Carty's Collective

Everything’s looking good brother!
The autos may be a bit stunted but are looking nice and frosty surprise with that nice Bubblegum, it looks like she’s going to be a great yielding plant! How’s the smell so far?


I’ll have to do a stem rub tomorrow and get that answer for ya… she is at a point right now where she could donate 10 cuts easily that are tucked beneath canopy. Might hand them off to Atilla, my local brother in arms…

Guys, the Collective is still growing… during this week I should have 20 more strains arriving and they just keep getting better. man this is fun…


Okay, calling it a night… see everyone tomorrow… shipping a bunch of stuff out so if your waiting for seeds from me, a bunch left Sat and Tues I’ll do another mailing… night OGer’s


Newest arrivals…
5 - Bubba Diagonal x Grape Stomper
5 - The Menace
10 - Dirty Murial
10 - Urkle x Banana OG
50 - Jamaican OG x SFV OG F1
30 - Nurse Larry F3
100 - SFV OG x C99
40 - Knights Templar
220 - Snow Leopard


Everyone has shown sex as of today… I culled one of the PePe Le Blue plants and converted it into clones… so now I have about 8 of those and this one huge clone of Trashberry… Just wish I had someone to send them to, trying to get this local bro to stop by and get them… the impressive part is Trashberry has been in water for 4 days and is not wilting… something I look for…


Woo! Now that’s a cross!


Everything arrived here safe and sound!! Thank you, my brother!! You never cease to amaze me!! Look for a package sometime next week. Nice genetics you just got in!!

Hope you and the Mrs are feeling better!

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Oh and BTW thanks for making this cool ass Celtic avatar bro! I love it!

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Cannot take credit for making that, but how cool huh? and it said Draig right under it too… You see, I was online looking up Draig to get some ideas for a piece of art work I was starting… It’s for a really good brother. I found that in my searches and thought of you… and found out EXACTLY what Draig means, found it and hung it around a Celtic Cross… yeah baby.

enjoy the genetics, share and share alike I say…


Just a quick peek at things…

LBL in rear and GMO’s UBC Chemo x M39 looking stellar in front


LBL F2 Lemon Tree pheno

PePe Le Blue



Very cool indeed my brother! I tried uploading the whole image with Draig underneath but even after resizing it just wasn’t showing it. But It is awesome as is!!

I can’t wait to see what you create!! I know it will be great! Love the piece the sketch your doing for Sissy, that means a lot, my good friend!!

I’m happy to see your garden is doing so well. Imagine your LBL “Lemon Tree” all.these years later, finding its way home, how cool is that!!

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Your grow is looking awesome hun!!
Amazing what we can do in our little tents- hun!?

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I actually wish I could just show it to ya Draig, but hey, we gotta have some surprises in life huh? I know your gonna frame it up… turned out very nice.

Ladybug has been digging out all my projects and supplies, forgot I had a complete acrylic set, colored pencils for pro’s, paint mixing guide etc etc never used from Christmas 3yrs ago. funny how one can get so excited about crap they had just never used… hehe.

Going to pick up a few document mailers so I can get Matt’s paintings up to him and yours to you and Mary…

Just started one for my older brother where his mastiff is chin down onto a picnic table begging for coffee with his tongue sticking out… omg so cute.

So far


Hey hun…I literally have BOXES of Art supplies that get stuck ‘out of the way’ then forgotten… then I buy what I need when I need it.
Find a box-- go BANANAS like a kid at Christmas!
Just found acrylics and watercolors (tubes) several brush sets, good watercolor paper, and my old vine charcoal & Conte’!!!
Then there’s the stuff for sculpture. THAT is what I’m really looking foreword to…but cant until all the Homestead is fixed-up and cleaned up…

That is a CUTE Pup…and you are doing a great job on the picture!!! :green_heart:

Cute pup. So mail call from yesterday and @carty came with the :fire:again. Thank you kind sir!

so big man gots some drawing skills I dig it😜. And some Graysin farms to try man thank you again. Does she have a sponsor acct on here yet?


That Mimosa x Triple Lemon is going to be nuts!


Nice find with the art supplies bro! Your brothers Mastiff is a beautiful pup! What a cute pose, love the tongue. Looks like a heart, lol. You’re doing a great job on him/her!

I know that whatever you make, it will be amazing and worthy of hanging on our walls! Thanks again my brother!


From the photos I’ve seen from a newbie grower, they are beautiful with big head buds…

Draig… That’s my brothers dog begging for Coffee at a picnic table at one of their campouts… It’s kinda funny because out little Mongo is such a coffee whore that he literally attacks me after I take a sip trying to get to my mouth. It started with him as a 8wk old when the lady we got him from would put him on her PC desk and allow him to walk around… one day he found her coffee cup and it was all over…
Baby Mongo
She sent us this photo telling us your dog has a coffee problem… we got to pick him out at birth… she sent us updated photos almost daily making it so fun.

Tina will pick up a few document mailers tomorrow after church to get these off to ya… I’ve actually done 2 for you Draig and attempting a 3rd but it’s taking longer as I cannot draw werewolf hands that great… your only hint biotch… and no, not your main drawing at all… HA


Mongo is so tiny there that he can fit into the palm of your hand… and where he road all the way home from North of Tampa in Tina’s hand… same breeder we got our 1st Toy Rat Terrier from Rizzo… our little boy turns 6 Juny 6th…