Check out my perpetual grow!

Ah gotcha need a low pro

I’ve disputed that before in ILGM but the problem is when you put it under negative pressure with all that excess dabric you now created with the 3 inches of pole you just cut out so then you almost have to have someone cut and restitch the whole bottom and is it really worth it at that point? I’ve messaged multiple companies before and marshydro will make you a custom tent if you buy 100 at a time

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Couldn’t you just like zip tie it at the top or something? Instead of restitching it

I mean if your willing to destroy the poles, tent, and void your warranty to risk it then sure. That’s the main thing like of it doesn’t work then well shit that sucks now you out how much lol

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Fair point, I didn’t think of the warranty. I’ve never had to use one on a tent yet

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I was thinking about giving the 4x8 to David my buddy to get him out of the cardboard box lmao. But that might but too much for him

I’ve seen people put shelves and tools in there if they aren’t using the whole tent for plants

Well im thinking overwhelming in the sense of he might have a 2x2x3 box and this a 4x8x6 tent and then he has to run more cords and electric and he’s in his mom’s basement so that might be tricky

Oh shit yeah lmao, his mom might not like that.

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A few summers ago I ‘made’ an awning extension for my garage. You buy the fitting then get the EMT poles from a hardware store, then cut them to the size you want. It’s really easy to out up and take down. As I was doing it I realized that it’s basically a really BEEFY grow tent. If you have the time or willingness you could get some panda film and one of the panda film zippers and easily make a tent out of them. is where I got mine for the garage, but they have a lot of designs. Imagine those nice tents at the swap meet.

And good mornin’

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He wanted it anyways lol. Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far! Quick check on the seeds this morning with recharge dilute water amd the triploids have popped. I didn’t have time to plant them so I did paper towel method for now. Nothing from the pineapple upside down cake yet but I did the same thing and put them on the top of the light in the face off tent to warm up


I’ll check that out thanks for sharing!

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@JustANobody ive popped the donutz triploid


Good morning everyone!

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Good morning to you guys @MoBilly @HighTilliDie don’t forget that Gary Payton to go with the faceoffs :eyes:

Hell ya, can’t wait to follow along.

I’m tempted to kill off #6 and replace it with gary payton or banana OG but I don’t know my male/female count yet

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Noooo don’t kill it… yet…

Id say kill if it’s a male, lol

I just added the humidifier and with the drip tray there is absolutely no floor space leftover. Of course I shouldn’t need the humidifier in flower but yeah im strapped for room already you gotta remember is a 32x32x63 it’s tiny and I got 8 1 gals in there now


I wish I was there, I’d show you the patented leetdood shove it in the tent technique