Check out my perpetual grow!

I was a busy bee last night. My fiance was slacking on the watering and while i was down there I checked on the clones they were ready to move from the cloner to coco. Everything needed trained and trimmed again. Sour diesel is just out of hand! She’s all over the place her canopy was all wonky she needed the most time and boy oh boy were those stems thick af! My fingers hurt after supercropping those branches they were just about if not as dense as the midnight snack stems. Branch like stems they were crazy stiff and took a while before I could get her to flop down for me. Transplanted clone tent and got them in the veg tent then trimmed, trained, supercropped, watered, and rearranged all the ladies in the veg tent biggest in the back and smallest in the front that way the big ladies could have a bit taller light source and then adjusted lights to the 330-400 umols range. Just peeked on the flower tent this morning because we upgraded reservoirs from 13 to 25. I literally just filled the res all the way to the top Wednesday and it’s 4 days later and 20 gallons are gone! No leaks just crazy thirsty ladies! Midnight snack is right back where she was like a week ago when I supercropped her. These ladies are gonna have me on my toes all flower I can feel it. I’ll have to take a pic later when I get home but the growth with the autopots is out of hand lol


Very nice perpetual!!
Once you go to a perpetual, it’s very hard to go back to the grind, grow and area, cut an process that areas mass, then, reload, and do it again.
BUT I do understand the why’s to running that way, and the commercial values to doing it that way.

However, for myself, I do not mind, trim jail, as I usually never work more than 3-5 finished plants at a time. I can work the flow far better, perpetually than whole room cropping.
And I’m a strain whore, so there is that aspect.

I ran in the tents for many years, and loved them, however, as time marches, so does some mobility, and where, I did not mind, some overreaching to get to some areas in the tents, for plant maintenance, and what have you.
But age, brings on some difficulties, and my tents were wearing out, and we just added 12 feet to the back of our house, so I had to shut down for 6-8 months, a couple of years ago now.
During my down time, I started to connive my new area.
I bought new LED’s, but once relooking at new tents, the cost for me, was NOPE, I’m going, use Panda film, and make myself 3 rooms, and I did have one newer tent to hold my genetics in the bedroom, as all the work was completed.
So now I run a very stark looking grow area, full on perpetual, that looks like a movie set in Blade Runner, with creepy black n white panda hanging everywhere, but it works, like treat’s for a dog!
I can stand up (fully) to do everything, a Veg area, 2- flower areas, and my newest tent is now a transition area (18/6) timer.
Love your very clean and tidy set up, and clones to die for, as I also belong to Capulators BeanBasement, so I know what folks/I paid for Caps work. I do really like Cap, but his brand is pretty far out of my price range.
I’m loving seeking out lower cost beans, I love the hunt, I love to see what those off the beaten path are offering.
Your are most definitely having a ball with your grow, and that is uplifting to me.
Best of luck in your venture.


@webeblzr Thanks for the compliments I appreciate it! Yeah I’ve ran up to 17 plants in the same tent at once and never again that was too much work. Now my go to is 4 plants per run and 1 plant per strain because I’m a strain whore myself! Lol. I’ve recently started dabbling with clones and I’m loving it its a fun adventure! I wish I had a much bigger space im very limited with what tents I can use due to my headspace and I can’t grow my plants really any taller than 3ft tall without running into my light gap which is constantly a problem. I’d love to be able to stand up and do all my watering, trimming, training etc but all my tents are 6ft tall and im 6ft 3 so most of my work is done from the ground on knee pads. I’m just glad I’m not army crawling to water anymore lmao. I also got some beans for trade if your looking for trades


GREAT POST!! I was giggling while reading your words!!
I’m a very long time smoker of cannabis, but only been growing for 24 years now.
So many folks in here, have vastly more experience than I do, but man, I’ve tried every way I can to grow her out, now is all about comfort, and each plants sweet spot, and getting the cycle rolling along.
Love to know folks are having fun growing it!!
All the best HTiD!!


