Check out my perpetual grow!

Will do. They said thanks everyone for the concerns and positive vibes they appreciate it and look forward to bringing their baby boy Oswald (ozzy) home


Alright so heres an update on the donutz triploid and the 5x5. The donutz triploids are doing amazing! Nice growth very quick. On the other hand I don’t think any of these bigger plants are happy with me. I fed flower water 2x and it threw them off with too much nitrogen so then I flushed and fed veg water next feeding. Well ILGM Gelato, capjunky, and 89 NL5 are still dark and showing signs of nitrogen excess while stardawg corey is turning light green amd getting spots. Looking like cal mag deficiency for the stardawg corey so last watering we fed her with 60% veg water with 2ml cal mag full strength to ease her back into her nutes but next watering I’ll probably up it to 80% strength veg water with the same cal mag levels. I took some pictures then decided wow these plants are looking like crap with all the overlapping leaves so before IPM spray I went ahead and plucked a few off. Hopefully things will get better in the next few days


Here are the other tents. In the mother tent I forgot to water the gary payton and banana OG for a few days and they were pissed. Still not happy but looking much better. The face off tent is looking a bit light green and some of the top leaves are tacoing. Might be time to bump nutes up again? Finally we get to the clone tent and they actually look happy thanks goodness. Idk whats going on around here lately but its got me losing my mind and need to get it dialed in so i can flip the 5x5 to flower and prepare the face off tent for flower as well but i dont want to cause more issues by flipping while having deficiencies. Oh the fun never ends but im gonna learn from this and come back stronger i wont be defeated or beat down my ladies need me to understand what they are saying and im gonna do my best to get down to the bottom of it starting tomorrow


We all have set backs bro, good additiude towards improvements. Notice the issues and adjust. Write things down if you need to keep a record of the finicky plants. Stardawg corey was pretty hungry more them the others on my last run. Which is nice because I like feeding full strength.

Awesome update bro, looking forward to seeing the plants pickup and come back strong with your fixes. Keep on growing brother!


I got the 4x8 setup and then final thing adding the dehumidifier realized that it couldn’t go in its usual spot due to the short drain line. I have more line as its just RO tubing i ran for the gravity drain and I might try lengthing it out and moving to the right like before but this time I turned the whole tent around because for some reason one side has a bigger lip to step over than the other and only one side has windows. I was rather upset but should of expected it. The tent (as per usual with all my other tents by vivosun) is just really cheaply made and it makes me mad there aren’t any other brands trying to make better tents for the shorter heights. This tent I’ve found 3 spots where there is loose stitching hanging out. 2 spots on the zippers, and 1 spot connecting each 4x4 on the top. Not to mention I turn the lights on and you can just see pinhole leaks all around the stitching its like ugh I hate this brand but for my needs I can’t go with any other brand really and it’s super frustrating but at least the tent looks nice. How it performs will be another question. If there is more let downs its honestly to be expected. Step your game up vivosun


Ready to rock and roll!! Put a dab of crazy glue on those loose ares. It’ll stop them from getting worse


Doesn’t that stuff melt plastic tho? I’m down to try it just thought I’d ask before doing so


Possibly, I had not thought about it. If you mist it with water it acts as an accelerant. Give me a bit I’ll try it out on my tent and let you know


Looking at vivosuns website they clearly know this is an issue and suggest painting the exterior of the tent with black nail polish smfh


I left a comment on another thread about this. Some people seem to use gorilla glue or rtv sealant, not sure


I was reading comments for a bit and they all said gorilla tape


I have cheap tents and I used gorilla tape. It lasts a long time but eventually peels off at the edges. I haven’t tried this one yet but there’s a user on these board that recommends something called Liquid Electrical Tape. It sounds pretty awesome and he said you basically paint it on and let it dry.


The liquid electrical tape is cool, it’s pretty messy for what it is. I personal like the gorilla tape. That stuff is handy as hell. But I may also be preferential due to always having it in the garage.


