Carty's Collective

Oh for sure… but, I have 2 pkg’s arriving next week early… and some of those just might fall into your current box I’ve been adding to… Do you already have some of my Lemon Tree LBL

Yes, You sent me both, bro! 5 of original LBL from Loran, that we grew, got a decent couple to play with. I’m
so looking forward to the Lemon Tree pheno. you worked!’ve recently sent, yum! All of which was.more than generous brother!

Ooh, that WBNO is just what the Dr. Ordered! I knew that Loran created this one. Winking Blinking and Nod Off or is it Out? If it happens to a find its way to the mailbox, I’ll need a fire extinguisher! I’m sure I would not be too disappointed, hahaha!

BTW your garden is amazing That girl looks huge she’s the one you started from going straight into 12/12? You know my memory. and the babies look nice and healthy as do your CBD clone and your Auto’s!


Hey your doing better dude… you remembered it all correctly… woohoooo, Draig wins a Carty Award.
OG logo in seeds


WBNO and yes, last word is OUT. He sent me that same time he gifted me his LBL. We talked and he even gave me permission to go Auto with the LBL whenever I could… very cool, always good to ask permission … He warned me about the WBNO… I guess it’s one particular pheno, like many strains huh?

This big arse ECSD x TK just will not finish… and yes, can you believe she’s that big started on 12/12. used to do that all the time, have always had height restrictions… ya gotta find strains that have a big stretch or they’ll just stunt on ya… Sativa dom do great this method.

I took off a bud and dried it atop the light for 3 days… just smoked half a doob and on 2nd hit I got the resin all over my lips and at halfway point it was so ganked up I put it out. omg is she greasy.

will have to send a sample… hehe.

Babies are everywhere…
2 of everyone is up now, even my Lemon Tree whose seeds are years old are both up now… Ethos had a sister pop up to… gonna be a fun epic grow.


Yay!! A Carty award, for my memory. that is an achievement, hahaha!

Although it was a long term memory. I was researching the LBL because of being interested in Mota Rebel’s work years back and I learned about Loran’s contribution of his LBL and WBNO and when you told me you had some, and that you got from the man himself, No way could I forget it.
Yes, it is good form to always ask a breeder for permission buddy I’m glad he trusted you to make Autos with thev LBL. What a great guy R.I.P Loran

I do love what you’ve done with those coin flips and I know that’s not even half of your collection. Try not to give it all away, for a 3rd time hahaha.

We used to grow Sativa dominant and pure Sativa this way and I agree with you about the Sativa dominant from seed straight into 12/12 some were definitely worth it. Some pure Sativa strains just kept on growing and took forever, especially with landrace Sativas, until we just let them grow a week or so and switched lights to 11 1/2 on 12-1/2 off or just 11/13 and slowly taking them down to 10hr on 14hr off, near the end of flowering cycle. It does seem help speed them up a bit. And I also believe it keeps them from excessive stretch to let them veg for only a week. JME

But, yes, they do keep a lower profile. either way. The results are quite apparent, while looking at your beautiful ECSD x Triangle Kush!!

Glad to see the babies are all up and happy bro!

Definitely wouldn’t turn my nose up to a sample of the ECSD x TK, it sounds amazing! :blush:

For sure going to be epic adventure to see!!


Hola Gang

Yep that WBNO was good
grew some a few yrs back.

Love it



Barefrog hops into the conversation… one of my OG friends I’ve known for many years. He’s good people like you Draig. :100:… Thanks for that reassurance as I’ve not grown it yet. A shame when you have so many strains you overlook something as special as this.

Draig, the Seraph is something special also.

I think your next gift package is going to have another 25 strains in it buddy…
Hey, when you took me on as a partner you were warned. Oh crap, did I forget to warn you and have you sign a Malarky agreement… well, let me know when I’ve gifted you 1000 seeds and that is where you get cutoff… HAHAHA

And that I’m full of Malarky, but that you’ve come to realize. HA.


PePe Le Blue by Johnny Potseed… look like Twins, identical growth patterns…

LBL my F2 Lemon Tree pheno from over 10yrs ago

Just a peek


Hola Gang

Seraph is that the Indica version of trainwreck ?



Much respect towards Barefrog.
leave it to you to know the best people out there and thanks partner for considering me among them.

I’ve never grown the WBNO, but I understand it’s a powerful knock out stone and I’ve been wanting to try for many years.

I hear you about having so many strains and overlooking something special. Not a great analogy but we had a great line of seeds we created many years ago. Kept the parent stock and put the chucking on hold in favor of commercial growing. also wanted to try more varieties and stored the seed stock in the freezer and now can’t get them to germinate.
I wonder if it’s because we’ve had multiple power outages and a couple times we hadn’t noticed the circuit to the freezer and a couple lights that we don’t use that ended up triggered, and hadn’t noticed right away. The seeds were in an airtight containers with desiccant so who knows. Inconsistent temps, maybe. Or they’re just too old.

I read up on the Seraph and Dude that’s sounds awesome! Another one that really sounds perfect! Disciption states “Great for insomnia, chronic stress or anxiety, depression and chronic pain” Perfect
Again checks all the boxes

25 strains!?! Holy sheet, brother!!
Well, I can’t give you my first born or rename him, hahaha. but we are working on a new strain that will need naming, how’s that? Hahaha
I couldn’t ask for a better partner! Hard to believe it’s been almost 2 decades ago since we met.

I see all the babies are up now and looking good! I’ve noticed that JP’s genetics are pretty uniform. and after 10 years your LBL are doing great. Especially for 10 yr old seed!


Hi there, Bare, it’s a Trainwreck cross. This is the info I’ve found on it.

Slightly Indica Dom 60/ 40 QE32 Trainwreck X Chitral NLD Pakistani Sativa… It’s supposed to be well balanced hybrid, that leads to a sleepy indica and great for pain relief.


Hola Gang

What I discover is that seeds
don’t survive seal jar.

I made shit load of seed outdoor
thinking will pick them later on
Forget that they all look good however
none will grow.

Pick your seeds right of the bat.



Well darn, that bites…
Yeah, guess who else has seeded bud in jars… :smirk:

Well thanks for the ‘heads up’



I’ve got some bud with seeds in zip lock bags vacuum sealed stored in the freezer only 3,years old still seem to germ good .

Didn’t realize they deteriorate over time if left that way. Thanks


That should be good.
I haven’t gone to freezer storage (yet) but everything I’ve read says you should be fine.



Thanks, Bare, I can imagine where that could be a problem, especially if the bud is not totally dry.

We always just plucked the fresh seeds out of the dried bud and let the seeds dry a bit, to be sure and then seal them up with some rice or other desiccant, then run the bud material in our Bubble bags.

Great info my friend!



Hola Gang

Never froze any seeds
But did vacuum seal mason
and also older method of burping
jar before closing for good.

and both of these method gimme dead seed

I think it has to do with
lack of oxigen The seeds were fully mature.



I would have to agree on the oxygen. If there was lots in the jar when sealing it.

Doing it just in a vacuum bag there would be less air I’m guessing .


juat a note of thanks.@Carty the durban f2 you sent me from Raih88’s Games and Giveaways landed safe and sound.


Chilling the seeds down to refrigerator temperatures significantly reduces biological activity. That’s probably a factor.


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dam that does suck if true, i got a ton of seeded buds in jars, will have to take some out and see if they sprout?