Caveman's Fall 2023 18 Strain Male Hunt!

I’ll be mixing soil shortly just have 1 more plant to trim, my mix will be as follows:

• 3 cuft Roots Organic Formula 707
• 1.5 cuft Fox Farm Ocean Forest
• 1 cuft Earthworm Castings
• 1 Gallon Fox Farms Strawberry Fields (leftover)
• ½ cuft Coco Coir
• 12 Cups Gallon Build a Soil Build-a-Flower Blend

All plants will be watered in at transplant with 1/2tsp Sea-K per Gallon, pH’d to the appropriate soil range.

I will do a good cleaning of the tent before transplanting and then move all plants there.


She’s all clean now! Time to mix some soil!

Edit: Just looked an this is my 420th Post on Overgrow! Let’s Go! :laughing::laughing::laughing:


10-1-23 Day 28- I mixed soil in my bathtub, with a spare shower curtain used as a tub liner and taped to the shower walls. It was a workout lol but satisfying. Still plenty left too! Here they are in their new pots and moved to the tent, light is 24" away from top of pots and turned to 60% for between 300-400 PPFD.


Wow just found this thread… pulling up a chair. Can’t wait to see what you do with that Golden Ticket!! I just put a few in dirt today myself.


Good to see you here! Welcome! :pray::pray:


10-2-23 Day 29- Adding 1x Zoltar, 1x Cuvee F2, and 1x Bloodberries. All 3 seeds are Regs. Planting into solo cups with my mixed soil blend. Will give about 1oz each of Sea-K @½tsp per Gallon. I will mist and cover with humidity domes.


I’ve grown those Cuvee by Badger out 2x and they were absolutely amazing each time very very terpy mouthwatering Dank and some of the best texture trichomes for bubble hash that I’ve had in a good minute. Should’ve kept her as a mom. Good thing I have another pack. Lol

Also, very cool traits pop-up occasionally, like I saw 13 blade fan leaves on them as well.


10-8-23 Day 35- So my soil is a bit too hot for germinating seeds, the Zoltar, Bloodberries, and Cuvee F2 didn’t sprout. On another note the rest are doing good. A couple have some nute burn mainly Master of Muppets in the back (2nd from far left, back row). Should only be a couple weeks until we know sex of the first 7! Then we can clone the keepers. Back to 15 strains + Chernobyl Golden Ticket clone! I may keep a couple nice females as well, to pollinate alongside Chernobyl. I did just water them with 1/2tsp Sea-K per Gallon, pH’d to the appropriate soil range. Each got 32oz of feed. Also gave them a kelp foliar. Should have probably watered a day or 2 ago lol.


Sakura, Avatar, and Peach Ringz F4 seem to be doing the best of the 7 biggest. They have no nute burn. Whereas most of the others have at least a few spots these 3 are mostly untouched. I’m really liking their plant structures too.


Here’s some more pics, just took these.


So when I got home from work early this morning I did a plant inspection and we have 3 plants sexed. Cherry AK47 and Indiana Bubblegum are Female and Orange Tripel is Male. 4 more of the big one yet to sex.


So Sakura showed Female as well, I discarded the 3 Females. I’m starting to regret chopping the Cherry AK the stem rub and leaf smell was a strong Cherry menthol. I hope to god I come across that plant again in that pack! So we have Orange Tripel so far as our only male. Still waiting on Master of Muppets, Avatar and Peach Ringz F4 to show themselves. Meanwhile the smaller ones are doing great! I’m really loving the thick stem on Orange Cherries! I really hope it’s a male! Appalachia F3 is my other favorite of the smaller ones.


Just did another inspection during my watering. Avatar is Female and is getting chopped. Peach Ringz F4 is Male! This one’s a really cool plant, the fan leaves are freaking huge! So last plant of the bigger ones that we are waiting on is Master of Muppets. The smaller ones are running out of room lol :laughing:


Not something you hear to often for sure. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That Blue Heron is probably really nice but it grows so slow compared to everything else… buddy of mine tried a couple in a SOG with various other strains and it lagged behind everything and just got swallowed in the room. When I do that one or Blue Magoo I’m going to try to do a bunch of them together and not grow them beside a bunch of hybrids. My buddy isn’t as seasoned of a grower and had no patience for his Blue Heron plants and he culled them early. It made me sad because I wanted to see them in bloom. I will eventually when I grow it myself… I’ve got the original Blue Heron seeds and the Black Blue Magoo now. I might even have some old Bluniverse seeds from Dynasty.


Just chopped Blue Heron and White Tiger as they were female! So as of now we are left with:
1x Banana Sour
1x Starfighter IBL
1x Orange Cherries
1x Appalachia F3
1x Blue Stilton
1x Peach Ringz F4
1x Orange Tripel
1x Golden Ticket Chernobyl


Going to give them a top dressing in these 2 Gallon pots. 2 cups each of the soil I mixed and will water it in with pH’d Tap Water that sat out to Dechlorinate.


I will be taking clones and topping in 2 weeks, most look pretty underfed and I’ve been drought stressing them as well a few didnt really mind. Those plants that took to the stress well will be my primary focus as far as males go!


Good Morning :coffee:
Keep up the hard work brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

11-15-23 Day 72- Yesterday I top dressed with 16oz each of my soil mixture, I watered it in with 32oz each of Sea-K at 1/2tsp per Gallon. PH’d to appropriate range I used 1/2mL pH Down per Gallon to get it right. I used Dechlorinated Tap Water. I did a few days ago end up chopping Banana Sour as the structure wasn’t what I was looking for it was to apical dominant, not bushy at all. The rest of the others from my last post are still with us. Clones have not yet been taken, I will within the next couple weeks, the last couple weeks have been hectic family wise. I received my Clone trays/domes, Rapid Rooter 50pk, and Hormex #8 Rooting Powder!