Check out my perpetual grow!

sorry to hear thats bro. it always suck to pay good money on tools that do not work like advertised.


Im tried to call the actual company (hygrohub) multiple time today and no one answered the number. Better yet I should say someone answered and then immediately hung up. Tomorrow I’ll just file for the Amazon refund and try my best tonight to have it looking brand new and not sticky lol


Brown sugar for abrasiveness coconut oil melted down and a copper sos pad
Tbh that is deff your best bet for sure.Supper easy to do a refund through Amazon

I just used alcohol wiped it down and then a SOS pad on any sticky parts of the the blade then repacked it and got it refunded. I’m gonna get a new mesh router with that money I’ve been eyeballing which should get my cameras better connection to the basement


Just got done going to the foreign market for me and my fiances valentine date. We got some foreign snacks, Boba tea, and she got sushi. She’s happy as can be now! I love coming here the atmosphere is so nice. Unlike your typical grocery store and it’s really nice seeing things im not accustomed to. One day I’ll buy a whole roasted duck but until then ill just tease myself and everyone else with this pic


Alright so heres a project in the works FINALLY! A bit of backstory I used to wear a hemp necklace daily about 9 years ago and would never take this specific necklace off until one day I did and tossed it in the safe for whatever reason well that night I ended up in jail for the weekend for some bs and while I was in jail someone stole my safe from my place with that necklace. Now I wasn’t worried about the contents of the safe besides this necklace. Well fast forward ive finally found someone willing to meet my demands for a specific custom made necklace and its gonna be epic! Gonna be a 20-24 inch long hemp necklace with 50 opal beads (6mm with 1mm thread hole) throughout the middle of the whole necklace here and there. I’ll be supplying my own pendant for the necklace and it will be galaxy themed. The reason I chose opal for the beads is the way the sun catches them just amazes me. I did spend a good chunk of change on those beads im not gonna lie but this project will be epic! I’m looking to have the hemp rope be either rainbow, purple haze, or rasta colored but I told the artist they will have free reign to make everything match and not be too girly. Here are the pics. The first pic is my pendant I purchased previously for this exact project. Next pic is the necklace in saw that drew me into her work and last few pics are the hemp rope colors and bead colors I chose


Where is that market? Also you should buy a whole duck that sounds killer!


@Hotrods_and_hounds Its in Manchester MO. N ikr lets go half on it

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Here’s a look at the 4x8 I flipped to flower Friday morning 9am-9pm so I guess you can say first day of 12/12 was today? A look from the wyze cam in 2k resolution. Also setup timelapse pictures so it will take a shot every 10 minutes for a month starting at 11:45am or so. This tent is both diesels, odd, and mountain temple


Alright so update time. We have the Gary Payton and super silver haze tent just going to town at their 15th day in flower. Gary payton got a random growth spurt and shot up over the SSH ladies past few days but the SSH will have a far better yield with the structure they have compared to the Gary payton. Then we have blackberry moonrocks which juat came out of the drying tent. I have yet to get a weight but im hoping she is around 1/2 lb or over. Looking and smelling fantastic! Taste isn’t quite there on the blackberry moonrocks yet I taste very green bud but my fiance swears she got a taste of mixed berries and skunk with an aftertaste of cake


Final weight of the blackberry moonrocks is in. Looking at 257.41 grams which comes to 0.567 lbs! Sweet! Let’s bump those numbers up tho next run! Always shooting for that lb per plant but at the same rate quality over quantity always


The plants look great! The GP seems to be shooting up a bit more than the SSH, which has grown really nicely in width! :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

I had a look at the page where your buddy got the cutting from. Extensive I would say. The prices are pretty crazy :sweat_smile: But what do I know about it. Apart from the fact that a good cut can be worth the money,

Congrats on the moonrocks yield mow many watts was it fed? Sorry if I missed that!

wish you a great sunday!

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There was 4 plant in that tent being ran at 80% on the growers choice roi-e720. Not sure what that brings the watts too

ok than around 640 :slight_smile:

ps @80 %

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Thanks for your kind words as well @m0sirys! Now heres an update on the quarantine tent. All the rooted clones I have recieved i put into the square solo cup equivalent as reccommended by @leetdood or @TopShelfTrees1 can’t remember which one these guys are always helping me! But anyways the rooted cuts are now showing roots out the bottom of the planters. On my cuts in the cloner the ones for the next run (stardawg corey, SSDD, capjunky, and 89 NL5) are all rooted and will probably get transplanted next week sometime. The gelato #33 are starting to root and the banana OG extras I had I threw into some coco cells but I don’t have high hopes for those cuts they are clearly hungry and just not happy with my actions lol. I had one root before these came in thats already topped and transplanted so I don’t need these but I hate throwing stuff out so let’s see what happens


i hate being out of likes so take these ! :heart: :heart: :heart:


Haha thanks man! I’ve been doing rhe same thing when I run outta likes :joy:


:grin: :grin: :grin: we are stoners but not helpless :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I do too, always kills me. I’m better with seedlings but fully established plants not so much :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I like to think I can clone anything but every once in a while I get humbled. I had issues with these banana OG anyways the very first time I got them in last year with mites and this time I left the cloner off for a day and 1 bounced back quick and rooted but the other 3 were looking iffy. I had one that had a few nice roots and I pulled it out the cloner and hovered it over the coco cell getting ready to plant it and all the roots just fell off im like hmm well thats a new one. Guess I was too rough with her when I was moving her out and around before transplant and then the other ones were showing nute deficiency and yellowing leaves and still no sign of rooting so I stuck them all in coco cells to see what happens in time

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