Carty's Collective

I had a wonderful dog named Mungo! Your dogs are adorable

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Love a cool name… I never go with typical names… I’ve had 2 pit bulls… one was Motley and the other was Lola… a Blue Heeler named Cozy…

Mongo was named after a character in Blazing Saddles… the dude rides into town on a Brahma Bull with Yes on left butt cheek and No on it’s right… he gets off his bull, walks over and punches a horse knocking it out before waking into the saloon…

Best quote during the movie… Mongo like Candy




Mongo looks so tiny there.
So he gets irritable when he doesn’t get his coffee too, huh? Hahaha.

That’s awesome that you were able to pick him out from birth and get updated picks of him. It must have been fun to watch him grow and develop his personality before you got to take him home!

I gor an Idea from your hint. Hahaha
Can’t wait!


Hey Canuck Pete… Yup, dat’s my boy. Since he was a pup, if you tried to discipline him by spanking his bottom, he’d get all excited wag his tail and take off running like it was play time… wtf. I look at Ladybug and say, he likes getting spanked too… (insert playful smack). hehe.

I did it, I drew Werewolf hands ripping y… ah ah ah. no more hints.

btw dude, I’ve done 3 for you. 2 are almost the same the the 3rd is the real gift. I finished them up last night, why not been on here as much… now back to my brothers.
At night in bed @ 2am I watch painting video’s and realize, I don’t know crap… and the journey has just begun for me… and looks like fun


At 1mos old and about a week into 12/12 things are looking great. The larger Bubblegum plant is further along…


Those are lookin’ real nice @Carty


Those are looking gorgeous!!!

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The plants are looking amazing as always bro! Loving the looks of the Bubblegum, she’s got a lot of bud sites on her and is going to be a heavy yielder!

Hey, brother you got my imagination in high gear. Can’t wait to see what you’ve done! Each one is a real gift! The third one sounds like it’s bad ass!! Thanks again partner!


The other plants have finally caught up to the Bubblegum in height without sitting on their booster seats… muwahaha.

I had a bad infestation of fungus gnats… did some research on tips to fight the turds… The one I loved and used was Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with water kills them instantly but not the eggs… so repeat in a few days and walla… I went from seeing them everywhere to barely seeing any after a week…

A little Jimmy… Tops to the left, Tops to the right… hahaha
Tops to the left|366x500



I have a TERRIBLE fungus gnat infestation. Nothing for two grows, then I decide to take a monster can I cut the top off of that i had seeded with some wildflowers (had filled the can with potting soil from a bag I had sitting ouside) and BAM… Can’t get rid of these fuckers. Luckily they are contained to the tent and not in every single house plant we have! After this run when I’m reamending everything, going to hit all the new boxes with mustard seed meal. Should kill all the larvae that are still in the soil too. :crossed_fingers:t2: :crossed_fingers:t2: :crossed_fingers:t2:


Hey did you see mephisto genetics has released GRAPE SKYWALKER KUSH! Have some coming to a mailbox near you :wink:!


Hey @Carty and @ix3u, have y’all ever used Mosquito Bits(BTI)?
I’ve dominated a serious fungus gnat battle more than once with the stuff. It’s a naturally occurring bacteria and is organic and not toxic to people or animals(so they say).
I’ll steep/bubble up a tea for 24hrs and then water the surface evenly and heavily. This alongside alot of yellow sticky traps had had great success at fully eradicating damn near all of the little buggers. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


@blowdout2269 I have not. I feel like it’s poison and don’t want it in my grow, but I’ve seen it mentioned by several people better than me, so 🤷🏻… I’m sure it works. I’ve used it outdoors in non food/smoke scenarios scenarios (small pond) and it did the trick. I haven’t looked at what it actually is in years and can’t remember exactly what’s in it… My 2 cents

I’ve tried the Neem bits and watered with that after steeping for awhile. Didn’t do much. Before I put the covers on my earthboxes, my sticky traps didn’t look yellow for long :roll_eyes:… It’s better now, but there are still some in the tent and probably infected my veggie trays, but those are going outside soon so don’t really care. Plenty of stuff out there to eat them :smiling_imp:

Go get some play sand and pour a 1" layer across the tops of your soil containers. Then wait…
Also get yellow sticky paper traps… also water plants LESS to stop the gnats. Improve air flow in the tent. @ix3u


@CADMAN I’ve thought about it. I’ve got a couple bags of sand sitting around from when we redid the patio. Would make top dressing a pita, but worth it. Airflow is good. Got two 8" oscillating fans blowing constantly, and I only top water when I do the top dressing, so not often. I let it sit dry or in between grows, but I’m pretty sure they are a carryover from last time… I’m gonna nuke the soil before I start the next one so it won’t be an issue :muscle:t2:


Have you tried using food grade Diatomaceous Earth?
It kills gnats and the larvae among other nasty bugs. Just spead it on top like top dressing.

We’ve also used the mosquito dunks like @blowdout2269 mentioned they aren’t poisonous. But @Carty is right about Hydrogen Peroxide killing eggs and larvae on contact, interrupting their life cycle works too.

Here’s a good link


Ooooh, thank a you. I was just reading on the Diat Earth stuff, too funny. I knew about the skeeter dunks but I don’t know… and when I read up on the peroxide part of the thread, what got me was this… It recommended even if not battling fungus gnats, flush with it. It will oxygenate your root zone and kill bacteria if an issue you cannot see… lol

The D Earth is organic, I love that and will get me some… I even read, sand. a layer of sand they cannot come up thru… hmm?


Remember that DE only works when dry; it can get wet, and it will work again when it dries out, but does not kill until it’s dry.
Just something to be aware of in terms of application