Check out my perpetual grow!

@Emeraldgreen In the 4x8 I have 54 inches from floor to light so max I want is 48 inches. I had planned to top these plants down to 1 ft or so before the flip to flower. I dont think ill do a veg I think I’ll top, transplant to 5 gal and flip to flower. This will make a longer time before I can use autopots but I’ll speed my process along for perpetual grows


Sounds like you have a plan!

Yeah I’m probably gonna keep the ajs cup in the solo alive for another week or 2 then cut the top to clone and kill the plant so I have more time and don’t have to deal with her being so tall when I go to transplant


Alright so I was able to buy a QP last night. Hopefully its the last one I need to buy till harvest in a month or 2 and dry and cure for a month. Since today was payday I went ahead and dished out the money for the upgraded quarantine tent. I went with the marshydro 32x32x63 tent and a hlg 65 veg spec. I’m waiting to recieve my last clones for the year in a week or 2 and then ill allow a 2 week quarantine before I start up my gary payton flower run


Day 35 flower in the 4x8 and day 22 flower in the 5x5. They are both looking really nice and happy. Checked in on the cloner and i got some callous forming on 1 cut of SSH so far shouldnt be long before roots now!


Been listening to a lot of DGC on YouTube and found this video with dj short in the know your breeder skit. He laid down some great knowledge and I had to take notes for my personal grow and what to look for and how to record notes on the taste and effects. Here’s what I got written down
How to grade your weed 6 steps. Judged STRICTLY on finished product not how the plants look in veg or flower

  1. Onset (use a timer and start it after the first hit and see how long it takes to feel the high)
  2. Duration (how long does the high last)
  3. Ceiling (the more the smoke the higher you get how many before your asleep or disoriented how many hits for your limit)
  4. Burnout factor (how long can you smoke this before your tired of it)
  5. Shelf life (how long before it loses its potency indicas break down sooner and sativas will age like wine)
  6. Potency (1-4 scale side by side comparison when smoking)
    Further trait organizing
    2 traits to a plant
    (B) berry
    (F) fruity/floral
    So if it’s fruity and berry it would be noted as a FB in flavor profile notes

They also talk about African genes being the future of cannabis which is funny because I planned to run some in the future from @Kidete’s wesbite. Probably buy these 2 strains early next year


Day 39 flower in the 4x8 and day 26 flower in the 5x5. The 4x8 is stacking up very nice and all the buds are bigger than my thumb right now and bigger everytime I open the tent! I’m gonna trim the 5x5 tomorrow she’s overgrown and needs it! Bonus pics of the dog mia trying to impersonate emperor Palpatine


Did some trimming in the 5x5 tent. It was much needed! They look so much better now! I got 1 before and the ln a few after pics


Might transplant this SSH today. If not I’ll let her go till sometime this weekend. I was really hoping to see roots all up and down the stem but in all reality I could transplant today im not sure if it would make much of a difference in the long run. Thoughts tho?


It looks solid enough to take.

I went ahead and transplanted her to a coco cell trying to dial in what she likes for veg

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Well with it being payday I went ahead and grabbed a t6 cloudline with the pro controller from ac infinity for an upgrade to the 4x4 drying tent. Then ill take the t4 from that tent and use it for the quarantine tent. I also ordered more drainage tile for the quarantine tent as we ran into height issues so hopefully after Christmas we will have it all setup. Thinking we might run the 2x2x3 as a quarantine tent upstairs for 2 weeks for those clones yet to come in and just hope for the best. After all the stuff comes in I’ll start testing places to put the 2x2x3 upstairs without flipping breakers. This is just temporary so we can get the gary payton run started by the end of the month and not have to keep waiting for a reply or guessing when they are gonna come in

Listening to DGC they got me wanting to do a side by side comparison of UVA vs UVB. I’ve had my UVA lights on in the 5x5 where I started all 8 plants originally and they were all there for about a month under 12/12 UVA. The 2 that remain that went to the 4x8 have not been getting any UVA since transferring tents so I want to run UVB the last 2-3 weeks in the 4x8 and keep the UVA going all throughout flower for the 5x5. I have back the UVA off to a 10/14 cycle now for a bit less light but that’s the only thing that’s changed. Also they got me wanting to try a plant in the fish tank again. Last time the damn gold fish wouldn’t leave the plants alone but this time no goldfish and just some cool fish that will hopefully leave my plants alone. Might toss in a sour diesel ajs cut and see what happens for shits and grins again

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I’ve ran UVB in the last but never for a side by side comparison but I did notice that run with the UVB I experienced guttation for my first time and the plant that had the most guttation was by far my favorite smoke to date I’ve grown or even tasted! Just blew me away so I figured it’s worth trying again and if I see good results I’ll buy and 2 UVB lights for the 5x5. Been tossing up the idea of getting another 2 UVA but the benefits aren’t as noticeable as the UVB in my previous runs so I wanted to do a better test this run to determine what my next move will be. Would love to hear any input on the topic as well!


If you really want to get into UV there’s no beating a cmh!

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@Hotrods_and_hounds what’s a cmh?

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Ceramic metal halide fixture! It’s a 98 cri with full spectrum Uv as close to
Real sunlight as you are going to get.

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@Hotrods_and_hounds that’s a bit too much electric. My UVA and UVB I think are both 30-50 watt max and I already have them lol. I appreciate the thought and info tho!

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If you run a 315 in a 3x3 it’s a 3 amp light to put in perspective a hlg 600rspec draws almost 6 amps. That’s just based off the numbers I have for my lights. But I get that if you already have them, that’s a bit different.

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