Check out my perpetual grow!

Day 6 of flower in the flower tent. The 2 snapped chemtek branches (as a coworker once said) are hanging on by nothing. Literally just being supported by the pipe cleaners tied to probes for the time being. Im super surprised they just bounced back up to the lights super vigorous strain! She’s definitely reminded me she’s the top dog here! I moved all the fans in every tent above the canopy level to blow air in the light gap and not on the plants and lowered the fan speeds to 3. The flower tent is finally getting low on the res. If she isn’t drained by tomorrow I’ll probably dump the last 2-3 gallons because the ladies are getting a bit light green wanting more nitrogen. I might hold off until I hear from jacks 321 and try to make up a different blend of nutes but im not sure yet all depends on the time i get around to things. The veg tent is looking really nice and green. Banana daddy is getting massive, sunset sherbert is filling out nicely with her training, hella jelly is starting to shape up slowly, and blackberry moonrocks is still just kicking ass shes looked amazing the whole time. The mother tent got a trim job. Almost all the affected leaves got trimmed and then I took a clone count 40 slips to possibly send out. Until I get replies I’ll let them grow back out but they are looking much better already. 2 rooted clones leftover capjunky and odd in coco cells. The quarantine tent is looking great. Sunset sherbert is showing the smallest signs of roots starting to sprout out the stems. Nothing from gary payton yet and super silver haze just chilling in the bottom looking good


Did some trimming in the veg tent and flower tent. Put the nets up and ratchet roped them in place to get full side to side from the net. Made new flower water. Didn’t hear back from jacks 321 yet so knowing the girls want nitrogen imma bump from what they were getting with veg at 10 grams per part B and up it to 12.5. Usually it’s at 12 for flower but these girls are hungry so imma bump it to 12.5 part b per gallon for this batch and next batch I’ll go back to 12. Other than that sent a batch of clones out but still have some available if anyone is interested. Last 2 pics are just showing how the ratcheting rope helps me make the most of the bungee net


Looking good, bud


Thanks brother! I’ve been downstairs all day and then my mom asked for help and im like that’s fine but I have to go to the post office. I was in the post office for a good 45 minutes because the lady couldn’t figure out how to price me for the packages and im like nah don’t price them just ring me up. She kept going on about price and oh you won’t want this and im like for the love of God lady. Then my mom calls are you ok? Yes mom just another 10 minutes. Then it took like another 20. Longest post office visit ever all because they couldn’t figure out how to ship to Canada because it’s not something they are used to according to the lady lol. It’s been a long day im about to crack open a cold one and play some games for a bit


Sounds like an excellent plan!

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@HighTilliDie man I had the same issues out here, you gotta run to the pacific office they are on point! Especially out of country. The local one next to me had lost more than they shipped.

@Hotrods_and_hounds outta likes brother but I can’t tell you how many return packages I got with crushed seeds from the union USPS gosh I just don’t understand. Saw them tossing my packages in the bin im like nooooooooo but it come out as a loud gasp lmao I told the lady oh yeah sorry just a slight cough while I worry nonstop about my plants in transit


Oh and I found another mutated leaf this time in the veg tent and it’s 2 leafs that merged stems and it has 14 leaflets


Man that big branch that got cracked looks rough but she’s still going to town! Got in the jacks 321 finisher today and i plan on switching nutes around once im in the 3rd-4th week of flower


Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I wanna say im thankful for the community here helping me learn an grow better along the way thanks @LemonadeJoe! I hope everyone has a great day and better holiday!


Happy Turkey day dude!


Day 12 in the flower tent and I quit keeping track in the veg tent. I’m gonna flip the veg tent Monday morning to flower. Both these ladies are growing into the nets and filling the tents very quickly now. I’ll have to adjust the nets sometime this weekend or Monday at the latest. Also used my grandmas sugar cookie recipe to make edibles. Lmk if you want the recipe 20231125_043932 20231125_043902



Those cookies look good man! Can you share the recipe?

