CerebralMed’s Cultivation Circus

I forgot that I also popped a RocBud Project 51. So I added that to the strains listed above.


On 8/28, I propped the humidity domes a centimeter.

On 8/29, I removed the humidity domes. You can see both Marathon OGs presenting more vigor than any other strain so far.

On 8/30, I added 1 cup of Canna Start + Rhizotonic to each plant.

I took a video—and didn’t realize you can’t add those here. I will grab some photos in the AM.

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I took some photos this AM. Most are starting to acclimate to the light. But my camera seems to be focusing on the tags over the plant. This will change as they all grow more.


Did something go wrong?

Or are you almost ready to chop?

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Oh, something went wrong! I got an aphid colony that moved inside about a week into flower. I’m fighting them hard, but have called in the support from some ladybugs arriving tomorrow.

I actually just started some new seeds and the cold is dragging in crickets that ate the stems.

I’ve never had bug issues and now I have them all!