Check out my perpetual grow!

I’ve been trying to do it more often. Learn how plants like their food.


Easy to get complacent though, it’s a pain in the ass to do.

My EC meter glitched out the other day too when I tried to turn it off! I got all paranoid and thought i had broken it and disassembled it to check for any water or whatever. Nothing. Worked fine after that.


Well I went ahead and fed as normal and then used 1 16-18 oz cup of ro water to dilute the ec a bit just in case. I’m nit used to checking runoff but the ladies are starting to look a bit better. On another note I got tired of staring at an empty tent and finally had a word with my wife and we decided to start the donutz triploids now as there was conflicting information on the pack vs the website. The website was saying it was an outdoor only strain but not when I bought it as the pack doesn’t state that and one member @Tolerance_Break was saying that the description was on the og triploid so I checked which led me to this discovery. Well I didn’t want anything weird going on with the fast run so I figured in this moment of downtime for the 4x8 I’ll make use of it for the donutz and 1 other strain I let my wife choose which was pineapple upside down cake. She’s saying from the sounds of the description we need to clone every one till flower and determine if there is a keeper. I think she’s starting to get the hang of this now! Lol she’s doing great tho I was excited to heat her say that. So we went ahead and did a little experiment I did a very tiny amount of recharge to a good amount of amount so it was very dilute and im using that to pop the seeds as scotty real (owner/creator of recharge) was saying on DGC he uses it for popping seed and getting nice taproots in paper towels as well so I figured I’d give it a go and see what it’s about. These triploid seeds lined up like peas in a pod it had me laughing. Anyways the 5x5 ill probably flip in a week or 2. Still waiting on this 89 NL5 to catch up but the other ladies are filling out the tent quickly! Those new supercropping pliers work really well and have saved my hands a ton! Can’t wait to see this tent fill out in flower but since I’m still waiting I couldn’t help but pop more seeds with my open space. Other than that I’ve reset about all my mother’s except a few now. Hope everyone has had a good night


I did also add a humidifier to this tent as my wife thinks the leaves are curling due to low humidity. I didn’t think it was gonna fit but we worked it in. Hoping to see signs of better health coming into next week. Although I have noticed #1 & #5 are heavily variegated


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far


Morning @HighTilliDie .


Good morning my friends!


What is everyone up to today? It’s my daughter’s last day of school we just got here to pick her up. My wife had a job interview and then after that we changed her serpentine belt on her car. When we get back home we gotta clean out the 4x8 and then probably take my daughter to the park for a few hrs


Good mornin’/afternoon.

Sounds like you got a full day planned. I just finished up some light errands, probably going to get prepared to harvest my plants today before the hockey game starts.

The last place you showed us, with the giant mushroom, looked like a great family adventure. I hope you enjoy your time at the park :v:


Glitched out. Got it. My time would be better spent calibrating my ph meter, than checking runoff. As long as I pay attention to my incoming H²O #s, I’m ok.
My PPMs vary from under 200 to 350. If I had problems I’d get a water test. Small plants all get mostly RO.


I’m not used to checking runoff but I was trying to diagnose why #6 looked worst than the rest and dial in nutes and cal mag. @leetdood has nicknamed #6 scarecrow lol


Hey champ. Important stuff 1st. What grade in school is next when she goes back? You said “we just got…” I love seeing when parents show up. When anyone shows up. Awesome. Good man.
So #6. If it was mine, which it is not. I only know a little. I wouldn’t fuck with it much. I’d do what @JAWS does, and please correct me if I mis-speak. Foliar cal-nit and mag. With opposite root feeding. I do it a couple times, a few days apart. Sometimes just once. I know for sure I can make plants worse.
I see what you are saying. I hate when one or two plants are off a little. Sometimes I just don’t get to dealing with whatever it is. When I get to it, I find I’m past needing to do something. Or do something different. I found thru being down with my back, my plants need so much less than I used to give them.
Hope the missus interview went well. Car repair too. Same day? You’re doing a good job being a human again.


yup i spray with one while watering with the other, then next time out i do the same but i switch them around. mostly just through out veg cycle, i try to give them all they need of those things before going into flower. at times some plants need a bump after going to 12/12.

peace …


I appreciate all your kind words @crownpoodle! Yeah that Is what jaws says as topshelf has reminded me before. Starting with the cal mag and seeing where that goes so 1 thing at a time. Yeah we try to do our own vehicle repairs and preventative maint if we can. The belt was getting a bit lower than I’d like so I bought a brand new gates one and tossed the old one in the trunk. I was going off on a rant about how I have a serpentine belt tool and it came with 5 sizes yet they didn’t have a 17 the one size I needed and im sitting there like seriously. Had a 13-16 then 18. I’m like how does this always happen? The tools weren’t missing its just how it was sold smh. Guess I’ll need to get a 17 mm socket that’s low profile for that now


At least it didn’t come at snap on prices :rofl:


@leetdood I don’t pay for name brand tools. If there is a specific tool for the job I have to have then so be it but harbor freight is right down the road I can buy any cheapy tool and snap it then take it back and get a new one for free


Well my wife said we should replace the 4x8. We’ve had it for 3 years now. I checked and vivosun is still the only actual name brand making the 4x8x6 besides zazzy. I don’t need the roof top style but there are no other tents that really work for me on that side of the basement as its raised and has a height of 77 3/4 inches. I messaged ac infinity and told them like your missing a big part of the market here not selling tent that are 72 inches to compete with vivosun because you wouldn’t even compete with them you’d probably end up knocking them out of the competition entirely because they just aren’t great tents but I don’t really want to try the zazzy brand either. Ac infinity messaged back posted below and hopefully they will make one in the future but for now I guess I’ll have to order another vivosun. The 4x8 is $197 so I’ll get that tomorrow I guess and swap them out before the new grow and offer someone my old one to get started


@HighTilliDie look up cloudlab 894 pretty sure it’s basically a 4x8

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Problem is my height. I don’t have the clearance for anything over 77 inches on that side of my basement so I can’t fit a 80 inch tent over there or even a 78 inch tent. The cloudlab 894 is 80 inches

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Don’t have an angle grinder? Jk