Check out my perpetual grow!

Sounds like absolute heaven! Very nice bro!


Well I’m absolutely heartbroken and frustrated with myself. I had received some clones for cheap in off discord and figured it was goofy but oh well id give it a go. Well 8-7 I got those clones and then told myself I was too busy to spray IPM on this 1 strain with 5 cuts that came in. On top of this I had thought due to nothing extra lights that I’d put my cloner in the 4x4 with the mother plants instead of the usual 2x2 quarantine for 2 weeks. Needless to say due to slacking on my own accord and not making time for the proper IPM applications I lost a battle to spidermites. I had 2 tents in flower that I thought would be ok but on closer inspection there was larvae under the leaves but no signs of leaf damage. I cut it all down and then asked the seller I got a majority of my clones from for info as well as many many others as I wanted multiple opinions. After cleaning for 3 days straight and my house smelling like I’m ready to operate on someone I think I can say my tents are clean. I’ve cleaned every nook and cranny, took apart the ducting and soaked everything, sprayed all corners with lysol and alcohol wait for one to dry then spray the other, wiped down everything I could with bleach soap water dilute, and now im thinking a 2 week cool down before starting back up just to make sure everything is dead. When I reached out to that seller he was so cool about it he said he could send me replacements if I just paid shipping! What a G! Couldn’t even believe he said that! I felt bad accepting the offer but im a grand out in mother plants and I didnt have the money right now to replace them so I’m forever grateful and all I can do is patiently wait and use this as a reminder and lesson for myself and others to stay adamant and routine with your IPM sprays! Before I start back up I will be purchasing 3 IPM’s for rotation so this never happens again and EVERY plant coming in will be sprayed before going into the quarantine tent. This is something I will never forget and im gonna work on constantly improving my IPM regiment and maybe even working im a routine cleaning of the tents with a bleach soap water dilute while there are plants in there instead of after every run. Im embarrassed to say I passed the mites to my closest trading buddy as well as they survived my beforr shipping IPM spray. We both killed everything and now have much higher expectations. Any trades I had setup ive pushed back for a week in fear of shipping any mites as my buddy warned me
It sounds ridiculous but this is a battle I’ve never fought so id rather be safe than sorry


Check out this guy’s clones. This is my go to discord seller and the one who is gonna replace 7 clones due to my own issues just to show he cares. I don’t guarantee any hookups from him but I do guarantee fire clones with amazing genetics, vigorous growth, amazing packaging, next day shipping, and lastly he’s an amazing guy who doesn’t mind helping other growers. I pester him all the time for advice and although I may not get an instant reply he always finds time to help me out. Can’t speak highly enough about this guy and I don’t mean for this to be an ad by any means but someone this great needs a shout out! The top picture is the number of cuts he’s taken of each strain for the next listing. Im sure the old listing is sold out by now but just an idea on pricing for others


This will be my new IPM lineup here as GMO reccommends. He said the canna fogger is really worth it because you save so much more product and the IPMs are very expensive to just dump on your plants

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Damn sorry to read about the hitchhikers!
Many years ago now, I bought a really nice ozone machine, for sanitizing an area, and that shit loves nooks and crannies, it’s crazy good for killing unwanted stuff…but it kills EVERYTHING.
House plants, pets, people that can not run away, odor’s.
Keeps my 23 year old Tundra smelling like new! LOL! Well newish.
Doing basement grows, and helping others start up in their basements, has made my/their life much easier, as sanitize first, and start your daily defense against them.
Yeah breaking protocol on bug carrying plants can suck, for us.
I’ve always been very shy, about clones coming to me. I do take some now and then from gardens in my circle, but I do not seek them out.
If I could sell my product, I’d maybe consider it.
Wish the best for you and your gardens.


I’ve never bought clones but have recently considered it.

Do you use a seperate tent for all incoming clones? Also those 3 products you have in the cart are all used ? They are dipped or all sprayed?

@webeblzr id love to see what your speaking of as I also grow in a basement and that sounds handy! @dubby12 I do have a seperate tent for incoming clones it’s a 2x2x3. My issue was not giving myself time between buying clones and I had rooted and unrooted in the same tent and found myself running out of room so I moved the cloner to the mother tent when a rooted batch came in with mold on it after 3-5 day shipping so I was like those definitely need isolated and moved the cloner. Worst mistake ever. When the clones come in I will dip them or spray them. I prefer to dip unrooted clones and spray rooted ones. The 3 products will be my IPM rotation to fend off against pest rotating what spray I use every treatment which will be 2x a week when I start back up. If the rooted clones look bad they will get dipped but I prefer not to dip rooted clones because they make a mess with medium everywhere lol. Im sure dipping is better for coverage tho and being sure you got every spot with IPM


