Check out my perpetual grow!

Also the lights don’t move in the 4x8 lol. They are essentially permanently placed because it’s such a tight fit and a real hassle to move them at all and get them back up to max height it’s almost a 3 person job

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I totally misread that, but yeah the trainwreck i would move tot the bigger tent , also are you gonna trellis?

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I think when I get home tonight I’ll just swap them over. It will definitely be a battle to get trainwreck held down for 2 weeks while the others play catch up and even if I can she’s gonna get too wide and crowd the other ladies in the tent. I’ll take some before and after pics but I feel like this is best bet with my situation. I do plan on using a trellis net in both tents. I’ll probably install the flower tent net next week. Hopefully it still works as I had cut out portions of it to fit the ac unit last run and now I regret it lol. If nothing else I have a few 4x4 nets laying around until I can replace the big one for the 4x8


So I forgot to take a picture of the before with trainwreck in the 5x5 but you get the idea it was cram packed. Now with the trainwreck in the 4x8 I’m not sure which one is bigger chemtek or trainwreck. I’m thinking trainwreck because she’s a beast!


I also applied some DE to the topsoil as I saw some fungus gnats crawling around

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I’m getting ready to water the flower tent now. All those ladies are really thirsty! The veg tent wasn’t totally ready for water yet but they will be first thing tomorrow morning for sure


Day 56 of veg. I flipped the flower tent to flower and did a pre flower trim taking any overlapping leaves. Autopots were turned I this morning for the flower tent so now it’s just cleaning the res, refilling it, and recharge 2x a week. Easy peasy! The veg tent wasn’t ready to be watered yet but I did some more trimming and training on sunset sherbert she’s finally starting to gain the shape im looking for. I took 5 clones off her as I want to keep 1 for the mother tent and I have 1 or 2 that are spoken for so ya can’t go wrong with extras! The roots on the cloner this time were amazing thanks to legend farms recommending me to use KLN super thrive in addition to my clonex! The roots were so much thicker and there were so many more than with just my regular clonex recipe. It’s funny because I only added like 0.63 ml of KLN dyna gro to 2.5 gallons and it made such a big difference! Other than that I’m finally getting in trouble for the amount of plants in the mother tent. We now have 20 plants in the mother tent. Not all of them are staying any extras will be given away or are for the next run as we have 6 out of 8 picked out for the next run and they are in solo cups. I told her no worries I won’t take anything else in this year than what I’ve already scheduled to come in but still doesn’t help my situation any lol. Oh well life goes on and these ladies are loving it regardless! On a side note I can’t figure out what’s going on with these ladies I just cloned. There is one plant with a yellow leaf and another plant with dots forming on 1 leaf. At this point I’m just assuming it’s from being fed at half strength and the plants im pulling from are getting big and just want more nutes. That being said ive been checking relentlessly for pests and still haven’t seen anything but the occasional fungus gnat it’s driving me wild because it’s only the mother tent. The only tent not being fed full strength so next watering im going full strength. Idk what else it could be ive tried multiple things but it is clearly getting better. At one point I was thinking leaf septoria but now I’m thinking lack of nutes



Looking great :+1:. You should not make promises like “I’ll not take anything else in”
You know something is going to show up that you want :joy::joy:


Lmao your right @Emeraldgreen but im already in trouble so im gonna give it the good ole college effort to do my best to not impulse buy anything or trade for anything new until then. No one said I couldn’t trade for seeds tho! There’s always a loophole!


Has anyone else noticed the site has been logging you out everytime you get off the chrome app? It’s driving me crazy when I open my app and it’s like you gotta log in. I mean it’s not requiring me to enter my username and password just a small inconvenience and I was curious if I was the only one experiencing these issues?

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I haven’t had any issues

Should I post this in a website help thread in case it’s a site issue?

I don’t think I would, it’s more than likely a chrome issue. I get on the site through my phone and never really have any functionality issues.

