Check out my perpetual grow!

That would be exactly what I would do, EXACTLY cuz she’s a touch further behind, great plan


Yes she definitely did!


Pictures of the 4x8


Wow! been a little moment since i checked your pics… They are looking awesome. They just went PUFF and filled out very nicely.

Very nice indeed.

I would say your in the window for harvest definitely… Chem tek maybe a first chop? then another 3-7 days on the rest?


Looks done to me. I’d probably do the chemtek and than the golden tiger


@HighTilliDie looks like you have your answers in vote of chemtek followed by the others… :herb: :man_farmer: :beers:


For sure the chemtek def looks done, I personally like a bit of amber in there. But if you plan on running it again pull it track it and play around a bit on the next go based on effects. To see if you like the ripeness. But it’s looking killer dude!


Thanks everyone! I’ll be cutting down chemtek tomorrow branch by branch then work Wednesday with my dad and hopefully I can get the chemtek done before Friday. Worst case scenario golden tiger will get cut next Monday


Heck yeah “Jelly rancher” (aka hella jelly) it’s one beautiful smelling plant. The one i’ve got going every time I open the tent It smells like what I would imagine walking into willy wonka’s shop would.


Looking forward to this one! The line up looks fantastic. I’m hela jelly. :joy:


Lmao thanks brother! Waiting for the hella jelly and blueberry muffinbto get back in stock seems they are the most popular


Haha yea it’s very easy and you can go on vacation lol. Thats why I got mine. I recently got their 4 pot setup now, only had the 2 pot setup for veg mommas. Now I got the 4 pot for flower! Can’t wait to try it out in a couple months once I start my run. Hopefully feb get some clones in.
Your grow is looking good brother. Keep on checking all the things, even if it’s automated that leaves more room for lazy errors. Always check everything is running every day.


That’s awesome!! And excited to see this grow play out!


Alright so we cut ChemTek today. I do a wet trim and I guess because the low humidity these past few days the leaves just snapped off with ease. We put away the trimmers and just plucked the leaves off the entire plant it was a beautiful thing my hands weren’t hurting or swelling up after (tendinitis) and it just went by so much faster. I’m excited to see how this lady will taste! We have a way of getting a taste of the terps before smoke and you take a calyx and pop it in your mouth and chew it. The taste of this right off the back was straight gas followed by a sweet taste and then very very light fruity finish. Almost has a pine smell when being trimmed but I think this plant will break my 1 lb per plant record and this is such a comeback from the 5x5 mishap im so happy with chemtek and how well she did. Even my cat was happy lmao


I also got some of the seeds in for the next run after the mother plant run. Apple blossom by humboldts. Pirple lemonade and Orange sherbert freebie BOGO deal from fastbuds 420 and 3 freebie white label og kush fem photoperiods


Just heard this song today and it reminded me why I share my clones and help others so much. Great song and just uplifted me on my morning commute to IL this morning. Thank goodness this brief warmup cleared the roads for the time being


@TopShelfTrees1 for my clone shipper experiment I’m looking to use soil but obviously just not something from my back yard or typical top soil but also not going top of the line. Any idea on a good in between price on a small bag of soil i could order or try and find local without paying crazy prices for shipping or buying a big bag? As of right now I’m looking at Dr earth and happy frog 8-12qt bags but id like to stay under $20 as its gonna be strictly for this project

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Hmmmm? Now you’ve got me thinking…. What about like the build a soil starter bags etc? Not sure on price though, lemme look around bro


Use the starter pouches like @crownpoodle uses and don’t fill all the way and rubber band the top to the stem?


That’s a good idea :thinking: