Check out my perpetual grow!

GMO is not the same as selective breeding!
GMO is when you use gene editing to put fish dna into tomato to help with cold resistance.
These are two very different things


I stand corrected my friend. :slight_smile:
You are correct. We started avoiding anything GMO a few years ago. Thing is, with all the insanity that is going on with scientists playing god, I don’t trust any of them. If we HAD to, we can get by on just what we produce. Hopefully we’ll have it where we can live comfortably sufficient in a couple of years.
Health allowing it will be done.


I believe the point is there’s two ways to modify genetics by intervention

Human selection


Crispr et al

In theory, if used correctly, the second method is faster and more innovative.

The issue lies more with companies like Dupont inventing radical shit like Teflon and then massively covering up the harms caused.

If things were truly transparent and for good, we could trust radical techniques more.


The thing that scares me is it was sold/ promised to be sterile to other plants.
Than we find out it’s crossing to your heirloom strain and ruining your strain


Also did any of you guys ever watch The Insider?

Turns out russell crowe was seen as a nerd type early on, lol

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There are two ways. One I can do and the other needs to be done in a laboratory which I’m unable to do.

Corporations have lied about everything, so I don’t trust anything that comes out of their mouths


I get it, that’s why I pointed out awesome movies like Dark Waters and The Insider :joy:


The insider is a great movie. The future of food is good also.
Dark waters is about what?


Dupont doing incredible damage to communities and customers with Teflon production and sales. Subsequent cover up and legal battles.

Stars mark Ruffalo.


Took place in West Virginia if my memory is correct


That sounds correct. I think about that scene a lot when I think about the movie. I dont think marks character was wrong to try, because that way it came to light and a Hollywood movie was made about it, even, teaching us about the evils of corporations. But the farmer was right… the big guys get what they want 99% of the time. That made me waaaaay less of a bootlicker over time.


It’s also why I started seeing the evils of capitalism and criticizing it to people i know. Productivity isn’t bad, it’s great. Innovation is great too. Corporations hoarding capital to ensure systemic expoitation of the worker class is not great.


Wallace : [while eating some Chicken McNuggets] Man, these shits is right, yo.

Malik ‘Poot’ Carr : [with his mouth full] Mm-hmm.

Wallace : Good with the hot sauce too, yo.

Malik ‘Poot’ Carr : Most definitely.

Wallace : Yo, D, you want some nuggets?

D’Angelo Barksdale : Nah, go ahead, man.

Wallace : Man, whoever invented these, yo, he off the hook.

Malik ‘Poot’ Carr : What?

Wallace : Mm. Muthafucka got the bone all the way out the damn chicken. ‘Til he came along, niggas been chewin’ on drumsticks and shit, gettin’ they fingers all greasy. He said, " Later for the bone. Let’s nugget that meat up and make some real money."

Malik ‘Poot’ Carr : You think the man got paid?

Wallace : Who?

Malik ‘Poot’ Carr : Man who invented these.

Wallace : Shit, he richer than a muthafucka.

D’Angelo Barksdale : Why? You think he get a percentage?

Wallace : Why not?

D’Angelo Barksdale : Nigga, please. The man who invented them things? Just some sad-ass down at the basement at McDonald’s, thinkin’ up some shit to make some money for the real players.

Malik ‘Poot’ Carr : Naw, man, that ain’t right.

D’Angelo Barksdale : Fuck “right.” It ain’t about right, it’s about money. Now you think Ronald McDonald gonna go down in that basement and say, “Hey, Mista Nugget, you the bomb. We sellin’ chicken faster than you can tear the bone out. So I’m gonna write my clowny-ass name on this fat-ass check for you”?

Wallace : Shit.

D’Angelo Barksdale : Man, the nigga who invented them things still workin’ in the basement for regular wage, thinkin’ up some shit to make the fries taste better or some shit like that. Believe.


Wallace : Still had the idea, though.


I think there are gradients to this matter, for example to do GMO they use the CRIPR-CAS method , which can have many legitimate uses, many that have nothing to do with GMO, such as identifying genetic markers in certain species to further use in natural selective breeding. However it is these same techniques that Monsanto and Co use to trademark those markers and vendorlock good willing farmers …

There is quite a lot of research that the way in which we currently do GMO is not sustainable anyway, as nature will always find a way to balance itself…

As always it’s the big multinationals claiming to save the world, but the world is more complex than their spreadsheet minded mindset.



Alright so update on the face off ladies. I’m not sure if they are just hungry or what? Looking like typical cal mag signs but #6 is a bit lighter green than the others. I was thinking a transplant was in order to get them out of their rootbound containers as ive recently added cal mag at 3ml per gallon. In that mix I reduced my NPK to 60% but kept the cal mag at 100% for a 2 gal mix. Any input would be great but im thinking cal mag added to maybe full strength nutes after a transplant will benefit these ladies


With the calmag I usually start at the top tbh. At least in coco I find they need way more than recommended. I feed every feed and my instructions are similar i actually add 7 ml per L even though it says 2-5ml. And I add calcium via kelzyme or wollastonite rock dust as well. I wouldn’t suggest going hard right off the bat like me but don’t be scared to go 4-5-6-7 ml they love calcium and mag is hard to overdo as well ime . They are going crazy huh? Great job wow, I would uppot as well for sure flush the soil and start fresh with added cal mag

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The US food industry is not about health. It’s geared solely for profit, not the well-being of consumers.

Big agriculture is constantly taking advantage of, and profits from, small farmers.

Big companies like ADM sue and harrass the little guys. It’s a sad state of being.

So @TopShelfTrees1 you think add a bit more calmag to my mix what about the NPK should I up that or keep it at 60% and thoughts on transplant before or after topping knowing these ladies are ready to be transplanted now?

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I do wish they looked happier but yeah they are coming along alright

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I’d probably up the NPK a bit too, especially if you uppot . They are at that point they are gonna take right off . Nah they are growing like crazy, it just needs a tweak you’ll get it. OG’s are a pain in the ass sometimes.