Check out my perpetual grow!

That’s pretty much just what I do and I’ve had very good percentage of success. I soaked too long on my first two attempts and had mush seeds like you described. Then I started using a short soak and it seems to work much better for me.
I had some that I soaked and then put in paper over and over with no tails. I had to take a sheet of sandpaper and roll it in a tube then shake the seeds for a while to work off some of the shell. Then they popped just fine and quickly too.


Geez that’s a lot of work for some hard to pop seeds lol. I should of grabbed that pineapple upside down cake out this morning or said something to my wife before I left and it would of been like a 6 hr soak but oh well I’ll get it tonight and it will be a bit less than 24 hr. Usually I’m lazy and do it overnight but I guess moving forward I’ll try shorter soaking times with hydrogen peroxide and then to the paper towel method


Good luck. We’ll be watching for those babies. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the added information I appreciate it man! Hopefully I can get one of these darn seeds to pop lol


Good morning @HighTilliDie
Sometimes they just don’t pop :disappointed:


Yeah my wife said after the results of this next seed to message humboldts and just let then know and not to demand any seeds. Geez she’s no fun. Let’s be honest I’m hoping they send replacements lmao


Morning @HighTilliDie, for sanding seeds a bit of sandpaper curled into a pill bottle works pretty good. Some seeds just have a thick shell.

@MoBilly when talking EWC you talking planting in straight castings?

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I had to buy for my first attempt and first successful run. After that, I found OG and never have needed to buy another seed. lol
I’ll never get around to all I have and I’ve split a lot of flips with friends when I get them. lol


You just put a layer of EWC in a container and add water until it’s wet but no water puddling on top. Let it set for 24 hours before placing seeds. Then just lay the seeds down on top of the castings, cover and put in a warm dark spot. Tails will be popping. lol
@JohnnyPotseed uses this method and introduced us to it. I’ve used goat manure to some success as well.



Thanks Johnny. I forgot the acclimation period.


I think she is right! I think her logic is that by not asking and just reporting a bad experience, they will want to send you some replacement.
Looking forward to the other pack you started

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Yeah fingers crossed but i got more seeds than i need right now I’ve just heard good things about this pineapple upside down cake so I was eager to get it started and my girl is thinking about saving a mom just in case. Here is a pic from a few days ago on the donutz triploid ladies


I literally soke my seeds in the water/Hydrogen peroxide mix until taproots are exposed. Even then I leave them for another day or so meaning.I have them soaking in water/peroxide for at least 3-4 days. Never going to paper towel straight into peet Plugs or rapid rooter after soke.
Works for me. I achieve Germination rate of ~98%
But to each there own.

I have Purchased and sprouted 5 different cultivars from humboldt seed company. I’ve never had a problem.100% germination rate. I’m thinking you’ve got a dud seed/pack. :man_shrugging:

On a side note i’m excited to see how the doughnuts triploid turn out!

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That’s where I was at with it. I’ve never had any issues with seeds sitting in water and peroxide but it says it can cause damping off so moving forward I will try to avoid that just to number out any possibilities it could be. After this seed success or failure I’ll reach out to humboldts and report my issues/ findings

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Well it looks like I replacing my alternator next week. What really sucks is that its in a horrible spot. I watched a video but it just made me more unmotivated. I let my sister borrow $200 for a car payment and now im telling her husband hey you know that $200 you borrowed I’ll let you keep it if you fix this alternator. I’ll be helping of course but I’d rather pay family than a mechanic and then I can see how to do it for myself for the future. Yeah anyways you gotta take a motor mount loose and move the whole engine forward or backward to squeeze out the alternator im like good lord. Bottom right of the engine and right by the wheel well. Idk why engineers hate us mechanics :sob:


It’s because engineers and architects never have to deal with the reality of the design!! I think both fields should have to work in the field for a year minimum as part of the requirements for the degree


@Emeraldgreen I absolutely agree! The amount of room and stuff needed to be removed to get to this alternator is dumb


I watched his video he’s going about it the hard way. It’s pretty easy if you remove the axle and take it out from the bottom side.


@Hotrods_and_hounds ill have to take your word for it. I’ll pass that Info along to my brother in law who will be working on it with me Wednesday afternoon