Check out my perpetual grow!

I’ll have to give those ladies in that tent another try im not satisfied with the results and I usually harvest much more. Banana daddy im just like ugh what happened to you lady! That UVA timer really screwed this 5x5 grow but im happy to walk away with something nonetheless! I won’t use the UV stuff for a few grows and I got cameras to make sure my lights are now off when they are supposed to for the next grow. Always a learning curve


I love to hear what others say too so if your stopping by and your like hey what is this guy doing then by all means drop your 2 cents im always open to constructive criticism


Tellin ya dude, for the cold months where temps can get low cmh is a nice toy to have around. Also has true full spectrum with UV.


Yeah but installing those massive lights is such a pain. Those growers choice lights 720 dimensions are a bit shy of 4x4 ft


I’d be real careful regardless of what you do… How you going to extract that from the scrog without shaking any pollen on everyone? Unless you chop just the individual buds and branches. I ignore most flowering times. Just a ballpark anyways. Looks to be starting to foxtail. Not knowing the strain, can’t say if its strain or environmental. My vote is chop…very carefully.


@HighTilliDie look into reprocreation!

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Pull that bitch!

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I’ll chop branch by branch for that plant but it typically like to cut them down whole. Shes the next one in line. Had to get sunset sherbert first as she was in front. Here is my trim setup. I use a indoor hammock swing and tie a ratchet rope to the top to trim. I plucked a majority of the leaves now I need to go back thru with snips and get them shaped for my final wet trim. Does anyone ever eat raw buds? I chomped on a few and my shithead cat found one that fell and he was going to town too lol. I always get watermelon taste from raw buds maybe that’s me or just growing mostly fruity strains. The intial taste tho is a sour diesel then goes to a watermelon fruitiness


Finished sunset sherbert and now onto banana daddy carefully cut and pulled her out branch by branch and now to start the trimming process again. If i dont keep a close eye on my cat he might help me with my trimming too lol


Finished banana daddy and now onto golden tiger. Hoping to finish before 11pm! Wish me luck yall lol


I f&$!ing love the hammock idea! Awesome

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That sherb looks perfect :ok_hand:t3: nicely done !

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I’m beat. Can’t believe we stayed up till 12:30 trimming these plants. I have a full drying tent and still a list of things to do tomorrow I just didn’t get to today. Golden tiger has some nanners very few but enough to cause tiny seeds throughout the buds. I know it doesnt affect much but i had when stuff hermies and those seeds sre in the buds even the tiny ones. Oh well just another goal to strive for in the next run. The golden tiger smells like lemon and a soft chocolate not like in your face but in the background. When fresh cut she always has a spicy smell immediately thay change to lemon and then ends with soft chocolate tones. Can’t wait to get a smoke test on her


I finally ran out of my buddy’s smoke who I was buying from which was ace killer OG. And now im smoking my chemtek. Its a bit green still as im stabilizing rh for the cure but it smokes very nice just burns the nose on the exhale since it need more time to cure. The high makes me feel like my head is a pool floaty with my eyes being part of the inflatable. The first hit is chemical diesel chased away by the taste of berries and then cream very smooth cream on the exhale but still a bit of a nose burner. After a few minutes it feels like your head is being inflated and eyes are bulging out your head allowing you to have a wider field of view than before and be more focused on certain tasks. Very uplifting sativa like high leaving me feeling emotional after listening to certain reggae music feeling the beauty of the beat and lyrics and then laughing at other things. Great daytime high! Can’t wait to see how the others turn out! Chemtek I would say is a sativa leaning hybrid. Not sure who made this cross but i know i recieved it from someone as a trade on OG or discord when I was trading seeds. The breeder is unknown and there was no details on Google to be found so im not sure who I have to thank for this amazing cross and i assume is a homegrower cross nothing commercial but I have 1 seed left ill surely save for a future grow as it has a nice daytime heady high good for uplifting your mood


Sick brother! Glad you have a great harvest! :+1: looks so good bro!
Hopefully it smokes as good as it looks haha.

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Had to do some transplanting this morning and talked with one of my local buddies he’s interested in grabbing 3 strains from the clones I have so there’s some of the extras gone already. Everything is looking good over here


I’m not sure if I’ve posted this up yet but I’ve been training out SSH and GP. SSH is ready to flip to flower but GP needs more training smh. Nothing can ever be on the same schedule but SSH likes being short and bushy and GP likes growing tall so that alone will be a task. Probably another week or 2 before I flip to flower just need to get where id like to be on the GP which is about how the SSH looks now but GP is a bit of a slower grower


Very cool bro! Some serious mainlining there! Love it

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Well done on the mainlining bro! @HighTilliDie damn wish I was local to you to pickup some of those so I can get started! Lmao I found out that my temps are abit off for germ. I upped the degrees now and I hope they germ! Fill speed ahead.

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@LL342 When im cloning ive found the best temp and humidity are 80 degrees and 80 rh. I can’t imagine germination would be much different