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@unomas After mixing I put down some parchment paper and flour and rolled the dough out to a 5/16th to a 1/4 inch thickness and used a cup as a biscuit cutter to cut out the cookies. After that my grandma always taught me to use the potato masher to make somewhere for the sprinkles to sit so they dont roll away. If you wanna be quick dont roll out the dough and instead use a cookie scoop and cookie press and dip in sugar after every use. I didnt have any cookie presses or cutter to use unfortunately but in due time I’ll collect some. They all taste the same in the end. One last tid bit of information I like to skin a whole lemon per batch and then put some lemon juice in the dough while it’s in the finishing stages of mixing. Without the lemon and the lemon juice it’s not the same I promise! Oh and I know she has 10 minutes at 350 but ive noticed about 14.5 - 15 minutes is where it’s at for 2 full pans of large cookies. I was a baker for 2.5 years and was always told you have to turn your cookies half way thru the cooking time for even distribution of the heat. Rotate the bottom to the top and back to the front. 7.5 minutes per side. We did a smaller batch with smaller cookies and they were more like 12 minutes instead of 15. You don’t want the edges to get brown if your looking for cakey super soft cookies. If you want the crispry variety then do thinner cookies and longer cook times


A quick check in on the flower tent and veg tent after work. The flower tent is growing fast. With the autopots ive been slacking on catering to my plants as often as I usually would and forgot to up the lights by 5% last week. Ideally when im in flower I don’t want to be pushing more than 1100 umols. I jumped up the flower tent 10% since I missed the week before and now im at 70% and 700-750 canopy level and 800-840 light overlap (hot area in the center). The veg tent was at 50% and I upped it by 5% im seeing 500-540 umols at the canopy


Very healthy and happy ladies!

Hope those cookies were relaxingly delicious. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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Day 16 of flower in the 4x8 and day 3 of flower the 5x5. The 4x8 is popping off! I hope they stop soon because I’m about out of room! The trainwreck is ahead of the rest in the 4x8 as she already has buds forming where the others im starting to see pistils popping up everywhere. In the 5x5 that sunset sherbert is taking off on me! She was slacking at first and now she’s just off to the races she’s in the front right tallest plant its crazy how fast things can change huh? Mother tent is looking much better now since I moved the fan. Got all the duplicates out now except these 2 extra sunset sherbert clones. I think until the weather gets warm again I’m done shipping and receiving clones. I also want to do some quick runs in the 2x2 while it’s not being used as a quarantine tent to try different methods, do some quick runs, and just get a feel for what may or may not be a keeper a bit sooner. I thought about popping some seeds for the 2x2 but I don’t want to waste my seeds knowing that with a 3ft clearance I can’t grow but 1 to its full extent. I’m not sure yet but I can see a small SOG with solo cups in the near future if nothing else


I hate how Google Chrome and this site don’t get along smh. I’m either gonna have to deal with it or find a work around. It’s always kicking me out and making me sign back in and edit my last post even tho it posted. This post I just made said it was an edit to my last one. I guess it’s something I’ll figure out over time but man it’s a bit annoying when it’s consistent

Trying a new method after doing some reading on here. I had 2 UVB lights laying around and I figured I’d start doing some 15 minute cycles here and there maybe 1-3x a day on my autopot reservoir to see if it helps it keep clean any and after cleaning with a very small amount of bleach and soap and washing out thoroughly once I add the 23 gals of water I can watch my ph drop to 4.4 when my RO is usually 6.0-6.4. That tells me there is a slight bit of bleach leftover in the res so doing this should also help combat that. It isn’t really an issue but it’s better to be proactive than reactive and hopefully it helps keep my reservoir cleaner! Although I’m not just relying on that I do use drip clean and clear rez as well. The autopots just always smell so bad even after a week. They have pumps in them set on 30 min on 30 min off timers I’m not sure if it heats the water too much or if I should try a air stone too. I’ve tried a air stone in the past if I recall right and it got all gunked up in no time

For anyone curious here is what my flower nutes are sitting at readout in ec, tds, and ppm. Ive bumped up the part b by .5 per 5 gal batch so im feeding 62.5 instead of 60 because the 4x8 really likes that so I figured I’d give the same treatment to the 5x5 assuming they will get nitrogen hungry after going into flower