Check out my perpetual grow!

Another goodie came in the mail as well has anyone heard of this yet? Probably carpenters if anyone


My guess is a laser tape measure


Nice hall, brother.


It’s the Lamborghini of tape measures lol


Whatcha measuring?

I use tape measures daily at work and we are allowed 1/32 inch tolerance which is about the accuracy of the tape measure so its gonna make my job a million times easier. We keep getting tape measures out of spec by 1/16th of an inch and it fucks everything up


Those are some tight tolerances over distance.

Well we make commercial refrigerators and freezers so if any of the specs are too far off the parts don’t all fit on the finished unit


Alright so a much needed update here. We have the Gary Payton (GP) & Super Silver Haze (SSH) run I just flipped to flower last night. @m0sirys Both SSH ladies are 20x20 inches wide and just taking over this tent. I mean 1 SSH would of been really happy in this tent but unfortunately it’s got another SSH and 2 GP. The 2 GP are staying small im the sense that their growth is much slower than the SSH who just hit the ground running when she got transplanted to the 1 gal. The GP are 11x11 inches wide but nice and happy still. I did snap a top the other day before the flip yeah it always happens every grow lol. I have high hopes for these strains in flower because they’ve been a pain to care for and clone but once you get them settled and happy they are off to the races! Now we will go to the mother tent which is filling up once again smh. I took all the clones for the next run way too early like 2 months ago. Well 3 or 4 found a new home can’t remember and then I’ve been left with these other 3 that are just absolute monsters and even in the square potters as a place holder still super tipsy. They are supposed to be my next run but all 2ft or taller and I’d have to top in half and bury as much as possible so im thinking ill reset those clones with my 2 week offset because idk what to do with these massive ladies. I’m afraid if I push them to flower ill regret it really quick when they are growing in the lights. Id rather have shorter than taller plants lol. Then to the flower tent which is now day 72. I plan on checking trichomes Sunday or Monday but might need another week yet I still see a lot of white pistils. Either way anytime you open the tent your greeted with the smell of sweet bakery and skunk. Very light on the skunk tho and very in your face bakery sweets. I used to work at a bakery for 2.5 years and this is almost the exact smell opening the door every morning to go to work and now in the tent. I would say minus the skunk but im always smoking and riek lol. Just nostalgic for me takes me back to my early 20s and I can’t wait to taste this strain! Now finally we come to the end of the line we have the quarantine tent upstairs which has been out of quarantine since Monday but I need to decide what I’m doing with those solo cups if I’m going to move these clones into the mother tent because I’m packed full. Got roots on 1 banana OG and still waiting on the others but I just ordered more clones that will be shipped Monday and will be in before Friday. I can tell you 2 of the 4 as one is a birthday surprise for one of my best grow buds @leetdood. Getting cotton candy, gelato #33, a clone for free sellers pick (for first time buyer or multiple plant order? Dudes pretty cool either way) and the birthday present for leet. Now for the photodump


You definitely have some beautiful plants! The SSH has really spread out a lot. But I assume that’s intentional. :)Reminds me of my FLC, which can fill entire tents in no time at all. :joy: :rofl: :joy:

The GP looks like an interesting stocky plant. The internode distance is definitely smaller than with the SSH. So all in all it should remain smaller than the SSH and would certainly do well in a SOG. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

I’m definitely looking forward to seeing how both plants develop! I’ll stay tuned and enjoy the show. It’s interesting that we’re not far apart in terms of flowering date, so we can make a wonderful comparison. It will definitely be fun! :slight_smile:

I like your mother tent and would love to have that much space too! Everything looks green and healthy, and you’ve certainly collected some good genetics.


@m0sirys the mother tent gives me a headache lol. My fiance hates it because it’s just keeping plants alive for genetics so it’s extra time but I told her you gotta see the goal in the long run and that’s being able to find some mothers we really like and then start a breeding project to make some absolute fire but medical bud! Me and my fiance love the sweet and dessert weed. I’d love to find that banana trainwreck strain I had in my teens from my dealer but if nothing else let’s make it!


Nice looking blackberry moonrocks! Is this your first run with that girl? How’s it smell?

Damn you know it full house bro lol
I remember when you stripped down all your mothers looks like you didn’t even touch them !

Everything’s looking good ! Chaos at its finest !

@MOX This is my first run with the blackberry moonrocks I got her from a friend off ILGM I still keep in touch with. She rieks like a bakery a skunk got into lol. @Rabeats2093 I was gonna strip the mother tent down again this month but my fiance said I should wait till next month so we can make sure our daughter’s birthday is planned out smh. Not sure how that affects anything but gotta keep the lady happy ya know so now my giveaway is pushed back to early March


Oh yeah brother happy woman happy life they say lol !
Damn no idea you were gonna do another give away lol
They r gonna be a bush bunch !


Lol yeah I’m a busy guy!


So ive decided the next few grows already. The grow coming up in the next week or 2 is the mother run which will be mountain temple, capjunky, sunshine daydream,odd, 89 northern lights #5, 96 sour diesel (believed to be albany cut), sour diesel ajs cut, and stardawg corey. The grow after that grow will be the fast run (all 45-55 day flowering strains) with donutz triploid (newest humboldts release replacing one strain we haven’t decided on yet), hella jelly, purple lemonade, blueberry muffin, apple blossom, dream queen, pineapple upside down cake, and trinity. After that grow it will be 4 hella jelly in one tent and then 4 females from face off (reg seeds. I have 8 to play with hopefully 50% odds and 4 females but if i get less than 4 i have smoreoz from gemiconnect i won that will fill the spot). I acquired the face off seeds from my best bud @leetdood and I’ve been told they were very sought after so ill be keeping a mother of all the females and any males we have will go to our first ever breeding project probably around the end of the year with how far out this is planned but it’s exciting. Still need to order the pineapple upside down cake and dream queen but its all coming together


Alright so we got the mother tent looking full still even tho I gave away the 3 solo cup clones. New clones are supposed to come in today and I need to have the cuts to be recloned in the cloner before then. Those cuts are Sunshine daydream, capjunky, stardawg corey, and 89 northern lights 5. The clones for the 4x8 are in the cells and the extras. 1 Banana OG was rooted enough to pull a few days ago. With my stoner mentality I pulled the cloner plug to take a peek and not get sprayed and then forgot to plug it back in for a day so they are behind and not happy but still throwing roots for me. 1 rooted much faster than the others and I have 1 yet to root but they all look healthy. I need to transplant the banana OG to a 1 gal next week (probably Monday or Wednesday) and the clones for the 4x8 (96 sour diesel, sour diesel ajs cut, odd, and mountain temple). It looks like I took the clones of stardawg corey early so ill be recloning her to get her on the same timeline as the others for the 5x5. Now a look into the gary payton & SSH tent 6th day of flower. SSH is just a monster. Hoping gary payton gets a growth spurt and jumps up in height that would help but otherwise ill be raising them up to match the canopy height. Lastly we just got the old pots outside and check chemteks roots just wild! The 4x8 also looks so empty with nothing in it. It’s funny how you can see where I usually throw the autopot trays at


Who’s 89 nl you running?

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Bro this made me have flash backs but I got sprayed and forgot to plug it back in haha

Everything’s looking good bro nice seeing success with the clones :slight_smile: