Check out my perpetual grow!

Day 50 !! That’s a solid commitment!


Admittedly they are a bit smaller than usual but I was trying to stall them waiting on that sunset sherbert

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I usually veg 1 month

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So I went ahead and moved the cloner back to the quarantine tent and set that up in its typical 80 deg +/- 4 and 80 rh +/-4 as its what I’ve seen the most success with. I was checking the plants and man chemtek will want watered again by tomorrow for sure she’s getting really thirsty! Still waiting to water hella jelly she might be ready tomorrow too but it seems like the flower tent is just going to town now!


Day 51 of veg. I could of swore it was just 2 days ago I watered? Lol time is slipping by me. Probably next Monday I’ll get the autopots setup and prepare to flip in the flower tent. I’m seeing a few spotted leaves in the splash zone from obvious nute splash but beyond that some leaves are looking dark green while others have a lighter tint to them. I anticipate they want some more cal-mag so I bumped up my epsom salt by 1 gram per gallon. Veg tent is coming along very nicely. Not sure how this 2 week offset is gonna workout because it seems like trainwreck 14r x pistachio just wants to take over the tent. I got 1 branch that refuses to lay down for me. Supercropped her multiple times and she still remains the dominant top just not by much. Its the biggest branch on the plant to be fair. Mother tent is looking good. The 2 clones I dodnt kill seem to be making a comeback so if all goes well I’ll ask if anyone wants extras. This time I’m gonna hold onto the extras a bit longer due to my gary payton situation where i handed out my extras and then mone died lol. I still need to get with others and make sure their GP is doing well she’s a heavy eater apparently and im not sure I told everyone who got one that. Quarantine tent has the cloner in it and those plants are looking amazing now. Waiting on a shipment hopefully this week from my buddy other than that all is well. Hope everyone is having a good morning


I’ve been slowly upping the light intensity by 5% every week as well. Flower tent is at 55% and veg tent is at 50%. I have not checked the umols yet tho at canopy level. The flower tent was woken up for some quick pics and just got watered so don’t mind the droopy leaves

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I checked the plants this morning and they wanted watered again. It seems its every 2 days now that they want water. Once we get it to every day I’ll setup the autopots and get them running. I was able to water the few that needed water mother tent, 3 out of 4 in the flower tent (hella jelly wasn’t ready yet) and then watered trainwreck 14r x pistachio before I ran out of nute water and had to call it quits. I’ll finish watering the rest after work but the only one not on a every other day watering schedule as of right now is the hella jelly. Seeing as things are going good in the flower tent I’ll plan to flip to flower on Monday and I’ll release the landscape staples


Man…your training game is on point!! Looks awesome!!

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Thanks for the compliment @Tappy! I always say it’s a work of heart and a labor of love. The plant will start to look really crazy when I release those landscape staples tonight in the flower tent

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Here’s some updated pics for everyone. I checked the tents again today and the flower tent (with the exception of hella jelly) were all feeling pretty light. Im thinking ill setup the autopots Monday or Tuesday and just not have hella jelly in it till she’s ready. The veg tent was a bit heavy still but really close to the 1 day mark. I finally got some roots in my cloner on a few strains. In the next few days I’ll transplant all those to solo cups and see what the future holds. I removed the landscape staples from the flower tent this morning as well. Things are about to get crazy! Chemtek is already taller than I want smh


I’m looking for some thoughts if yall get time. @Hotrods_and_hounds @Emeraldgreen @TopShelfTrees1 @Tappy. Do you guys think I should swap the hella jelly (smallest plant in the 4x8) with the trainwreck 14r x pistachio (biggest plant in the 5x5). I think if I let trainwreck go another 2 weeks she will take over all the room for these other ladies to reach out further and train as you see the 5x5 is almost full right now. My biggest concern right now is chemtek and trainwreck getting too tall. I feel like of trainwreck stays in the 5x5 it’s gonna get cramped fast so thoughts?


I would say if you started flower and the trainwreck is stretching your committed,

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If you have a spare veg, swap them and start flowering. My friend uses 2’’ rigid foam squares to get slower shorter plants even with the canopy
This exact thing is why I try to always run plants with similar growth patterns. No stretch with stretch never is a good time


I’ve circled the plants in red for a better idea


Unfortunately I do not have any more spare tents with room in them to keep vegging anything. All the plants are still in veg but im anticipating to flip the 4x8 Monday or Tuesday

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The thought is swap the hella jelly and trainwreck that way I can flip the trainwreck to flower next week and give the hella jelly an extra 2 weeks of training as she wasn’t quite where I wanted her to be yet she’s close just not there but the extra 2 weeks of veg would get her where I wanted her to be and allow me much more room with the swap. Not too worried about room in the 4x8 just height


I don’t know the stretch on these. My guess is stuff that’s vegging fast is going to stretch more than slow veggers. Than the canopy is the issue.
What if you get hella jelly closer to the light for more intensity?
Absolutely swap them


What’s the currant canopy height and what’s the max height you have with the lights pulled up?

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I have no clue on current canopy height they have got to be 24 + inches as of now (mainly chemtek being the tallest) and I have about 42 inches to allow for my 12 inch light gap. Not accounting for the light gap I have 54 inches clearance in the 4x8. The 5x5 ill have a bit more headroom but much less room to train wide. With the trainwreck being as wide as she is now I think it would be best use of my space to swap those plants out. I could use something to prop up the hella jelly but as soon as im at watering daily the thing I use to prop it up won’t work with the autopot tray as it’s a gravity fed system no pump used

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