Check out my perpetual grow!

Thanks! If your willing there will always be room for improvement and more to learn! Good morning everyone hope yall are having a great day so far! Thanks for your kind words @m0sirys! SSH is taking off although I haven’t determined a flower feed for her or the gary payton yet. I’m worried in time she will want more nutes and I’ll need to bump things up just not sure what to up. For the time being ill ride it out and see what the ladies want


i wouldn’t worry about it. i also had that during the vegi phase the ssh demanded a hell of a lot of nutrients. today is flowering day 26 and they still get the same as they did as cuttings 174 N 55 P 200 K ppm. hydrobuddy helps a lot to find something that works well.

so far everything is green and they don’t seem to be lacking anything. but you are right there is still room for improvment! :slight_smile:


Awesome you got it figured out in time !!
Shout out for helping hightillidie


Leetdood is always there to help! At some point he might started demanding pay with how much I bother him with grow questions! Lmao jk he’s a great guy and he wouldn’t do that but I try not to overwhelm any one person with too many questions


Just got a confirmation email from ac infinity about the 6 replacement s6 fans. Looks like next week or so ill have a big box coming in! Happy early birthday from ac infinity! They upgraded to the gen2 and if you bought any gen 1s they will send you the Gen 2 for free and ive got 6 s6s now so man im pumped for that new gen with carbon gears instead of plastic! Bonus they also let you keep the old ones but ive had 2 fail since I intially reached out the oscillating gears must of broke because they just stopped oscillating completely out of the blue


I only demand pay in clones :smiling_imp:

1 Like

Haha well lucky for me I have one waiting for ya now!


I’ve been a busy bee today. Shot some clone over to my buddy @ItsintheGenetics and @HappyTrees23s. Can’t wait to see them grow these ladies out and be able to get them a head start on their grow always feels good helping out friends in need. While I was taking snips I went ahead and trimmed up all my mother plants of the lower branches that weren’t in the light so that way all my mother’s could give me a final push before being reset. Moving forward i should just keep my lowers clean or reset my plants more often because I had a lot of the lower canopy just dieing while the tops were thriving so I obviously don’t want to send any lowers out so I tossed all that away so I’d have nothing but fresh cuts. I wasnt trimming it up before because I didn’t want rapid growth so somethings gotta change moving forward. I also installed the high CFM tent kit in the ac infinity mother tent, setup my new swivel mounts for the wyze cameras, and lastly trimmed the SSH and GP tent a bit and got the new camera setup in there. Oh I almost forgot my opal (man made) beads came in today for the necklace project! I’m so pumped for this to go down! I’ll be shipping these to the lady creating this masterpiece Thursday at the latest and I anticipate she will take up to 2 months to finish the project as im asking for a lot


Thank you again :relieved: :raised_hands:

I hope to return the favor one day :pray:

Your grow room keeps getting better and better :muscle:

And that opal looks amazing !


Youre on roll brotha, Garden is looking great!

Hope you have a great week! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Thanks for the kind words gentlemen! Hope yall are having a good morning! Gotta work today with my dad. Then tomorrow I gotta help my grandma give shots and dewormer to the goats again. Then Thursday I’m gonna try to clean up the 5x5 and get the autopot trays and everything cleaned up the and tent cleaned up and ready to go for the next run


A nice room, High! Get you high, yes yes? :slight_smile:
I’d say the little pots with not a very big but very buddy plants always looks beautiful, showing how much you can get from relatively small plant just putting efforts :slight_smile:


I’ve pumped some big buds out of 1 gal containers they just require daily watering and sometimes 2x a day. They want more attention but if you have the time it’s not a bad thing as it leans more towards a hydroponic setup and they eat more and in turn grow and produce more


Got this in today! Thanks again @Wizdom I appreciate it!


Looks great :+1:


Well I left the cloner unplugged again smh. I’m just gonna pull the SSDD clones and we are gonna pop gelato from ILGM which was one of our previous favorites. Also I was able to finally share with leetdood his birthday present since I won’t be able to send cuts for a while. I got him thin mints from cloney which is the original thin mints cut! Lastly my buddy @HappyTrees23s got in his care package to restart his grow and couldn’t be happier as he said they were super fresh looking! That being said it makes my day being able to help out a friend and somehow samples of chemtek and banana daddy my 2 favorites from previous harvest ended up in there hmm how did that happen? Lol glad everyone is happy and I could help! Happy birthday @leetdood hope your having a great day


Alright so I watered the GP and SSH this morning. Still a very strong spicy smell in that tent from the GP. While listening to DGC the other day I heard from the creator of recharge (scotty) say that adding too much recharge can cause a hormone imbalance (due to feeding acids humic/fulvic and hormones from the kelp) that it can cause buds to grow out the middle of your leaves. It was cool to see but im definitely looking to avoid stressing my ladies out that much if possible so ill be going by the called for amount moving forward. I did not feed recharge the last watering or this watering to let the acids and hormones run out a bit before reintroducing them again. I checked the cabinet above the oven and it seems like we have a tail sprouting from the gelato seed. I was almost tempted to sabotage the seed and use the gelato 33 I had extra my buddy wanted amd changed his mind last minute so now that’s extra and will make its way to the trash or be held onto for another week and I’ll pass it off on someone


I’m also trying to find out where I got the chemtek strain ive been smoking on. I’m terrible with saving messages so idk who it’s from lol but if I find out I need to seriously thank them it’s a kick ass strain and everyone who has tried it just loves it! Even my buddy @HappyTrees23s was like where did you get this because it’s amazing! I have 1 seed left so she might make a place in my mother tent worst case scenario


I’m teetering on edge of buying this venty by the makers of the king volcano. It’s supposed to be like a king volcano but handheld. Lots of great reviews on it haven’t really seen a single bad review besides the high pricing ($450)


Well I asked my fiance about the venty again and she’s like I figured you already got it yeah I do think it’s a good idea im like hmm say no more its purchased then lol. I think she just wanted it if we are being honest. We were watching review videos together for about 30 minutes last night and then I spent all day searching reviews not really anything bad except the first release round got recalled. Regardless it’s a 2 year warranty period and everything I hear about S&B is high quality and im really looking forward to taste the terps much better and for longer. Anyways onto the gardening stuff. I transplanted cotton candy and thin mint today. They probably could of used another week or 2 to be fully rooted but im hoping to get them really pumping some cuts out in the next 2 weeks so I can send a few cuts to friends of the thin mint and cotton candy. The cotton candy appears to be trying to air root due to the 80/80 rh and degrees F. First time seeing that but it’s cool guess that just means she’s pretty happy about her environment. That’s a shame because I evicted them all to the mother tent muhahaha. I’ll be taking in a cut for a friend that shall go undocumented but will need the tent sometime next week for the new cut to hold out for 2 weeks. That being said my cloning of the mothers to reset them will now be pushed back another month but this allows for time to better understand what plants need different methods to maintain them without topping the plants to death or having them block a good portion of the light