Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 2)

Sounds good. 24 hours straight of any one topic is bound to run into a little disagreement; all I was saying is that I disagree with that philosophy. Keeping other people happy is not guaranteed to keep you happy. Thatā€™s called a codependent relationship, and theyā€™re generally considered to be bad.

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lol I appreciate your concern cuz really. But neither of us was in any ā€˜argumentā€™, that I could seeā€¦ simply different points of view on lifeā€¦in ā€˜generalā€™ pardon my play on words lol

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Not entirely different points of viewā€¦ Iā€™d just phrase it a little bit differently. ā€œIf youā€™re happy, youā€™re happyā€¦ unless your wife is unhappy, in which case sheā€™s gonna make damn sure youā€™re unhappy too,ā€ seems a little more accurate to me. :stuck_out_tongue: And to clarify, thatā€™s not a sexist or bitter thing; if Iā€™m in a relationship with someone and Iā€™m unhappy, I tend to make them miserable too. Regardless of whatā€™s between my legs.

@Cormoran I think I couldā€™ve used a better word to describe your post than ā€˜bitterā€™ā€¦perhaps ā€˜pessimisticā€™ whereas, Iā€™m ā€˜optimisticā€™ lol Those two mindsets are almost always doomed to dispute each other.
Which doesnā€™t mean we hate each other lol I like ya and have respect for you and your ideas/feelings/thoughts

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Just being somebody standing back watching, depending on the personalities involved felt it could have possibly gone further south. But you guys both seem quite level-headed and there was obviously no cause for concern. Iā€™ve always been a peacemaker, i come by it honestly being sensitive and growing up in a house where people argued a lot


Ouch cuz, well hereā€™s to a happier life for you than what you say was your childhood life. That wouldnā€™t be a good environment for any sensitive person


Itā€™s all good, they had their issues just like I have mine. Everybody has got some shit that needs dealt with in life

oh, @BigMike55 in answer to your question posted earlier. Cuz, Iā€™m about as good as itā€™ll get for me I reckon. Youā€™re aware of my situation, and i donā€™t just have the time, or often the energy, to be here tokin n jokin as I used to. But thnx for asking after me cuz!


Certainly hope you and Miss Rose are having some good days mixed in with the shitty ones.

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Thnx cuz, usually do manage to have some good

Just keep punching Apollo :facepunch:


Terrible day, my other cat dawned the day suffering from cancer, I think itā€™s already terminal phase, she was in so much pain that she ran away. And strangely she still hasnā€™t come back at this time of day, I couldnā€™t sleep all night and now I think she died
The cancer started a tree years ago the several phase, , in the skin by sun radiation , shes albine.


That sucks man, sorry to hear that.


My heart to yours @BERZERK ; we have feral cats that we are very close to because we are allergic to cats and canā€™t have them in the house.

Big hugs to you and yours.

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Sorry to hear that.
Older cats will go away to die.

Sorry :disappointed: truly
Losing a pet is terrible.


Yeah. one of my good friends indoor/outdoor cat went missing in spring. They found him under the shed, his favorite stalking spotā€¦ he knew it was his time and being a 1/2 outdoor cat went to laydown in his favorite spot to take his final rest :sob:

He was 18 so he had a fantastic and full life. :heart:

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That is my experience
They always seem to go to someplace they liked.
In a small way it makes me feel better


thanks for the empathy at this moment comrades. and what a bad moment to lose an animal that lives so close and that doesnā€™t hurt us at all.the name of that cat is Seda(rolling paper in portuguese) that cat was special to me. if shes dont come back till 1 pm i ll go to the street try to find him.


I was the second owner of him.
Seda(rolling paper) has chosen me to be your owner , she go away of his house a couple of years ago , and stay in my area 1 month , and shes never go away after that. Shes sleep with me in my room all the days a 1 year.
God dam dude.
Cancer is fucked up


That was my eternal friend , Seda shes white like a rolling paper.