Check out my perpetual grow!

Lmfao I’m not sure if I’m ready for that level of advanced technique master


Got some new seeds in today! I didn’t know that purple heart was CBD oh well hopefully it works for pain relief. Package says 100% cbd seed by weight 85% germ rate


I don’t think that means Purple Heart is a CBD strain… it says one of the parents is a CBD strain, but Afterglow seems to be a THC-dominant one. Pretty sure “100% hemp seeds by weight” just means it’s cannabis, it’s probably for regulatory purposes since he’s working in Colorado. Seems like he was aiming for balanced THC/CBD, which from what I’ve heard is good for pain relief, so hopefully it works well for you.


Ahh I see what your saying now as it also says it on the 4k freebies. Good catch @Cormoran thank you! Yeah im excited for that purple heart I’ll definitely squeeze it in the run this year

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So a quick check in on the seeds. I transplanted the 3 donutz triploid last night and they are all starting to pop out the soil. Then checked on the pineapple upside down cake and no taproot and the middle of the papertowel had got dry on me but not the edges. Felt the seed it was dry so im like well I’ll toss it back in the water with another seed and let’s try again. The darker colored seed is the one we tried to pop first. I told my wife I blame her because I said pick out the seed and the strain you want lol. The 5x5 isn’t very happy with me as I fed flower water because the ladies wanted more nutes. That worked 2x and then last night we came in and the leaves are getting dark green and ends of the leaves are curling (nitrogen toxicity) I’m like well that’s a learning curve lets go ahead and flush them then follow up with a veg water feed and get things back on track. Next we go to the face off tent and im seeing some mutations possibly caused by the overfeeding, flushing, and VPD stress. Since the addition of the humidifier and healthy new growth these have appeared. I asked my buddy who sells clone and who I got SSH from his thoughts and he said if I keep them healthy and it goes away in 2 weeks then it was due to stress if not then it’s just a pheno being expressed but he said with my info that he’s leaning towards stress related but I could go ahead and clone them and if they clear up it will be gone but cloning them with the mutations won’t cause it to carry over. Lastly we have the area where the 4x8 was. I need to clean up that area, check for any high spots hammer them down and out, and setup the new tent


I went ahead and topped all the face off ladies and past few days I’ve been trying to take down and setup the new 4x8 with wire management in mind and who knew its so time consuming. Messaged a few companies in hopes of finding one to do a custom tent a 4x8x6 ft (72 inches tall) but not rooftop style a flat top style like every other 80 inch tall tent and no one wants to make that style tent or custom tents except marshydro who will do it if you order like 100 at a time. Anyways I cloned all the face off and took another banana OG clone to see if we can toss it in there with the face off ladies in a solo cup or something. Other than that I’ll try to get pics of the 5x5 later tonight but I’m still eagerly waiting on 89 NL5 to catchup before my flip to flower. The donutz triploids are doing great. I tossed the one pineapple upside down cake that didn’t pop and waiting on the other one to come above the soil it’s just a bit slow


Can you cut down a 80 inch one?the sides would be a bit baggy, but thinking it’s a lot cheaper than ordering a 100

So why not take 2- 4x4x6 tents. Either cut them, or match up the doors. More zip ties and wire management. Seal where they connect. There’s your 4x8x6 tent.


I don’t know how How much leg work you want to put into it? But I believe you can cut the vertical poles on the framing with a hacksaw, drill holes for the little push buttons so they will lock together.
You could take the tent to a professional seamstress/ Industrial sewing company and have them shorten the tent. But I believe you can get a tool to put grommets in by hand then use zips/bungee cords/whatever works to pull up slask on sides of tent?

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I’ve thought about all that before and I about ordered a 80 inch one before and cut to my desired height and take it to a professional seamstress but I was worried about the stitching process causing more light leaks and at the rate of doing all that I’m more involved pricewise than I’d like to be but ive said something to a few bigger name brand tent designers out there now and hopefully one day they will make one. I do just rent where I’m at as well so it’s not even something that will be forever just for the time being which is another reason why I’ve just dealt with what I got but man it would be nice to raise my light over 52 inches off the ground that’s for sure because the rooftop bottlenecks and then my lights won’t go up into it


Morning my friends.


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far! I’ve been having the hardest time trying yo get that pineapple upside down cake seed to pop. 1st one juat sank in the water I’m like ok whatever I’ll let it soak for a day then paper towel method. Then a gee days later no taproot so I started another one and threw that one outside in the backyard buried should she decide to come up. 2nd one I saw a taproot and im like awesome. Paper towel method for 2 days and no growth I said hmm that’s weird but let’s put it in the soil. 2 days later no growth so I dug it up and it hadn’t grown at all so back into the paper towel and then checked on it the next day it looked like it was starting to mold. Upon further inspection the inside of the seed was mush so I guess too much water? Idk I popped another one and if this one doesn’t take ill lose my mind and message humboldts because I’ve never had this much bad luck. The triploids popped so quick and now this it’s like ugh. I was hoping for another fast success but no luck. Anyways moving on the triploids look great and after flush in the 5x5 I’m about to next watering. The stardawg corey was looking a bit yellow and flower water being fed too early is what got me into this mess so I went ahead and made up a 60% veg water blend with cal mag to ass back some nitrogen but go easier on the other nutes. I’ll have to water the other 3 in that tent probably today. Still need to finish the 4x8 up which I now have no babysitter to help my dad and sister next week so I should have plenty of time to do that if the new puppy if we get Tuesday isn’t too much of a handful. I’ll try and get pics of the tents tonight for now here is some camera screenshots



I think I’d try a short soak with some Peroxide added to the water. Like say four hours max. Then right into the paper towels.
I’m still new at this but it sounds reasonable to me. They sink right off so doesn’t that mean they already have a lot of moisture in the seed?
Asking to learn. lol


Yeah I add a spritz of hydrogen peroxide to my water when i soak my seed. I know i probably soak my seeds too long (typically a whole day) but it’s never been an issue before except on the dj short blueberry f2 I tried growing I encountered the same issue but those were old seeds. I’m not sure but ive heard if it sinks right away it’s a dud


Sounds like I’m having issues with damping off but hard to say for sure as I haven’t encountered it many times. It’s just ironic that with the fastest I’ve ever seen a seed pop and get a taproot that the other 1 to go with those 3 now won’t pop for me lmao. My wife said it could just be the strain or maybe the seeds are old


Not in my experience. I’ve had lots that hung on the surface until touched and then drop like a stone. I almost always get tails. I like the EWC method as well. That shit works great. lol


Here is what Jorge Cervantes says


It seems float or sink doesn’t make any difference right off the back according to this


Here is an interesting statement further down from there "Grow More Females from “Regular” Seed
Environmental factors that influence sex determination of cannabis take effect the moment seedlings have 3 pairs of true leaves (not counting cotyledons).* These factors include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Increase the level of nitrogen to make more female plants. Lower the nitro­gen level to create more male plants.

  2. Increase the level of potassium to increase male tendencies. Lower the potassium level to encourage more female plants.

  3. A higher nitrogen level and a lower potassium level for the first 2 weeks increases females.

  4. Low temperatures increase the num­ber of female plants. Warm tempera­tures make more male plants.

  5. High humidity increases the num­ber of female plants. Low humidity increases male plants.

  6. Low moisture in the growing medium increases males.

  7. More blue light increases the num­ber of female plants. More red light increases male tendencies.

  8. Fewer hours of daylight (e.g., 14 hours) increases the number of females. Longer days (e.g., 18 hours) make more male plants.

  9. Stress: Any environmental stress tends to yield more male plants when growing from seed"