Check out my perpetual grow!

BINGO! I Kicked a plant off my deck yesterday. Wasn’t damaged at all, as far as the root end of things. Might loose some leaves, but minor. That bag helped.


What kind of start pouches @Hotrods_and_hounds?

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Man my day went from crap to amazing after a phone call to Amazon. Unpacking the HLG 65 light im like wtf there is no dimmer switch and no growth hormone trial like all the new lights have. Look all around its not there. Then I remember opening the package and it seemed like it was repackaged and box a beat beat up and im like ehh whatever. Call Amazon and im like yo so how about this dimmer switch on this light you guys sent? Gave them my order info and they are like well we can send a replacement and im like umm no I just set that light up and it’s not coming back down to get reboxed. Like it’s a blatant refund because I got one just a month ago from you guys with the free growth hormone so you guys just charged for me a used product and she’s like can you buy the dimmer and we can credit your account im like no you guys don’t sell that specific part I just checked HLG’s Amazon page and they don’t have it listed she says please hold. 10 minutes later comes back keep the light we will send you a new one. While on hold I did some research and found out Amazon in fact does sell the dimmer switch just not a specific HLG part you had to go thru their website and do some reading to find out whete to get it and what to specifically get and ill be ordering that Friday lmao but hey free fricking light! That’s almost $100 after tax and shipping


Woohoo! Nice!
H &h is talking about those lil fabric pouches (woven) I actually just grabbed some but bought too small so I have 150 useless woven bags now :confounded:

Who doesn’t love a free light! Awesome


I’m thinking I might use the light as a giveaway to try and kick off my discord and get it more active. I admittedly have been pretty busy lately and haven’t checked it but im gonna try to be more active knowing the warm weather will be coming up and it’s gonna be popping off with cuts galore. Thinking about holding a invite contest winner gets the light. I was already told no more tents im in trouble for the one upstairs now lol. If I don’t do a giveaway I might sell it for $50 simply because I don’t have anywhere to use it and I didn’t pay for it so it would be cool to get it to someone who needs it for cheaper than new


Beautifullll… looking forward to seeing some of these nugs!!

I just partial wet trimmed an odd branch and my god sticky resinous dense bud and a small marble of scissor / finger hash! cant wait to get it all into curing stage!

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Just snagged up some more seeds. Got hella jelly, blueberry muffin, and a new release donutz triploid might take place of one of the other strains because man she sounds delicious! Never grown out a triploid either so it would be really cool to see what comes of it


I have been predicting that companies were going to start coming out with triploids as a way to protect their intellectual property rights. seeing as they’re mostly sterile, You won’t be able to make seeds. Requiring you to purchase more. Bonus is that they will produce one third greater harvest on average. They’re already in use and a lot of different areas of agriculture. That’s how we get seedless watermelons .
I have had one pack of seeds with triploid tendencies. One seed ended up being straight up triploid, the other Only one branch of the plant was triploid. Neither plant turned out well, but they weren’t meant to be triploid… mutants.
Pretty cool! I will be Following!!. :telescope:

Lovin your journal/journey…thanks for sharing

I’ll be cruising along with you…keep it up
Everything looks fantastic and great choices on seed purchases

Very cool info @MOX I’m outta likes brother. I also didn’t see that they were 99% sterile but I don’t intend on using them for seeds. Although I’m sure you can still clone them without issues and reproduce them that way right? Just can’t ever gets seeds from them. Thanks for the kind words @percyryan66! I can’t wait to grow this stuff


So we did a smoke test on the chemtek and let’s just say wow I wasn’t expecting that. Very first hit you get smacked by a gas taste that quickly goes away followed by strong berry taste and I swear cream in the finish because it tastes so smooth. Reminds me of the creamy berry taste from those hall breezers I used to eat like candy


I had no problems cloning the triploids.

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That’s reassuring! So the chemtek still needs some final touches on the trimming but she definitely yielded more than a pound. My fiance said im cheating throwing the number right out there knowing we have to do a final bag appeal trim but other than that I’m done for the night. These ladies are getting tossed in bags and zipped up for the night. I’ll have to get a number after the very final trim but currently sitting at 675.56 gram


Haha thats an insane taste :ok_hand: :clap: well done brother. Sounds like some good interesting smoke from the chemtek. Awesome picks on the next run from seeds! I’ll be following along the journey. How does the chemtel hit you.

Awesome harvest numbers, Keep on growing!

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lovely mate well done!! looking forward to those nug shots! :wink:

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I’ve only had a taster while already baked so im not sure yet lol. I’ve still got 2 more seeds to get for the fast run (pineapple upside down cake and dream queen) but I might have to hold off for a bit until I can figure out a fix on my power steering issue. I’m thinking it needs a new pump and lines and there is an o-ring in the power steering pump that has deteriorated over time as there is 2 in the pump assembly. It’s definitely pulling air into the system through a pinhole leak which I suspect to be in the lines. I’m probably $250 out in replacing the lines ($70-$110) and then labor rates if I can’t work a way out to fix it myself

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What’s it doing?

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Just working how about you?

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The car dude? But good morning lol.

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Lmao sorry @Hotrods_and_hounds I didn’t get much sleep last night. Just a power steering whine but it’s gotten progressively worse in the past 2 months. The fluid is getting aerated thru a pinhole leak which I suspect is either in the line or power steering pump due to a bad o ring. The line has some wet spots but it’s not actively dripping. Probably put some stop leak power steering fluid in it in hopes to seal the hole as a temp fix till I can find a reputable mechanic or find time to diagnose it myself

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