Carver Farms Mega Maid

I’m keeping clones of the cut you sent me and none of them have seemed very auto-ish on their own but since we’re curious I did hit one with an auto pollen so I’m in for the scientific study.:partying_face::sunglasses: Seeds are close to done cooking. :+1:t3:

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It’s possible to keep fast photos in veg. They just require good light and room for roots


This may be why they get mad at me often! :joy: They don’t seem to like my half gallon pots much. I really haven’t played with them enough to know what’s up myself. I am curious about the progeny as well and I think things may become more apparent playing with a handful of those. :+1:t3:


If I had the space I’d play with fast photo clones a bit more.
I kept a papaya candy clone for 2 years what a pita. If I could get a bunch of cuts off her it would have been perfect for spring hoop house grow. I did about 20 a few years ago. They went in April 1 and came out June 1ish


I know - fast photos are just photos. But they shouldn’t have 100% auto offspring.

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I’ve only really been playing with clones for a year or so, and for the most part I think I prefer seeds. :person_shrugging:

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