@webeblzr 24 years wow! I’ve only been growing for 3.5 years almost 4 and im 29. You’ve been growing almost longer than I’ve been alive brother! Crazy! Well shoot man I just made a new post but long story short I’m trying to add some more members to my discord for trading clones and helping others. I don’t do any selling of my clones and if anyone joins I also expect them not to sell clones I’ve sent. It’s a small discord and I’ve bought most of my genetics from the same guy and I got his permission to make the discord and spread his genetics under the pretenses that they aren’t be re sold to make a profit. I made the discord purely to help others and I’ve been enjoying it ever since


About the only clone swaps i did, was to meet up, at a given highway rest stop, sit at a table eating a sandwich, with a red/blue single use Igloo cooler, packed with clones.
A nice person, would walk up, and ask if they could eat some lunch at the table, and THEY just happen to have the same cooler.
As we had some lunch, we’d swap coolers, and off we each go.
2-3 times we never spoke, just smiled and nodded, as we sat there.
A couple of times, I did a swap of labeled cutting’s, that were folded in wet brown paper, then into baggies. Got them home, rooted them.
I do not really know about discord.


Discord is the bees knees for trading beans and clones! I highly recommend you get it but if you wanna trade clones just me and you im fine with that too. The only reason I suggest the discord is because it was intially me and 2 other people and now we are almost 30 strong and everyone is super cool and wants to trade. One member even listed up essentially free clones if you pay shipping of like 5 newer strains


Day 1 of flower in the flower tent. Freakshow is looking a little freaky not sure on sexing her hoping shes just female they were fem seeds. Midnight snack is looking gorgeous. Just as promised she’s turning purple by the bud sites and she’s gonna have some purple buds! The other 2 ladies blue dream and zkittlez are looking very happy as well all clearly in flower now. The veg tent is day 2 preflower. I had to flip early because apparently odd is gonna stretch 6 weeks into flower and they are already 30 inches tall after bouncing back from being supercropped! I was forced to flip due to height issues and then evicted all my mother plants to the 4x4 drying tent because I had to run the cloner for more clones I ordered and that all wasn’t gonna fit in a 2x2. Everything is a little crazy right now but hopefully I get everything for my 5x5 mother tent by the end of the month


Well I was told freakshow was a herm so I chopped her down in a heartbeat! This guy posted up his current freakshow in flower and there was no comparison. Also got another guy who sent me pics of his in flower and even tho it didn’t have a lot of hairs it still had then on the bud sites and mine did not. I’m not too upset about this as the risk wasn’t worth the reward with how small she was compared to the other 3 plants in the tent and the fact that she was already being overcrowded and I have 2 tents in flower now. Just not worth it to me so I killed her and maybe one day I’ll try again. On the bright side come day 21 of flower I can now install my net and not have to worry about covering up freakshow if I train a bit wider


GREAT JOB ON THE TRAINING…for real, had to go all caps because you are working hard and it shows… really looks great…that’s a lot of work and I can appreciate that. All these OG’rs know


Thanks brother! It truly is a lot of work but I love doing it and it shows with my ladies!


Yes it is…and yes it does…I love how its hard tedious work to some but folks like us love it…so it doesn’t feel like work at all


Just a small update on the flower tent. Did a trim job and rearranged a little bit since the freakshow is now gone


Well done! Everything looks great and those pistols…:slight_smile: Thanks for sharing

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Day 5 in the flower tent and these ladies are wasting no time packing on the weight! Nice buttons forming everywhere and did I say I loved the midnight snack? Because I freaking love the way she looks! I noticed her autopot tray was actually a bit low so I flipped the aquavalve up to let a tad bit more water in her tray. She’s a very thirsty lady! Zkittles is still looking lighter green than the rest but no issues so imma roll with it. The light intensity at the canopy level varies from 800-900 umols. The veg tent is day 6 preflower. Starting to see pistils on the sour diesel but that’s it so far. Had to raise the lights for sour diesel she was getting really tall on me. My light in the back is basically at the ceiling now so I hope they don’t get much taller otherwise we are gonna have issues and im gonna knocking these ladies down a peg with supercropping again. I have the veg tent around 550-650 umols. Clone tent is chugging along rather nicely you can see in the last or 2nd to last pic roots growing put of the rain science bags. Been grabbing more and more strains every week it seems. Im at 10 strains now with 5 on the way in the next month. Hit a wall and had to stop because I need to evict the drying tent in the next 2 months to prepare for harvest. I have the 5x5 ac infinity tent and t6 but now I need to get more ratcheting ropes, my growers choice roi e-720 for the veg tent, and then some s6 fans to keep air moving for the clone tent. Basically 1k left to set aside and get the rest over 2 months which shouldn’t be an issue. Once I get my clone tent rocking and rolling the next obstacle will be finding somewhere to plug it in without blowing breakers or burning the place down lol. I got too much going on but still want anymore. Anyone got a spare house? Hahaha. Nah but really I gotta get my butt in gear and get the rest of this ordered. Not gonna be doing seed runs for a bit as I want to verify what I have clone wise so im trading verified clones and not just taking everyone’s word for it. Go go go. Can’t stop won’t stop got some more clones to pop!


