Check out my perpetual grow!

Just got this in today from amazon! Man I’m pumped to give it a whirl Wednesday when I’m trimming blackberry moonrocks!


Please please lmk how this works out !!

Will do @Rabeats2093. I’m really excited for it because I have tendinitis and hopefully it can at least take away the pain in my hands when I’m trimming and after for the next day. The grip in my hand fits really nice. Ran about $108 on amazon after the 25% off coupon they had that I applied

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I really wanted the wander trimmer but im not made of money lol. The design looks really cool like a curling iron with a vacuum line attached

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I can’t wait to bad you couldn’t post a video !

I can make a YouTube video Wednesday and then post the link up of the video for anyone interested


Psft you know I am
Thad be Sickkk to see some live action !
Hopefully they do well and are comfortable do they buzz like a hair trimmer :face_with_monocle:

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@Rabeats2093 They don’t buzz its got some sort of rotary motor they sound like a sewing machine and can actually be dialed down pretty low to about as fast as I can physically cut with scissors for about 10 minutes before getting wore out. If this car repair goes by quick I might even put them to use today as I anticipate it to quicken my trim time quite a bit

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Took some pics of the ladies for the next grow. I’m thinking ill just immediately flip these 4 to flower. Concerned about the flower stretch on the 4 ill be transplanting for the 4x8. Those 4 are mountain temple, odd, 96 sour diesel, and sour diesel ajs cut. They are all almost 8-10 inches tall so ill probably top and transplant to 5 gals tonight. The gary payton for my clone shipper experiment is looking very happy now. Shes starting to take off! I’m hoping I can get her sent out this month if not early next @TopShelfTrees1. I still need to find some soil for the transplant. Might listen to what @leetdood suggested about the HP promix at my local hardware or garden stores


You know it. Promix hppppp


@leetdood you think it’s a good idea to transplant and flip immediately to 12/12 or give them a few days to recover

3 out of 4 of those strains are very leggy. Not sure how mountain temple will do with the mix but oh well she’s in it regardless

48 hours imo, but you can flip immediately

I can wait till Thursday at max if I transplant today

Those Sour diesels and odd are gonna be a handful

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There ya go and yes you should expect literally 3x stretch


Yep that’s exactly why I’m like I’ll top to like 5 inches and they will still probably get 40 inches tall but id rather them short than tall with the stretch on these ladies

You can supercrop but yes

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Oh you know ill probably supercrop anyways. I’ve supercropped the SSH a few times now on select taller tops to even out the canopy but she’s been taking it really well

I would advise that anyway. Personally I don’t like wasting growth

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