Check out my perpetual grow!

Depends on seed or clone planting really

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What am I looking for on it? My dad has always said to use the farmers gardening book they make every year but I dont have one lol

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From seed CBD plants

As long as temperature is good you can put seed plants out.
With clones you need to pay more attention to the day light, to early and clones go into flower


Getting with her now. With how nice it is id love to throw some in the ground as early as next week but I surely don’t want to jump the gun with these cold nights

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With seeds it’s about last frost. I’ve got daffodils coming up!!!


I’m talking a bit with leetdood and he says use HP promix bales for added drainage and im hoping to use grow dots extended release for longer veg times. This paired with tilling, adding some worms here and there, and lots of love im sure we can get these ladies growing!

Sounds like a plan. Tilling alone will help. If you plant clover around them, it’ll provide additional nitrogen and weed suppression


Cover crops of clover and marigold wouldnt be a bad idea!

Not sure how much you want to invest. So
You could till and use coco to lighten the soil and improve drainage.
Cover crop is not my strongest point, but I have seen enough to spark my interest. Clover fixes nitrogen.


I really don’t want to invest more than $120 considering it’s not my grow just helping out family members and I don’t intend on getting repaid for anything I buy. My aunt cares for both of her kids as a babysitter and actually pays for like 1/3rd of their bills each! Idk why she does it id have them whipped into shape. My cousin is 30 and I think his sister my ither cousin is 32-34? Too old to have your mom paying for your bills thats for sure so I won’t be asking for any of that money back

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What do you do with your indoor soil after a cycle? You could reuse it in prepping those holes

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That’s a really good idea. Here lately it’s just been piling up in front of my backyard porch. I need to get to busting up the rootballs and filling holes again. Between the moles and my dog I’m not sure who is worse lol. Ya can’t go running thru my backyard you’d break an ankle!


I’ve definitely been learning work arounds on the farm. I have that same pile of used dirt :joy:
I add it to my leaf/ compost pile. It has turned into more of a worm farm than compost in reality

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Talking to leet some more he brought it to my attention I can use some goat manure from my grandmas place. About 2 years back we dug out the basement to the underneath of the garage where the goats lived. Well it was about 5 ft high of old goat poop probably hasn’t been cleaned since the 1920s! Had to use a mini excavator to clean it all out and now there is a heaping mound of super old goat poop and dirt just sitting at my grandmas. That has to be the perfect start right?


Pile of gold there buddy!!

Heck yeah! Love when things start coming together! I might try a CBD run myself if I get time but I anticipate it’s not something I’ll care for but ya never know until ya try

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Trying to help a buddy sell some bodhi packs. If anyone in interested please message me


It would depend on The average date of last freez. I believe zone 6 is May 1st. You can start them outside earlier in a cold frame.

In my area we are zone 6b. Looks like I should wait till mid April according to this site