride…


Nice! Everything is looking great as always bro! I see you have a GG4 Auto growing, I really like the ones we grew from Fast Buds. The ECSD X WR is gorgeous! Like you said imagine if you gave her 3 months of Veg, Damn!! You also gotta love the flower to leaf ratio on that structure!!


Yeah man, a friend sent me some GG4 nuggies to try, I think I liked it best. Matter factly, The 2 Autos ruled over the photos. I love the Autos man… but it’s
nice to only run lights for 12hrs too… lol

Talk about needing some serious training though. I’m also finding out the names of some of the seeds I got… Like the Angel Haze x TK is called " Gootchitman " and the Molokai is known as " OG Triple Cream " …

Few things heading your way soon… :scream_cat:


I’ve been sitting on these for a good piece. From everything I gather the MAC 1 is not an ideal breeding partner. But my intel could be wrong.


The GG4 Auto we got from Fast Buds reminds me so much of the original.

Yeah saving on electricity is always a good!
I got some of the Gootchitman, Molokai x Triangle Kush “OG Triple Cream” and the Chem D x White Runtz = “ChemRuntz” seeds among many others sent from a great friend! I’m looking forward to growing these this year! One cool dude! :sunglasses:

The Cantaloupe Kush Auto from Mosca is pretty nice. By the name I assumed it was a Cantaloupe Haze Cross, but it’s actually NL auto x West Coast OG Auto. I don’t usually buy European genetics anymore, there are a few exceptions, but I find Mosca to be good quality and easily available in the US., Same with Fast Buds Auto’s, both are Spanish breeders.

As I am typing @Lady.Zandra63 just brought in the mail brother woo-hoo!!


So don’t leave us hanging what was your woohoo package?

That’s great to know I actually have a gg#4 from fastbuds but Ive been hesitant. My first grow was had a “gg4” fem and was very disappointed. It was from a trusted vendor but it didn’t seem like gg4. It had a very heavy almost overwhelming sour berry smell and taste. Others who have grown gg4 said my pics didn’t look like gg4. I know you can only tell so much by looking but idk. Thanks that might be an outdoor attempt.