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Thanks for the advice brother. How are you this morning? I’m chilling at home this morning. Gotta make more water for the 25 gal res in the flower tent. One of the lines into my 4 way T got pushed too far to the side and caused it to slowly leak like 10 gal in the tent floor I was cleaning up last night. It seemed to fix itself but I rearranged them so it wouldn’t happen again. They want more nutes anyways so no harm in just giving it to them since my res is basically empty now. On top of that I have to transplant a few clones from the cloner to coco cells and a solo cup


Ehh my morning is jacked, we took ina shipment of products last night that was drastically wrong. They were supposed to go to vendors Saturday and now we will be a week behind. But the home front side is cool work is just off the rails. Sucks about the tent but I bet it got a good washing! Also you use a dripper setup?

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Come to find out one of my on/off valves before the autopot was causing a leak. Replaced the on/off valve after cleaning another mess. Grrrrr. I’ll go back down in an hour and check again to be safe we just filled the 25 gal res and I don’t want it all over the floor. At least it’s a slow drip and won’t flood anything it was only a 2 gal mess both times. I don’t run a dropper system but I use autopots once the plants want watered daily and then just make water 1-2x a week. Once they start flowering it’s crazy how much they drink

4th day of flower in the flower tent. And 60th day of veg in the veg tent. The veg tent is gonna be flipped in 10 days or so. Super silver haze finally came in and hopefully another shipment of clones today or tomorrow from my buddy with that replacement gary payton and some surprise cuts he slipped in. I’m eager to see what he slipped in and hoping I won’t be in too much trouble because odds are I won’t be the one to open the package. Other than that the sunset sherbert clones are slowly starting to callous for me and the mother tent is looking happier with full strength nutes now although I forgot to take a pic this morning lol


Jacks 321 got back with me! I said I wanted to try their small batch flower finishers and got FREE trials to tell others how it works for me when I get to the expo. Should I give them a go this run? Pretty excited! If anyone has experience adding these finishers or additives in please let me know. I’m assuming they replace part a and b and you don’t double up but still really excited and cool of jacks 321 to send me freebies so I can tell the people at canna con about my success


Day 5 of flower I the flower tent and we got a purple diesel wanting her flower nutes now she says! Calm down I just filled the res with your extra part B and I’ll up it a tad next watering drama queen sheesh. Chemtek clearly showing she was the tallest since I had even questioned the possibility between her and trainwreck. I supercropped some branches to keep her low. 2 snapped and in like oh boy here we go. Super stiff stems I can tell she does not want to go thru anymore training but she’s gonna have to bare with me and I’ll keep a extra close eye on her for nanners this whole time knowing she’s getting the brunt of the abuse. Trainwreck looking phenomenal as usual but needed some branches supercropped to even the canopy out. Lastly golden tiger with those long skinny leaves she just has a unique look and I dig it! Can’t wait to see what these ladies are gonna do come actual flowering because I’m starting to see some weird leaf mutations on everything in there but chemtek. The leaves on golden tiger are just stacking on too of each other like making a new leaflet on top of an old one and making 11-13 leaflet leafs. The purple diesel and trainwreck are growing the extra leaflets and some are growing up and off the center of the leaf. This is all new to me but very cool to watch! My fiance was giving me a hard time and said ya done and hermied the plants already im like nah its just leaf mutations lol. All the other tents are doing fine. Still those funky curled leafs in the mother tent but ive started to notice it the plants closest to the light affected even tho the lights on minimum intensity. I said f it and raised the light again. I’ll cut off the affected leaves probably sometime next week and watch for the new growth and see what happens. It’s surely not pests ive been checking nonstop and it’s only on the older plants which leads me to believe it’s a nute deficiency and I just started feeding them full strength when they were at half strength before. Other than that next week I’ll take some clones from the mother tent after and IPM spray for anyone interested just message me and I’ll figure out sometime next week how many of each and what strains I have for slips ready to ship just cover the $11 for shipping


Well I asked some pretty knowledgeable sources and they all came back with wind burn. Makes sense once I say all my s6 oscillating fans are on 10 and pointed at the plants not above it. Rookie mistake but live and learn from my mistakes yall! I’m gonna raise all my fans in every tent to blow above the plants but below the lights and wait to see an improvement for a week before changing anything else. The 3 affected plants were also closest to the fan and where it blew