Everything is looking great!!

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Topped the clone tent today. There were a few that weren’t ready to top (hells angels OG, GMO, and Stardawg Corey). They are looking quite nice. Low light, half strength nutes, and topping at the 2nd-3rd node as the guy I got them from (gmo house of clones) reccommends as that’s how he keeps his mothers. He said topping then early helps them bush out early so ideally you can get 5-6 cuts per week

So I got back down there again and watered the veg tent which is now day 8 of pre flower. Did a tiny bit of trimming on the lower branches. Really didn’t do a lot of gary satan or capjunky but odd and sour diesel got a bit of work done to them. While it as trimming odd I found a mutant branch. I wanted to save it so bad but it was I the lower canopy and just wasn’t worthwhile trying to bring her to the light so I trimmed her and might clone her just for fun and see how she grows it was just so cool to come across ive never seen anything like it. I also messaged gmo from gmo house of clones and he said he’s never seen anything like it either but he bets it would root and grow just like normal. After that I went ahead and got into the flower tent and netted midnight snack to try and even out the overall canopy


Day 10 flower in the flower tent. I went ahead and fed the ladies recharge (2x a week every week whenever I do recharge for the veg tent) and then lollipopped them as it was much needed. I ended up finding dead leaves buried I the thick foliage and went crazy chopping out the bottom 2/3rds till i was pleased with what was leftover. Been seeing massive growth out of blue dream from nowhere since the addition of the recharge with autopot system which I wasn’t sure if I could do but I was told you can by others who do it and they said 2x the normal strength at the base and its been working some magic for sure! The veg tent is in her 11th day of preflower and im seeing pistils on everything but the capjunky but no buttons forming quite yet. I’m thinking they may go another week max before buttons form and I call it day 1 of flower but they are taking off. I took out the box fan up top by the lights so I could space them out more and make the most of my lights. Still rather upset with these ts3000 marshydro lights even tho I bought them almost 2 years ago. I’ve always wanted more from them but 2 rated for a 5x5 almost gives me full coverage. Come Friday I’ll end up buying my new growers choice roi e 720 for the veg tent and then get the clone tent fully setup and ready to recieve a light in about a week then at that time I’ll vacate the drying tent and everything will be back to normal just with 1 extra tent lol. Small update on the clone tent I’ve received some tropicana cherry clones rooted and unrooted, rs11, and purple urkle. Still waiting on roots for my banana OG and sour diesel ladies but I went ahead and threw the cherry ladies in the cloner as well while she was running. Gonna need to find a home for these extras on tropicana cherry and Banana OG but I have limited stock. If you’d like one I’m gonna ask you join my discord for trading clones where we can finalize the deal as im not the biggest fan of the messaging system here it always confuses me


Have you ever been in complete silence yet the smells are loud? Yep that’s the flower tent. She smells amazing. No defining smells on midnightsnack or blue dream yet, but wow the smell of skunk is very strong. Zkittles is starting to smell like my gelato grow that has been my favorite grow flavor wise yet. She smells of sweets in a bakery with a skunk background and just leaves you drooling. I’ll get in there and try to put my sniffer to the test later next week and see if I can’t sniff out some other defining smells to determine terp profile later on. These ladies are on day 13 of flower (not including 11 days pre flower as I count the days of flower when buttons form) and just stacking up nicely for me after the lollipopping they received