Check out my perpetual grow!

Here is the purple heart


I haven’t had it in a while to tell you and what I thought was gelato was a sunset sherbert leaning gelato that grow. The ILGM Gelato is just a extra seed I had laying around from ILGM seed co but ive also got this legit gealto 33 clone which I think is what the ILGM Gelato was based off of. I haven’t done any breeding yet thats what the faceoff is for

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Speaking of face-off I think they aren’t the happiest looking still. Variegation is popping up more in some plants than others. #6 back left corner still looking cranky as can be new growth in 1 leaf kinda curling to the side. Haven’t watered again since transplant this week or last week (I can’t remember when lol) so ill just be checking runoff and seeing what they are at when watering next


Right on, man. You have some cool stuff going on.

On a side note. While out yesterday I went hunting for postcards… They are not available everywhere like they used to be. I found one like I’ve never seen before and had to get it. I have some good places in mind to get more.

anywho, I wish you an awesome day, man


Thank you man I appreciate that! Yeah I’ve been getting some really cool people sending me great things and I couldn’t be more grateful to those who are willing to help! He’s gonna be so pumped when he sees that package. At this rate a bubble mailer won’t do ill need a small box because people here are so gracious and giving


I used to print post cards when I was young. Some cool images.


That will make most jobs a whole lot easier to stick with. I was fortunate in that respect as well.


It’s really not a complicated idea. People can make some brutal situations tolerable.

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So I went down a rabbit hole with this thread gmo cannabis and found some great info thanks to @CocoaCoir sharing this link! Took some screenshots for anyone not wanting to scroll thru 158 pages of scientific paper but lots of good info. Here’s a few screenshots I took to share with others and a link to the PDF file to download and view![Screenshot_20240519_142140_Word|233x500](upload://lhfP0B8O1BuxjMF9sDmLwGhBR0q.jpeg)


@HappyTrees23s this is something I think you’d enjoy reading. Lots of pictures and DNA gibberish for about half the 158 page paper but I highlighted the key points above that I saw. I might go back thru it later when I find more spare time to see if there wasn’t anything I overlooked. Cocaocoir was interested about the B. Napus supposedly adding a ten fold trichome production and so was @leetdood who also found interest in them using a bleach solution to sterilize the seedlings instead of hydrogen peroxide


To be clear, this was a mechanism in B. Napus that increased trichome production 10x in B. Napus


Yes sir in the b. Napus (rapeseed)


Awesome brother :raised_hands:
I’ll definitely take a read this afternoon.
I appreciate the tag !

I’ve been reading up a lot about the benefits of Alfalfa and Sulfur as well :muscle: so this will be a fun read…after I have my coffee this morning :laughing:

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It’s good that you’re keeping an eye on the watering and checking the runoff next time you water. Sometimes transplant shock can cause some temporary issues, but it sounds like you’re on top of it.


I have a bad habit of not checking the runoff but @leetdood is helping keep me in check lol


@TopShelfTrees1 I was wondering if you would be able to help me figure out what my runoff should be on these face off ladies so when I get back home I know how to proceed. I watered 2 this morning before I left amd got runoff numbers of 4.0 and 4.5 ec and 5.5 phand wasn’t sure if those were good or bad. Now at 90% npk and 100% cal mag @5ml pergal input of 1.9 ec at 6.0ph. After putting 36 oz of ro water thru I was at 2.5 ec 5.6 ph but wasn’t sure if that was too low and if they were getting the proper amount of cal mag so I just stopped while I was ahead


He’s not on OG right now, taking a break, I can ask him for you if you’d like

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What kind of #s are you putting in?

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It’s in his comment at the 1.9 ec part


Got it. I only check mine if the plants are off. Should do it as maintenance.

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