Well I dropped some more seeds last night. Gave the tents about a month cooldown then I should have beneficial pests coming in Wednesday or Thursday so inside and outside to take care of anything else that might cause issues and then I have my canna fogger and 3 IPM’s to keep the baddies away that I’ll be spraying 1-2x a week. Here’s the next 2 runs that will be flipped ASAP to try and hurry up and get some more personal supply as im running dry due to tossing our my 2 recent flower tents.
Sativa run (will be in the5x5 veg tent for extra headspace)
Hella jelly
Purple diesel
Golden tiger

Indica run (will go into the 4x8 flower tent and get topped early to encourage widening and bushing out)
Banana daddy r1
Blackberry moonrocks
Trainwreck 14r x pistachio
Dj short blueberry

They will all start in the 5x5 veg tent with the new growers choice roi e 720 and as they get bigger ill split them up into seperate tents. Before anything goes in the tents I’m going to spray it down 1 more time every nook and cranny just to be 1000%. I’m sprayed them down probably 5-6x in the month ive been down just trying to maintain the cleanliness and keep everything away so I hope it all pays off being more prepared this go around. Then I’ll be slowly gathering my clones back up to reform my mother tent but this time slowly and not allowing myself to break quarantine rules of new plants! I’ve learned from my lesson and im ready to apply my knowledge and move forward knowing I’ve overcome a tough challenge but refuse to ever quit growing!


Nice! You got this bro! What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger! :facepunch:t2:


I’m looking forward to seeing the mother tent be repopulated brother! Hope all is well with you and the gardens moving forward!

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Shoot me too @LL342! I have some strains coming in next week and 2-3 and then ill have 4 coming up sometime end of this month. Shouldn’t take long to get back going again! I’ve learned my lesson that’s for sure and I won’t go back to my old ways because I don’t want to ever have to shutdown for a month again. That sucked not to mention tossing everything out and the amount of cleanup after! I got 8 seeds dropped in the coco in the veg tent now. Checked this morning still nothing above ground but shouldn’t be long! Banana daddy (ethos) and trainwreck 14r x pistachio (humboldts) had some really long taproots when they got put into coco thursday morning. I wasnt expecting much from that trainwreck 14r x pistachio being a $2 seed but she was just as long as banana daddy. Got high hopes for both those ladies now and can’t wait to see how they grow out


Well I decided to get rain science bags for my autopots. 5 gal with handles and LST grommets then instead of paying shipping since I was like $2 away from free shipping I went ahead and got a 10 pk of the clone cones to tryout for $5. Figured I’d rather get a product than pay shipping anyways so hopefully I really like them and it’s a win win


So this new run will be a mix of seed and clones?

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The indica and sativa run are both sourced from seeds. Im getting my mother plants back together now so it gives me a chance to grow out some seeds and my girl has been pestering me nonstop bout that banana daddy and dj short blueberry strains I’ve been meaning to grow so it all falls into place nicely while I’m getting started back up and waiting on new clones to arrive. Got Mountain temple and gary satan on their way to me beginning of next week as both buddies said they will ship Monday or Tuesday. Then after that I’ll be getting 89 NL5 from another buddy and stardawg Corey, odd, sour diesel ajs cut, and capjunky. Those are like 2 weeks out probably but slowly it’s all making its way back to me juat gotta be patient and take my time with IPM this go around


Well I couldn’t help but check my ladies out after work and it seems trainwreck 14r x pistachio (by humboldts) is off to the races! Shot straight up and banana daddy is right behind her! No signs of anything from the others but im sure these next few days they will start popping up like crazy. They are sitting at 70 umols right now. I have the light up to the top of the tent right now at 25% and 24/7 light schedule. If these ladies get leggy I’ll start to drop the light down and adjust the intensity with the controller to dial things in but at this moment I’m not too worried about it


Banana daddy is above the coco this morning! These indicas are shooting up


Nice brother, glad to see you starting these up again! Keep on the sanitization and quarantine anything you get from others for a few weeks until your sure. It happens bro, can’t wait to watch this grow!

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Thanks for the kind words @LL342 I appreciate it! Yeah imma keep my IPM’s in rotation and apply weekly. Anything new will get 2 weeks to a month in isolation before moving to another tent I’ve surely learned my lesson and won’t forget it anytime soon

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3 more above ground waiting for the last 3 now

Patiently waiting on the last 2 seeds to pop up. Hella jelly came up this morning and then I filled trainwreck 14r x pistachios cup as she was getting leggy. While I was down there and looking at that leggy girl I was like yep now would be a good time to adjust the lights so I lowered the lights a bit and then sprinkled on some predatory mites in every cup