Good afternoon everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far! My car fiascos are finally over. My wives car was a fuel pump which set us back $665 and we had the landlords shop squeeze us in. Part was like $445 then they got us with like $220 of misc crap to get to the access panel underneath the backseat smfh. Then my car was the alternator which was $240 and my sister’s husband came over and helped. He was there like 3 hrs then said yeah I can’t do anymore tonight sorry bye and dipped so I finished it myself this morning as we got the alternator up and studs in then realized there was a plastic cooling plate to divert heat that was supposed to be on it and he didn’t want to do it so he left. This morning I took the alternator off did it right and put it back on with my wives help. Glad to be done with that crap. Then he asks hey you wanna help me do my alternator next? Same exact car just a year older and much more miles I’m like ugh idk man lol. It’s not like he would pay me at all it would just be a hey thanks man I appreciate it. I just got caught up and got some free time so give me a bit to get some pics



Mail call! Thanks to my buddy @GEMI-CONNECT616 I got some new seeds to try out! We have craved cookie which is envee x (GSC x Sunset Sherbert) then Double Purple Midnigjt Pakistani chitral which is PPKC x Midnight Aphrodisiac. I also still have some of his Smoreoz ive been waiting to grow


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far! I got some new pics to share. Sorry for the lack of updates things have been crazy busy on my end and im starting to get upset with myself that I keep running into issues. All will pass with time of course and it’s due to always growing new strains but this set of runs im doing with the face off tent and the 5x5 they are driving me wild with constant deficiencies. Id love to hear any input but I believe it’s all directly related to cal mag in the face off tent and then a mix of cal mag and nitrogen in the 5x5 tent. I know where I’ve went wrong in both tents now. In the face off tent I didn’t add the cal mag as they wanted it and then fed too much nitrogen at one point seeing what would and wouldn’t work. Also for some reason in my stoned mind decided hey I should trim back a bit so now they shot straight up but haven’t popped out any new nodes so I need to top and flip to flower if I’m going to save that run but without seeing new nodes im afraid to. Ideally I’d like to just take another set of clones and restart the run with more strain specific knowledge but besides learning how to care for that specific strain (face off) it’s a waste of 2 months and that’s not ideal. The clones were looking like crap for a bit because I felt the ph get too high in the cloner getting absorbed with the issues going on but I corrected the ph and got roots on 5 of 8 of the plants and I anticipate roots on the other 3 soon. I would keep those in the mother tent to recover and grow while taking clones of the current face off ladies again to reset if I do what I’d like but it’s because I’m not used to topping more than once and this was admittedly a lot to take on so im hoping to get some advice from my friends here on OG. @Emeraldgreen @leetdood @HolyAngel @Hotrods_and_hounds @ItsintheGenetics @MoBilly


What’s the question? Also if you’re going for seed run I don’t think I would personally do a whole lot of training or topping. That’s a lot of stress for the plant and recovery time. So then are you asking about the deficiency? @HighTilliDie

This is just my personal opinion. Do not start over. I’ve had/seen plants that looked much worse than that and they pulled through just fine. They’re really not that bad. My “rip cord” if I’m that far into veg and I have issues is to flip to flower. Once you flip, they will start correcting themselves as long as your issues aren’t drastic. They will require more food and if you’re growing organically, you won’t be able to overfeed them.

Also, I don’t think you need to top them. I don’t have experience with any of the cultivars you have there except the cap junky, but that tent is going to fill in just the way it is. I think topping would be overkill.


Question is really how to proceed with the face off tent and if the def im seeing i correctly identified? I’d like to reset with fresh untopped clones with my nee knowledge about what she wants fed and then keep them small and flip sooner. It was a battle of getting them healthy before flipping to flower and now it’s like man I’d probably be better off to reset with fresh clones. In the 5x5 I’m asking to verify that it’s a nitrogen and cal mag issue as im now going to feed full strength veg water (before was 80% and added cal mag). They have been getting progressively more demanding

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