Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 2)

Goodnight @Abbbian

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Goodnight @Abbbian and good evening to everyone remaining :smiley::+1:


Howdy bud :clown_face:


Good morning brother :sweat_smile:


@Aglanthia lol how long have you been married? After 40 years on honeymoon with my wife, I learned her secretā€¦she feels itā€™s just easier to ask forgiveness rather than ask permission!
Because she knows Iā€™ll just say ā€˜yes dearā€™ :crazy_face: :+1:
lol Actually in 1983 i gave her $100 bill and said here sweetness, go buy yourself a bathing suitā€¦ she actually brought me change back and I just looked at her, saying ā€˜whatā€™s thisā€™? "You donā€™t give back change, you spend it!ā€™ I think she took the hint lol


some wise sir here in the forum said an piece of valueble information for life:

Happy wife, happy life.

I cant remember now who said it, but he deserves a prize :rofl:


That has been around a long time cuz lol long before the internet!
And just as true today as in centuries gone by


some things never change, right? :rofl:


True dat. You make a good woman unhappy, she can fuck up your world. Gotta keep the girls happy. Been with mine for 38+ years. Keep the woman happy and YOU will be happy.


dude, when youā€™re right, youā€™re right.


@Pigeonman I did not want to clog up the trading chat with my block of txt, so figured I would toss this over here.

I feel ya there man. It was not fun watching @Pluckyevil go through all her chemo treatments etc, tore me up for a bit :worried:. I held it together and let it drive me to greatness. Dove into cannabinoid research and testing and went on my way down the path of mainly CBD in the end. We have bought, processed and used pounds and pounds of CBD hemp between her diagnosis and now.

The CBD expedition has lead me to start a long breeding project to make some mixed ration strains around the ratios I blend and we are using daily (mainly 2:1-4:1 CBD:THC). That being said, I do have all sorts of CBD strains sitting here and would be more than willing to get some to you if you need more CBD stock to mess with. I also would advise you or her buying some cheap outdoor CBD hemp to get the CBD journey started and could point you towards some options there if you needed.

Either way, best of luck to you both bud.


Thanks @bassman5420 !

This woman iā€™ve known since '95 so sheā€™s like a Sister to me. (we ALMOST dated but agreed lets not spoil what we have and it was spot on.).

Iā€™ll let you know as I document my journey in helping her, and always please feel free to chime in with any advise you may have!

Iā€™m running with kismet on this one :+1:


So thats a story lol. He is my first ex husband. We married young due to both being in the military and, well, young. We were married for about a year and then divorced. We lost contact for obvious reasons, until 2017 when I contacted him again. We are not legally married but may as well be. House, cars, etc are in both names. He is my compass and letā€™s me know when im being impulsive so it was just a matter of having valid arguments against my impulsivety.


I was literally saying this to my friends couple of days back lolā€¦


Itā€™s really nice that you guys have happy marriages. Pretending that itā€™s as simple as ā€œhappy wife, happy lifeā€ is ridiculous though. Thereā€™s a reason 50% of marriages end in divorce. Some of them end even worse. Sometimes itā€™s the man, sometimes itā€™s the woman - there are no absolute truisms. For example, someone I know has a friend whoā€™s decided that sheā€™s polyamorous now. She told her husband she wanted this, and he doesnā€™t, so now she goes out looking for interesting new people to sleep with while he makes her happy by staying at home and taking care of their kid. If that marriage ends, I know who Iā€™m going to think is to blameā€¦ clearly him, for believing ā€œhappy wife, happy lifeā€ a little too much. :stuck_out_tongue:


Thatā€™s tough to answer cuz, it seems youā€™re bitter, and there may be good reason for it. However, all marriages arenā€™t ending in divorce. I tend to see the glass as half-full personally. It took me a long time to find ā€˜the oneā€™, sorta like a pheno hunt lol But sheā€™s a keeper for sure! So, while others may, or may not, have a good marriage is actually of no consequence to me! Iā€™m very happy and see zero chance of that changing, and if making my wife happy leads to my having an even happier life, then Iā€™m all for it. But, in the end, ā€˜happy wife, happy lifeā€™ is just a ā€˜generalizationā€™ saying. Itā€™s more about what each person brings to the table.


As I said, itā€™s really nice that you have a happy marriage. Congrats. And yes, all I was saying is that itā€™s a generalization - and generally speaking, all generalizations are wrong. :stuck_out_tongue: Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re saying that Iā€™m bitterā€¦ just to be clear, the woman I was speaking of is really just an acquaintance and this has nothing to do with me. Itā€™s an example. Iā€™m not in a relationship right now, and donā€™t really plan to be. People mostly suck, whatever theyā€™ve got between their legs.

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If sheā€™s anything like my wife, sheā€™ll still find plenty to complain aboutā€¦

Whatā€™s that, honey?

Uh, gotta go guysā€¦


the ā€˜bitternessā€™ might just be from the general attitude of your post cuz. If, Iā€™m wrong then I apologize. You have your opinion and I have mine, weā€™re both entitled to that.
Onto other topics, i say.


I was tempted to jump in and say something to diffuse things (as thatā€™s just my nature) but decided to keep my nose out of it. But I just want to say great job agreeing to disagree. Thatā€™s one of the things I love about this forum :call_me_hand: