Check out my perpetual grow!

The two on the right should show new growth. The left two look like the tips are gone. I’m a terrible over cloner :flushed:. Better to have to many than not enough


Yeah they don’t look great lol. This is my first time actually having issues with cloning in this cloner. Never cut the leaves before but this cold snap got some funk going on here lately

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I was taught to cut the leaves in half to relieve transpire stress, especially in low humidity.

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See that’s the thing tho the humidity has been steady the past few days since the new humidifier. I am gonna take new cuts and I’ll snip the leaves just to see if that helps. Usually when the cloner is in the quarantine tent I have it set at 80 degrees and 80 rh and never see any issues but this is the mother tent not the quarantine tent. Also still see a few curled leaves but they have went away noticeably since the addition of the humidifier


How’s the air movement over the cuts?

I have a ac infinity s6 set to oscillating at max speed and they get a breeze every so often but ive raised it up last night. T6 in the tent is set at 4-5. Only 1 s6 fan in there too

Sounds like you are good there. Sometimes I run into issues from lack of air movement

Gotta try one thing at a time to eliminate the possibilities. I’ll start with new cuts when I get home from work and clean out the cloner and get some fresh water in there. Fresh everything should help and then if I find a place for my fiances 2 plants I’ll spray down the quarantine tent with some ISO alcohol and move the cloner back in there as I have some snips coming in next week from a friend. I told my fiance I know I said those plants could go into to the mother tent but I keep seeing fungus gnats on them even after a IPM root drench. They are both in MiracleGrow soil. 2 lavendar plants and rose. The rose has been looking amazing. We had a little spider in there that I shot down with ISO alcohol to eliminate him but I just really don’t want to risk those plants getting mixed in with mine. My fiance brought up that we could transplant them to bigger containers and try to keep as little soil as possible but I just don’t want them in the house after the spidermite issue so idk where to go with them. I wanna toss them back outside when she’s not looking lol

:joy::joy::joy: the indoor outdoor thing let’s lots of potential problems in. Good luck with that one. Cleaning is always good. Maybe get an spray for bacteria fungus to mist the clones

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Yep that’s what I said too. I’m regretting bringing them in but haven’t had any issues so they need to go before I do start having issues lol. I just feel like the moment they are in my tent all hell is gonna break loose and im like nope they aren’t going anywhere but back outside. Hopefully I win that battle

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Inspect them for aphids

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I was reading somewhere also there’s a place that’s trying to manage different pest may managing the pants brix levels. They were saying getting the brix up made the plant toxic to the pest and when they tried to eat on it they died. Kinda neat.


I’ve been inspecting my plants pretty thoroughly and spraying weekly but ill do another leaf inspection when I get home. I dont think aphids are an issue in the mother tent I think its purely environmental issues

I’m saying aphids because I always get them when outdoor plants come inside

Yeah thats what @leetdood was telling me and why I should spray with treatment strength as opposed to prevention strength. He said he did that once and had aphid issues. Doesnt ever hurt to double check so ill do that when I get home and add it to my never ending list lol

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Those clones in the solo cups are in Miracle grow soil? Also what is the PH of the water you used in the solo cups?

Picked up clones from the farm to over winter them. Still finding aphids a year later :unamused:

Nope just pure canna coco coir rehydrated with jacks 321 and a dose of cal mag. I watered the solo cups same as everything else they get jacks 321 at 50% strength varying ph from 5.8-6.0

My fiances lavendar and rose are in 2 planters and those have MG soil @dubby12

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Day 50 of veg. I went ahead and watered everything today but hella jelly. Getting close to needing the autopots I can’t wait! I love seeing the explosive growth after adding autopots! We took those plants outside and compromised by agreeing to plant some seeds of lavendar and a rose in the mother tent but they woukd have to stay small or get kicked outside again. Then we sprayed the quarantine tent 2x now with iso alcohol in every nook and cranny and maybe 1 more time before I moved the cloner over to that tent as ill have clones coming in Tuesday or Wednesday. I took new clones of everything I had cloned before they died. 2 of anything that’s dead and 1 of anything still alive just to play it safe. Also I accidentally topped a side branch of sunset sherbert rushing to train before going to work. Not much of a set back just not ideal lol