Check out my perpetual grow!

Lol that is a pretty funny little story .


Well I went ahead and bought some ground cover blueberries (specifically little crisp and ruby carpet), blackberries (thornless variety as im pretty sure mine died from last winter), and some raspberries. We are some berry eating fools over here so im excited to see what they do for me! @TopShelfTrees1 here is what I got for my garden in the front. Might do half the front flower bed in blueberries and the other half in raspberries


Good morning @HighTilliDie ! Hope your Easter day is perfect.


Good morning @MoBilly and everyone else! Hope you all have a great Easter!


Happy Easter! @HighTilliDie that super silver haze looks great I can’t wait to run mine! I also got mine from hotrod. It makes me laugh that the mountian temple is throwing you off lol I don’t think I’ve had a run where my tents hasn’t smelled of rotting fruit and garbage but it makes sense from the strains I’ve ran so far, the run I’m running now has almost a baby shit smell to it.


Happy Easter dude !!

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Oh man yeah count me out on that one! Lol. Good morning everyone! Hope yall have a great day!

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Good morning dude! Happy long weekend lol!

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Thanks man! I gotta transplant a few clones to replace the odd, mountain temple, 96 sour diesel, and sour diesel ajs cut I cut down and tossed out. Just a reset of those mothers I already had them cloned and rooted just needed a fresh start as they were all too big for my liking. I’ll probably reset a few more of the bigger ones and then call it good for a bit

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Good morning @HighTilliDie !

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Got some trichome pics of Gary payton and Super silver haze. I’m thinking they are in the window to cut. Today is day 59 of flower. Gary payton is a 56-63 day strain and SSH is a 70-80 day strain. The tops of SSH almost look burnt with dark brown trichome heads but they shouldn’t be as im only pushing around 720 umols


Also here is a progress update on the necklace. I had issues with the seller not stating the inner diameter of the bead sizes would vary and the beads unfortunately did not work so I sent them back and had then refunded and got roundelles of synthetic opal with a larger diameter and the lady making the necklace said it worked out perfect and is hoping to have it done by today. Loving the looks of it! Also got my grove bags in. Not too happy with the hero grown bag size it looks like it will hold an 8th if that but they were like $2 ea


If you’re looking at sugar leaves and not bracts those could be maturing early.

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That is shots of the top nugs. I ordered a new microscope because that one had a few specs on the camera and you’d have totally disassemble it to get to camera to clean it


It was also very hard to hold the mic stand steady to get shots because of the placement of the tent so I took the shots I could


My necklace is finally done! Threw the lady a $30 tip for her diligent work and continued patience on the whole return issue of shipping back and forth and any delay that caused on her other projects but I love how it came out and can’t wait to have it in hand!


Just got a new microscope with higher resolution. Now I can’t send the pictures thru text lol. Here are some shots of SSH

Next we have the GP


It won’t be too much longer. A couple of weeks maybe??


I’ve been told by many I closely trust a few days. I was planning to cut this Sunday


Ahhh. I could see some amber on the leaves but I’m on the phone. Little screen and bad eyes. lol